Immediately afterwards, the city wall was like a makeshift tofu dregs building, starting from the edge of the city gate and collapsing inside.

Some of the guards were buried under the rubble before they could even react to what was going on.

A few fast-reacting guards shouted, "

Quickly inform the city lord that there is an enemy attack!"

The tentacles continued to move forward, clearly guarding the well-guarded realm, but they were straight forward as if they had entered no man's land.

Meng Qing followed behind, listening to the roars and wails around him, and did not feel the slightest discomfort.

If it weren't for the system, perhaps he would have died in the beast tide at this time, and even hundreds of thousands of people in Mengcheng.

He is not the Virgin, and for those in the hostile camp, he cannot be forgiven!

Some guards glared at him angrily, although some people could feel that Meng Qing's aura was only the peak of blood refining, but because of that tentacle, they did not dare to step forward to block it!

Soon from the city gate to it, more than a dozen auras above the primordial period locked here.

"A bold thief who dares to trespass into our city, no matter who you are, you will have to pay for it!" There were fast-moving elders who arrived, and although the breath of the tentacles made them tremble, when they noticed that Meng Qing's cultivation was only refining blood, they suddenly lost their anger.

Meng Qing smiled at the corner of his mouth, he wanted to know, where did these people have the confidence?

With a movement of the hand, the queen ant's tentacles emitted light, like a long whip waving around, and those beams of light suddenly landed like dumplings.

The tentacles exhausted their last strength after slamming open the gate of the city lord's mansion, and from above, it looked like a giant had slammed a punch at the city lord's mansion along the city gate, and everything along the way was razed to the ground.


A black phantom shadow flew into the sky, and above stood a middle-aged man with angry eyebrows, he was dressed in a training suit, his eyes were piercing with killing intent, staring at Meng Qing closely, as if he would strike at any time.

Fang Ding, the peak of the primordial period, the beast is the Xuanshui turtle!

"Where is the junior, come to our city to mess around, do you know the consequences?!" Fang Ding spoke up, full of oppression.

Meng Qing raised a little and scolded in a low voice:

"What about loading a calf? Give me down! The

queen ant struck, the tentacles trembled, and the purple light expanded forward, like an invisible big hand, shook it upwards, and dragged Fang Ding straight down!

Fang Ding, who was still standing in mid-air, smelled the fragrance of the earth, and only felt a little unreal.

And the others in Fangcheng City Lord's Mansion also looked like they had seen a ghost.

The turtle roared in a low voice, and it was trying to stand up, but the queen roared, and with only one sound, it stopped struggling, and then its hands and feet retracted into the turtle shell.

Meng Qing stepped forward, squatted down, and took out a blood flute:

"Are you familiar?"

Fang Ding's face changed suddenly, and through the light, he saw Meng Qing's face clearly, and couldn't help but say in shock:

"You are Meng Qing? That's impossible! How do you have a blood flute? "

Meng Xuantong has already been killed by me, according to his explanation, all his actions during the beast tide must be subject to your dispatch, including contacting Blood Yi, and tell me where Blood Yi is." Meng Qing decided to blackmail him.

Fang Ding's eyes were shocked, but he lowered his head almost at the same time:

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you, you've been talking nonsense with the blood Yi thief's thing since just now, what do you want to do?"

Meng Qing smiled and said in a low voice,

"You know what? Before this, Meng Xuantong also said so, as Blood Yi's henchmen, you are undoubtedly qualified, and now, I want to know which of you is more powerful.

After hearing this, Fang Ding obviously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he chose to continue to pretend to be stupid:

"I don't know what you're talking about, what blood is easy, my generation of martial artists..."

Meng Qing didn't let him continue, the ant queen fell, the tentacles bloomed cold, purple light appeared, and one of Fang Ding's arms was cut off.

Fang Ding's face instantly turned pig's liver color, but before he could continue to shout, the ant's tentacles touched the wound.

Under Meng Qing's instruction, the purple light drilled into Fang Ding's internal organs along the severed blood vessels, and from a distance, it seemed that there were thousands of purple ants constantly moving under the skin!

Fang Ding's face instantly changed from miserable white to a strange blood red, similar to Meng Xuantong, this is the aura introduction that blood easy to leave in his body, at this time, he sensed the danger and spontaneously protected the lord!

Immediately, those purple points of light drilled upwards one after another, as if two extreme forces were at war!

This pain like ten thousand ants devouring his heart made Fang Ding almost collapse!

In less than ten breaths, Fang Ding beckoned and wailed

, "I said, hurry up and let it stop!"

With a move of Meng Qing's palm, the queen ant retracted her attack, and the red power quickly disappeared.

"You only have one chance, cherish it." Meng Qing said with a faint smile.

"If I say it all, can you let me go?" There was only fear in Fang Ding's eyes, and he felt something more terrifying than Blood Yi in Meng Qing!

"No, but you have to know that there are many ways to die, what you are going to say determines how you die, whether it is Ling Chi or gives you a pain, the decision is entirely up to you, cherish it." Meng Qing said slowly, although his face was not top-notch, it looked absolutely comfortable, but at this time, in Fang Ding's eyes, he was even more terrifying than the demons in hell!

Fang Ding smiled bitterly and said everything he knew

: "Qi Yuan and I are both Blood Yi's henchmen, but my level is not as good as Qi Yuan, all action orders must be dispatched by Qi Yuan, this time to attack Meng Cheng is also the same, tomorrow morning, Blood Yi will set off from Qi City, give me a chance halfway, and then go to Meng City to practice exercises..."

When he got the answer he wanted, Meng Qing nodded slightly, and then asked:"

When I came, although those who dispersed the beast tide had a certain cultivation, they did not carry their own beasts, why?

Fang Ding smiled bitterly:

"Not allowing the beasts to be carried, in fact, Blood Yi didn't intend to let them come back at all, the blood of those spirit beasts is more useful than the warriors!"

Meng Qing was stunned, secretly sighing that this blood Yi was really a ruthless person, and then turned around and smiled:

"Okay, I'm satisfied with your answer, you can go on the road."

"What? Uh..." When Fang Ding was about to ask for mercy, the ant's tentacles stretched out and already pierced his eyebrows.

The Xuanshui turtle wailed, and then also lost its breath.

For the strong people in Fang Cheng who were above the beginning of cultivation, Meng Qing did not let go of a single one, and let the ants work hard and kill them all.

Then, under the leadership of several guards, he took all the treasures of the Fangcheng City Lord's Mansion away, and as for the large ones, he ordered those people to pack them and send them to Mengcheng.

Just as he was about to leave, a young soldier guarding the city said with some hesitation:

"Actually, our city lord also has a huge chicken farm in the east of the city."

Meng Qing was stunned:

"Your city lord likes to eat chicken?"

The little soldier was a little puzzled:

"It seems so."

"How big is that chicken farm? How many chickens are in it? Meng Qing asked thoughtfully.

"At least 10,000!"

"Hurry up and take me there!"

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