Meng Qing's soul power probed outward, but when he noticed the figure in front of him, his brows frowned slightly.

It turned out to be Li Xuanshui!

When he first went down, it was this person who was the first to say that there was an abnormality in the clouds.

He didn't take it seriously.

But Fang Cai's bone trembling, and this person's appearance here and his previous words, Meng Qing felt that things would not be so coincidental.

The two walked forward together.

Seeing Meng Qing's arrival, Li Xuanshui's expression did not fluctuate significantly, sitting next to the stone steps, his legs hanging down on the periphery, looking like he was out of his mind.

For many, a single push can leave a person in such a sitting position dead.

But Meng Qing didn't think so, his soul power faintly probed forward, but found that the former's strength was even stronger than he thought.

After entering the country for a month like him, the latter's strength has reached the late stage of the Cave Heaven Realm, and he is only a little short of the peak!

And the divine soul is also a condensed spirit, and the specific realm he perceives is not real, as if it is covered by some kind of treasure.

Xuan Shu stepped forward with a big grin, sat next to Li Xuanshui, and asked with a grin:

"Senior Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you doing here?"

Li Xuanshui suddenly woke up and was surprised:

"It turned out to be Junior Sister Xuan, oh, it's nothing, the scenery here is good, the two games consume the mind, just take a break here, are you also participating in the final?"

Xuan Shu generously admitted:

"I am a spectator, accompanying Senior Brother Meng to participate in the final!"

Li Xuanshui nodded, with a bit of a look, and then said:

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Meng, your name is thunderous these days, it's hard to know it."

Meng Qing smiled politely, and then asked cryptically:

"I still remember the first time I passed here, you said that there was still a secret realm hidden in this sea of clouds, could it be that Fang Fang was looking for a way here?"

Li Xuanshui's face remained unchanged, and he said with a faint smile: "

Senior brother said and laughed, but senior brother remembers what I said casually, can you not believe it?"

"Ordinary people will definitely be curious about it when they hear that there is a secret place hidden in the sea of clouds, but I see that the scenery here is very good, and I can't help but think, if there is really a secret place here, it must have been the residence of immortals." Meng Qing said so, with a hint of fascination.

Li Xuanshui smiled, and a pair of small eyes almost became a slit: "If such a place really exists, I will definitely find it!"

Xuan Shu was a little speechless, and interrupted the encrypted call between the two who tried each other:

"Go to the arena quickly, you won't be able to participate if you go late."

The three walked down, but when they arrived at the venue, they found that many people had gathered here.

Even if many people were eliminated in the preliminary and semi-final rounds, there are still as many as two or three hundred people gathered here now!

This is a very scary number.

Meng Qing and Li Xuanshui took out the identity token and entered it together.

This immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially Meng Qing!

Someone whispered, pointing his companions to look at the two, as if discussing something in a low voice.

The final has not yet begun, but there are already core elder-level figures in the field presiding, and neither the participating disciples nor the audience dare to make a loud noise!

On the other side, Xuan Shu squeezed to Xuan Yi and the others, and said with excitement:

"Look at what I said, Senior Brother Meng is so powerful, he will definitely be able to enter the final!"

Wang Lang smiled bitterly and said

, "I kind of know, no matter what kind of person a good person does, he is very good!"

The people around him nodded one after another, agreeing with this statement.

But there was also a discordant voice coming out:

"Be happy now, the preliminary and semi-final rounds can rely on back questions and continuous practice to achieve a better score to enter the final, but the final questions are many elders on the spot, you wait to see how Meng Qing is ugly!"

This is Xi Lang, his eyes are vicious, staring at several people fiercely.

When he was in the secret realm, Meng Qing made him suffer enough, and just when he wanted to take revenge later, he found that he had risen to the point that he could not touch in the blink of an eye.

The same disciple who had been in the beginning for less than a month, how could he endure this gap?

Beside him, Fang Yu was also there, and although he did not speak, his expression was not much better than Xi Lang.

Wang Lang clenched his fists: "Back question? Why didn't you make it to the final? If you want to slander Senior Brother Meng Qing, find a better reason!

Xuan Shu sneered:

"Next time, it is better for you to understand the situation before you belittle Senior Brother Meng, I am in the same division as Senior Brother Meng, and he is the first in our division!"


Rao is Xuanyi and the others are a little shocked, it turned out to be the first?

You know, because of random assignment, each competition area may have masters who are usually inconspicuous.

Barely passing the rematch and the first place in the rematch can be described as a world of difference!

And at this moment, a large wave of people quickly dispersed, and the fact that Meng Qing won the first place in the rematch spread instantly.

Xi Lang's face turned red, and finally said indignantly: "That's just his luck, he also won the first place in the final!"

Xuan Yi said coldly on the side: "I think you eat less stones, last time Senior Brother Meng should have changed to a bigger stone and stuffed it in your mouth!"

Everyone's faces changed slightly.

Some time ago, Meng Qing became famous, and what he did to those people from the big family in the secret realm was also said by insiders, and it was widely spread among disciples.

Especially Xilang, who was captured by Meng Qingsheng in the secret realm, almost knocked out his teeth because of a sentence, this is the biggest black history of Xilang today, there is no one!

"Have the ability to say it again? Want to die? Xi Lang's face became extremely cold in an instant.

Wang Lang snorted coldly:

"Let me say, you ate less stones last time, right?" You are the same as the fool who treats the toilet paper of the pear marten as a baby, you are all a bitch, next time you should look to him and eat golden garbage! "

Xi Lang's aura around his body was violent, but before he could attack, a coercive pressure fell from the sky and directly sealed this place.

A guest elder stepped into the air and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Xuan Shu took the lead and said

, "Pray to this elder, Xi Lang verbally insulted the finalists, I wait to fight back, he uses Spiritual Qi, and wants to use force here!"

The elder's brows furrowed, and he noticed the movement here.

Because the identities of both parties are somewhat special, he is difficult to handle.

Although Meng Qing has no power behind him, even several golden elders were temporarily removed from their posts some time ago, and Xuanshu has a good relationship with him, which is obviously not something he can offend.

After careful consideration, he warned the two parties:

"Remembering that you are the first time, do not punish, and if you commit another offense, you will not be spared."

Xuan Shu and the others thanked one after another.

Xi Lang clenched his fists and snorted coldly.

On the stone platform, Meng Qing had a full view of everything that had happened in Fang Cai, his mood did not change at all, and the priority was to win the first place in the alchemy competition first.

As for those people, Shi Yu was right, they were all disciples of the family clan, and there were enough resources, so borrow some resources from them, I think they wouldn't mind!

In the next second, Meng Qing's brows furrowed, and a subtle killing intent that made his scalp numb surged in!

A milli light flew in, almost invisible to the naked eye, pointing directly at his eyebrows!

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