Soon, his time changed from a figure eight to a head.

The crowd below was still noisy, and they were all blown away by the price of four million years.

At any time, it is extremely rare to sell for more than a million years, especially since this is an auction for the princess of the imperial dynasty!

Looking at the figure of the group of people of the Xia Dynasty leaving quickly, everyone had different thoughts.

The golden bull came forward with a big grin, patted Meng Qing's shoulder hard, slapped it loudly, and then said: "

How is it?"

Meng Qing asked,

"You want it now?" Aren't you afraid that the people of the Xia Dynasty will trouble you in the future?

"I'll be afraid of them? Just kidding, I've been in trouble with those people in the Xia Dynasty for a day or two, do you know how my account came about? It was obtained by killing the creatures of those big forces, so to speak, if anyone catches me, then he will be rich! "Taurus is very complacent.

As soon as these words came out, the aura around him suddenly changed.

The golden bull inadvertently saw that Meng Qing's gaze towards it had changed, and he only felt his scalp numb, and he stepped back again and again, and immediately said:

"Brother, this is not interesting to see."

Xiao Tai and the others bought the holy relic and were furious, but did not cultivate immediately, but became more and more determined to fight with Meng Qing, and they quickly surrounded it.

Taurus panicked again, he let Meng Qing have something to say, and claimed that everything could be discussed.

In the phantom island, the rules they follow are brutal and fearful, and the horizontal is afraid of death, and the golden bull roughly belongs to the second type, but in its opinion, Meng Qing belongs to these three, the kind of unscrupulous and ruthless!

Just when he was frightened about how Meng Qing was going to eat black and black, the latter stretched out his hand to let several spirit beasts all retreat, and he said with a smile:

"We have cooperated before, if we do it to you now, it is a little unusual, rest assured, I still have a bottom line."

He gave him one million years that belonged to the Taurus.

This naturally fell in the eyes of everyone, and they were surprised, could it be that there was still cooperation between them?

Thinking of the previous price increase of the golden bull, they naturally identified the mastermind of all this on Meng Qing, and they unanimously agreed: This person is very scheming and cannot be deeply intertwined!

Soon, everyone dispersed uninterestingly, and the specific news about the auction spread to a great extent.

Meng Qing did not rush to take the Tai Xuan Immortal Spirit Fruit, but went to the Announcement Realm.

There are still people guarding here day and night, and this is not a member of the Phantom Island Organization, but a team spontaneously formed by the warriors in it.

They were worried that someone would come to make trouble, after all, if Zi Yiyue was released, it would be a disaster for the weak warriors in the Phantom Island.

Meng Qing stepped into it.

When they saw him coming, the people who were guarding there were immediately on full alert.

"Don't be nervous, I came to see this person expelled from Phantom Island with my own eyes, after all, I also suffered unfair treatment because of this." He volunteered.

Although those people knew about the previous misunderstanding, they still said:

"Hmph, unfair treatment? If you hadn't sold your vouchers to outsiders without permission, how could this happen?

To this, Meng Qing's answer was very puzzled: "I just did what anyone would do, if you, as the peak master, someone buys it at a high price or your relatives and friends want to exchange vouchers, you don't sell it?" These

people were asked questions.

Meng Qing did not approach the place where Zi Yiyue was imprisoned by the light of the phantom island, but only meditated far away on the side.

Seeing this, those people continued to stand guard, but compared to the beginning, they had one more task to watch Meng Qing.

During this time, the latter's movements in Phantom Island were extremely eye-catching, and they all knew that the latter was not easy to mess with, and they didn't want to have anything to do with the latter.

Not long after, there was a shout

: "Friend, I know you are coming, and now you still hold a grudge against me?" It's okay, I'll be able to catch up with you in a moment. The

owner of this voice was none other than Zi Yiyue.

Meng Qing sat up straight and did not reply.

In his spare time, he also looked at the various artifacts sold on Phantom Island, and he wanted to see if he could buy something.

It seems, he turned to the interface of the Xuan Costume column.

At a glance, Meng Qing couldn't help but look strange, some dazzling clothes were expensive, but the effect was outstanding, if you wear it, even the grass chicken can become like a phoenix!

And others... He saw the set that he wore away from the stone.

The price is 500,000 years, and the specific effect is that in addition to being immune to some attacks, it can also increase the aura base!

He thought for a long time and turned to the Horcrux interface.

"Although the effect of the dazzling costume is outstanding, the effect may not be as good as the Horcrux, and the price difference between the two is very large, and it is not difficult to choose." Meng Qing said to himself, he took a fancy to a defensive Horcrux.

It was a full-body armor called the White Tiger Forest Armor.

The price is 800,000 years, which is already the most suitable Horcrux that he can buy at this stage, whether it is in quality or price.

There is a high probability of immunity techniques and rune-like martial arts, but they will be offset by innate runes, and wearing them can expand the divine soul base by three percent!

"If I had gotten this thing earlier, then my previous battle would not have had to be so hard." Meng Qing sighed.

Fortunately, he now has enough time and does not care about this.

He bought it and wore it on his body, and in an instant, his momentum completely changed.

It was as if there was a small volcano on the surface of his body, which was full of pure soul power, which he could mobilize and dispatch!

"Is this an increase in the Divine Soul Heritage? It's amazing, and I don't know how strong the person who forged this Horcrux was! Meng Qing said to herself.


The entire phantom island trembled again, and at the top of the beam that fell straight down, the formation was brilliant, like a giant's open eyes.

One after another, smooth mirror-like barriers emerged, this is the light and shadow teleportation array, which can teleport everything that happens here to all parts of the phantom island, ensuring that they can all see it.

That neutral and loud voice sounded again:

"Zi Yiyue, because there was no fault during the publicity period and the person who issued the certificate entered the upper peak, the charges against him are now withdrawn."

As soon as these words came out, the venue boiled directly!

Drop the charges? This directly means that Zi Yiyue will regain her freedom in the future!

This is a scene that many people do not want to see.

A peak lord who rushed from a distance shouted: "This is impossible, we have clearly sacrificed our strength!" Phantom Island, why not expel this fang?

Zi Yiyue got up and laughed, and he said

, "It seems that Phantom Island still likes me very much, he is reluctant to let me go, and hopes that I can mention you a little by the way, so that you can become stronger with me!"

The peak lord said angrily: "Zi Yiyue, you have to be stubborn, last time I was negligent, this time, watch me wait to expel you!" "

The Lower Peak Lord came with more than a dozen people, and they sacrificed themselves one after another.

But this time, Phantom Island did not respond.

Zi Yiyue's smile became more and more rampant:

"Look, you are law-abiding good children, but when you encounter this kind of thing, the phantom island does not even bird you, why don't you join me, how about we eat fragrant and drink spicy together?"

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