Lan Xin'er opened her eyes, it was a bed, and her eyes showed doubts, which is this?

Her head hurt, as if she had been beaten violently.

What just happened?

Lan Xin'er was puzzled, she wanted to get up, but she felt that her body was sore, as if she was pressed by a heavy object, her lower body seemed to be unconscious, and it was difficult to even move.

"Lie on your stomach honestly, don't move." A strange voice that seemed familiar came, making her body tense like a conditioned reflex.

She turned around, and when she saw Meng Qing, she immediately remembered everything that had happened before!

Especially when he saw Meng Qing sitting on her upturned buttocks, his face turned livid, and he said angrily:

"You bastard, you actually sat on me?"


She used her whole body aura to shake Meng Qing away, but the latter was like a rock, and she couldn't even make him move!

It's terrifying.

Lan Xin'er used a few still sentient fingers and was about to summon the scepter that had fallen on the ground, when Meng Qing gave her a popping chestnut in her head.

He frowned, "Tell you to be honest, do you hear it?"

Meng Qing had the Origin Qi attached to her hand, attached to Lan Xin'er's whole body, sealing her from top to bottom, unable to move.

"You bastard, if you dare to do anything to me, my family will not let you go." Lan Xin'er was embarrassed, both frightened and angry, and at the same time did not forget to verbally threaten.

"What to do to you? Oh yes, don't you say I haven't remembered it, this lonely man and widow are in the same room, and the field is closed, I see that you are also the boss, how about we have a baby? Meng Qing teased.

Lan Xin'er's eyebrows lit up, it was a rune, which seemed to come from some strong person, and there were signs of breaking the shackles of the Origin Qi.

Meng Qing's palm condensed the innate rune, and he pressed forward, quickly suppressing the light that had not yet dispersed.

He took out the Imperial Kingdom Cold Howl, stepped on Lan Xin'er's back, put the tip of the gun against her neck, and said coldly:

"Give up resistance, or die!"

Lan Xin'er panicked, she felt a cold killing intent, whether it was the innate rune or the spirit weapon that emitted streamers, or the killing intent, it showed that Meng Qing was not an ordinary person.

She had to obey.

Meng Qing once again blocked her whole body with the Qi of Origin, three inside and three outside, except for the place where she was sitting before.

He sat down again, seemed to feel uncomfortable, and moved casually, and this directly made Lan Xin'er blush, and her eyes were full of tears.

Since she was a child, she has never had such intimate contact with the opposite sex other than her family.

She was sobbing softly.

Meng Qing was upset when she listened: "What are you crying about?" Is this very wronged to you? Trespassing into my room and performing three abuses of witchcraft on me, in exchange for other places, your corpse will be cold early, if it weren't for the fact that this Supreme Academy will open, ten of you will not be enough for me to kill!" Be quiet, didn't you want to find a place to live before? Is it bad to keep you lying on your stomach all day now? Lan

Xin'er became more and more aggrieved, if she had the ability to foresee, she would have known that it would be like this, then she would not choose Meng Qing as the target to kill her.

There were many people in this inn, Meng Qingxiu was considered to be a relatively weak type, coupled with her young age, she expected that if she betrayed her appearance slightly, he would be easily deceived.

But I never expected the latter to be so difficult!

But these words were only thought to herself in her heart.

As the night passed, Lan Xin'er gradually accepted this reality, she had tried to send a distress signal, but she couldn't even break through the shackles of the Origin Qi, let alone those outer barriers.

She had to breathe her breath to the extreme, her eyebrows glowing, as if she was specializing in the divine soul, as if she could forget what happened in the flesh.

Meng Qing often got up and wandered, and two days later, when he saw that strange creatures had appeared on the street, he immediately realized that the competition for this initial test would be very fierce.

He had asked Brother Chicken and others to go around to inquire about the news, wondering how many top powerhouses would participate this time.

Brother Chicken did not inquire about the news, but brought back a lot of rouge gouache and other things, he said excitedly:

"Master, the merchant outside said that a man who can't make up for his daughter-in-law is not a good husband!"

Meng Qing looked at the chicken brother who was enthusiastically introducing how much of his demigod medicine the gouache was, and then looked at the cheap gadgets, and couldn't help sighing softly.

The queen ant also returned, and when he wanted to exchange information with Brother Chicken to make sure that the information he got was true, Brother Chicken pointed to the pile of gadgets and said:

"Queen Ant, you teach me makeup!" When I see my daughter-in-law, I must behave well.

She did not answer, but looked at Meng Qing, who nodded slightly.

"Teaching you can teach you, but makeup needs a model, you are a male, and it is not appropriate to use yourself after all."

And Fluttershy and the others also came back one after another, and when they knew what Brother Chicken thought, they said:

"Don't look at me, I won't be your test piece."

Then, as if they had reached some kind of consensus, they looked at Lan Xin'er, who was still lying on the bed.

The latter happened to look at it, and when he noticed Brother Chicken's gaze that seemed to have discovered a new continent, he couldn't help but feel hairy in his heart:

"What do you see me doing?"

Brother Chicken brought a basin of water and said happily: "It's okay, we'll help you make some modifications!"

A scream came out, although Lan Xin'er resisted fiercely, but that resistance was only limited to turning her facial expression into hideous and scary, which did not have any effect.

Looking at Brother Chicken and so on who was busy on the side, Meng Qing turned around and couldn't bear to look at it again, needless to say, for novices such as Brother Chicken, the result of just starting to make up must be a dining table, full of cups (tragedy) and tableware (tragedy).

He asked Xiao Qiang on the side: "Did you find out the news?"

Xiao Qiang said solemnly: "Master, there may be an unprecedented number of people participating in this Supreme Academy's recruitment, as far as I have so far, all the forces that have a little popularity in this Upper Realm have sent disciples to participate!" "

This, Meng Qing is not surprised, after all, it is the force created by several top powerhouses in the world, once entered, it can almost befriend the helm of the top forces in the future, which is simply a great opportunity for some small forces to leap over the dragon gate!"

They don't want to miss it.

"Is that so? So what ruthless characters are in the news you have now? Meng Qing asked again.

"The inheritors of the War Buddha Academy, the small war gods of the Far North War God Palace, the two young lords of the Tianfu Holy Palace, the young patriarch of the Jia clan, Xu Jianyu, Yang Xinglie of the Yang clan, Jiang Linxian of the Jiang clan, the young patriarch of the Lan clan, and some hidden world forces such as the ancient jade of the Gu family, etc., these are all extremely void, they have all crossed a great realm to defeat their opponents!

As for the rest, there are too many to list! Xiaoqiang said.

During this period, some of the forces Meng Qing were very familiar with.

When he heard the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace, his expression immediately moved, and he asked, "The two young lords of the Heavenly Rune Holy Palace?" Know their name?

Xiao Qiang nodded: "Su Pu and Ti Li." "

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