Meng Qing was like a great enemy.


The light around the Horcrux was magnificent, and the ring where the two were located was completely filled with halos.

It was a long sword, falling from the sky, full of a hundred zhang, and under that light, the barriers around the ring were useless.

The soul power of all the square circles was frantically surging towards this side, and for a while, there was a sea of rivers, and the runes on the long sword horcrux continued to spread, occupying the entire ring.

Meng Qing only felt as if he was carrying several mountains, and the pressure was overwhelming, and even his calves were trembling.

This move is enough to suppress the vast majority of divine souls!

He took a deep breath, his eyebrows lit up, and began to condense the innate runes.

Soon, the first innate rune took shape.

This rune was like a shield in front of Meng Qing, and in an instant, the pressure on Meng Qing's body disappeared.

But this is far from enough compared to the falling blade of light.

Soon, the second innate rune took shape.

The power of the two parties is similar, but it is not enough to take the falling sword blade!

The third innate rune took shape.

At this time, Meng Qing's power increased sharply!

When that sword blade was about to land on the shield wall composed of three innate runes, Meng Qing raised his hand and pointed to those three runes, each injecting a thousand years of time.

Three rays of light rose one after another, and at that moment, someone in the audience claimed that they seemed to see the scorching sun of summer noon.


The blade fell, striking the innate rune, but it was like an egg hitting a stone, and it collapsed first because it could not withstand the coercion.

Meng Qing, who was in the rear, saw the blocked sword blade, and decisively stepped forward, changing his technique, pushing those runes forward and bombarding it.

Then, he cut off the connection with the runes, causing them to disintegrate and remain in the periphery as small fragments.

On the other side, Xu Jianyu's doppelganger's body that had become solidified again was disintegrated before it was stabilized, and the smoke disappeared!

The battle is over.

Meng Qing looked overhead, his time did not rise much, but there was a little more connection with the towering mountain in front of him.

There was a long silence under the ring, and then suddenly a thunderous cry erupted.

Brother Chicken even pulled his throat and roared:

"Master is awesome, master is awesome, master I love you, master I want to give you a monkey!"

Xiao Tai and the others were also shouting, and as for the big men who came here before, they were even more cheering, and they didn't know the light and shadow of their palms.

Fluttershy and Queen Ant were much more reserved, clapping their palms very lightly, their faces full of excitement.

Those who look at the excitement are completely dumbfounded.

That was the all-out blow of the Upper Twenty-Seven Peak Lord!

Unexpectedly said that it was blocked? It's a bit of a joke!

The best result they expected was Meng Qing's victory, but now it was 108,000 miles away from that situation!

Seeing Meng Qing's calm look now, they suddenly felt that the reality was absurd.

And in the face of the congratulations of Xiao Tai and others, Meng Qing calmly said:

"Don't be happy so early, there is still a tough battle ahead, and it's never too late to celebrate the success of winning this one."

Hearing this, Xiao Tai and the others immediately frowned, and they all said: "It's okay, with us, no one can get close!"

Meng Qing raised his hand with a smile and said calmly:

"This is not necessary, you guys watch first, and then you will start when I fight to the point where I can't get up."

Xiao Tai and others were stunned, this proposal is very bold, although it sounds imposing, but a little inattentive waiting for him is no place to die!

"Master, although we believe in your strength very much, these people are not simple characters, please be cautious." Fluttershy spoke up to dissuade.

"Master, let's join you, we will stay by your side, and we will not make a move unless necessary." The queen ant also said.

In this regard, Meng Qing refused one by one, his reason was very sufficient, he said:

"There are people by my side, I can't concentrate on fighting, besides, with these few innate runes on my body, how can I encounter danger?" Rest assured, I have Horcrux protection. The

little lady was not at ease, but she couldn't help Meng Qing, so she had to agree.

Instead, Brother Chicken grinned, he slapped Xiao Tai's shoulder and snapped, and said cheerfully: "Relax, the master will not be knocked down so easily, besides, his strength is much stronger than ours, and we may only be able to help with him!" Below

, seeing that there were signs of quarreling here, the Zhou family couldn't help but roar:

"Meng Qing, quickly put Zhou Jiao down, otherwise you will regret it!"

Faced with these words, Meng Qing was also happy, he grabbed his sleeve robe, and the bound Zhou Jiao like a rice dumpling immediately appeared.

When the latter saw the Zhou family, it was immediately like seeing a savior, and he couldn't shout anything when he opened his mouth.

Meng Qing trampled him under his feet and shouted to the people below,

"Are you interested in this person?" If you want, you can bid for the auction, and the reserve price starts from one year! "

The moment this news was released, everyone present was not calm, and it was auctioned? This is a grand slap in the face of the Zhou family.


One after another, the powerful soul power burst outward, and the Zhou family couldn't sit still at all.

Zhou Jiao is the core figure of the Zhou family, although the strength is not top-notch, but after all, it is a concubine, if it is auctioned by Meng Qing like this, then how should they gain a foothold in the Ziwei Domain in the future?

A young man in a battle robe stood up, holding a halberd-shaped horcrux, took two steps forward, and then threw it with a bang, shouting at Meng Qing:

"Bastard, you let him go!"

Meng Qing was fearless, and when he saw the halberd flying towards him, the young man's whole body battle robe, and the ten thousand years above his head, his eyes couldn't help but glow!

This is a treasure picked up for nothing.

He strode forward, and in full view of everyone, he stretched his hand forward without any protection, trying to grab the halberd.

This crazy move frightened everyone below.

"I grass, take the white blade empty-handed? Don't play like that! "

Is Meng Qing crazy?"

Even Xiao Tai and the others secretly pinched a cold sweat, Meng Qing's crazy actions really scared them a lot.

Zhou Lingfeng roared lowly, he held the halberd through the void, and quickly smashed down with a punch.

The halberd burst out with strong light, and at the same time, fragments of the halberd's body pattern fell, one after another like a dagger.


A hand took the splendid halberd first, and the light emanating from above stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked, but found that the halberd that should have erupted with terrifying power had disappeared at this time, and was held by Meng Qing like a dead thing.

The latter played casually and said with a smile:

"Not bad, I accept this!" Thanks to the halberd sent, my family helped me brush down the big guy six six six!

Zhou Lingfeng roared lowly: "Return my halberd!" "

Another step out, and several punches hammered forward in succession, and even the space in front of him was slightly distorted.

Meng Qing swung his halberd, and he used it as a blunt object and smashed it down.


Zhou Lingfeng's armor was smashed and collapsed, his breath was unstable, and he was accidentally approached by Meng Qing, and the halberd cut off, cutting off one of his arms.

The time of the former was immediately reduced by two thousand years.

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