"Fake one pays ten? Then you can simply say ten more words, so that I don't have to bother to verify it at that time. Ping Qiao said.

"I see you're afraid of some serious illness." Meng Qing left after speaking.

"Hey, why are you like this? Don't you think I'm funny? Ping Qi jumped up again and quickly pulled out his legs to chase Meng Qing.

The two continued on, and after about three days, they finally reached their destination.

The token shows that they have come to an end.

"What's over there? There is a flashing light! Ping Qi was surprised.

When Meng Qing opened his eyes, it was a large halo that was even brighter than the first rise of the sun, and there were various points of light in it, as if it was the figure of a living being.

"Go check it out, maybe that's the end." Meng Qingdao.

The two took a step, the speed was not fast or slow, Meng Qing deliberately controlled the steps, so that the pressure on Ping Qing was not too great.

When he was still nearly a hundred feet away, he stretched out his hand to stop the latter: "Okay, the destination is here, our agreement has been completed, now it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Ping Qi threw out a point of light and said angrily: "I've never seen you like this, stretching out your hand in the coffin, dying for money." Are you worried that I will default?

"That's not it, it's just a simple fulfillment of the contract, and the agreement is how it should be."

When they arrived, they were surprised to find that it was a round platform, with many seats scattered like a grid.

"Is there still a quota limit for this initial test?" Ping Qi asked.

"This is natural, the first thousand people successfully advanced, and the rest are cannon fodder regardless of their performance." Meng Qing said calmly.

"Is that so? It seems that this is a bit of luck, yes, I like it. Ping Qi smiled and groaned.

"What about luck, you have to admit that sometimes luck is also part of strength." After Meng Qing finished speaking, he took a step and boarded the platform first.

The huge halo of light flickered, representing the remaining empty spot of light extinguished.

Almost in the next moment, the point of light went out again, and the Ping Qiao also landed here.

There were already dozens of people on this disc, and when they saw the two coming up, they all cast their eyes, and they lost interest in Meng Qing, who was only new to True Martial Arts, with just one glance.

But when they saw Pingqi, many people were stunned.

The first is because of her height, and the second is because of her strength!

Among them, there are some juniors of top forces, and they have also seen many strange people on weekdays, but people like such petite and delicate are really rare, as if they have been cast a small charm halfway but suddenly disappeared, which is very strange.

Some creatures were surprised: "What a heaven-defying strength this should be, the Martial King can reach here."

"Not necessarily, look at these two people should be peers, then the strength of the new true martial arts is not weak, if it is not provoked to have the power to protect themselves here, the two of them can also arrive here if they have a certain luck."

"Then it seems that the little girl is really a lucky star, and I am lamenting why Fang Cai didn't go with her, which just saves the time of killing the enemy."

The corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, he thought that this person was really walking with Ping Qing, I am afraid that it should be too much now.

The two stood above, and while everyone was looking at them, Meng Qing and the two were also looking at these people.

Among them, the strongest are the few people standing at the top, their aura is very strong, they are all too void and complete, everyone is full of spirit, their eyebrows are glowing, and a layer of palpitating qi and blood emerges around them.

It's terrifying.

Xiao Ji sighed and said: "It's a little interesting, these people should all be the children of the top strong races, each of whose cultivation is enough to be proud among their peers, and now they are together, it is estimated that they are also displeased with each other, really expect them to fight!"

"I think they have tested each other a long time ago, but outsiders don't know, and now it seems that they haven't met any acquaintances, haven't they come yet?" Meng Qing said to herself.

This naturally refers to Xu Jianyu.

The latter also has too weak strength, and the cultivation of the divine soul is not weak, even if it encounters a strong enemy, it has the strength to protect itself and retreat, but it has not come yet, which is not normal.

Soon, there was a big earthquake over there, and some creatures were rushing towards it.

It was a tiger as black as carbon, with extremely long fangs, and the hair on its body was like the densest satin when it ran in the sun.

But no one present doubted the horror of this thing, if it was hit, those who were not strong in the flesh would even turn into hedgehogs!

It ascended one of the seats, and the opposite point of light dimmed again.

"This is still the first beast clan powerhouse to arrive here, this Daoist, where are you from?" The woman standing in one of the highest seats asked.

She was dressed in a robe like a neon robe, wearing a crown on her head, like a fairy coming out of a painting, a scepter carved like crystal on the side, and there were streamers emanating from above, and those rays flowed with each other, indescribably brilliant.

"This little nizi is not simple, but it has some similarities to the inheritor in a holy place I have seen before." Xiao Jiao glanced at the woman a few times, and couldn't help but marvel.

"What holy place? If the volume is large, it may continue until now. "

Cloud Sky Holy Land." Euphorbia said softly.

"Ah, I seem to really know that there is a place related to this, called the Yuntian Imperial Dynasty, and I don't know if there is an inevitable relationship between the two." Meng Qingdao.

Who knew that Xiao Halberd suddenly became excited when he heard this, and it kept saying: "There is a relationship, there must be a relationship!" Until a new top power is built, fame is their primary concern! In the same way, the names of some forces that existed in antiquity but are now gradually decaying cannot be easily touched.

"Why? Meng Qing was puzzled.

"There are spirits in heaven and earth, and they will reproduce the traces of forces that existed before, you should commemorate it, and if the new forces have the same name as the previous forces, it will affect the path of fortune in the underworld." Euphorbia explained.

Meng Qing was stunned, this was something he had never thought of, but immediately, he thought of a very important point, and immediately asked:

"If you want to say so, how vast is this upper realm, there will always be something that collides with names, right?" And those forces have all collapsed?

"Not necessarily, maybe there are some people with a harder life in some forces to support the pattern, and if possible, those forces will even be a dragon and phoenix!" Of course, there are very few of them, and the vast majority of them die halfway. Euphorbia said.

As they said this, the tiger spat

out, "I'm from the snowy fields of the Far North, and I'm a scattered cultivator."

The woman gave a thumbs up and said

, "Powerful, I heard that the Extreme Northern War Divine Palace has also sent many strong people this time, how is your relationship with them?"

The tiger said again: "I am not familiar, but if they violate my interests, I will not hesitate to strike!" "

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