On the way, the three of them rode their own beasts, and Meng Qing let the breath of Xiaoqiang and the three release in order to save trouble, so as to reduce the obstruction of the spirit beasts here.

"What's going on?" When he arrived at the place where he came, Li Xuanshui couldn't help but shout.

They hadn't been in this secret realm for long, but that stone gate seemed to have passed tens of millions and a half years, and it turned into a pile of rubble!

Meng Qing lightly touched it with his hand, and the rubble disintegrated one after another, turning into dust!

"This is indeed where we came, looking at the terrain around us, time has not passed long, of course, this is relative to the inside." Mu Yao glanced at the compass.

This was said very conservatively, but Meng Qing understood the meaning of these words.

They have entered this secret realm, and the speed of time flow is likely to be different from the outside world!

Li Xuanshui said bitterly, "What's going on?" Didn't you tell us before that you can practice seriously and reassuringly?

Mu Yao said a little bitterly:

"That's good, but the people who built this secret realm are too strong, if you set up some means to interfere, what can you do?"

Li Xuanshui was silent.

Those who can keep the treasure art and spiritual law here will not be lower in strength than the Divine Realm!

If such characters are born, killing them only takes one thought!

"Forget it, the priority is to quickly find a way out, quarrels cannot solve the problem." Meng Qing squatted down and examined it carefully.

I don't know if it was an illusion or what, he actually detected a trace of divine soul fluctuation here!

Just as he was about to lift the soil on the ground, Fluttershy suddenly said:

"Master, don't do this, this is a soul guide, once it is unlocked, the entire secret realm will be catastrophe!"

Then, it told Meng Qing that during the time they came, it had an extra memory in its mind, like about the way out.

It said seriously:

"This is the northwest of the entire secret realm, here is the way to enter, correspondingly, there is a stone gate in the southeast, where is the way out!"

Meng Qing nodded and let the two who had no clue follow him, rushing all the way to the southeast.

During this period, the three of them saw from a distance that there was a lot of colorful clouds on a mountain, and thousands of spirit beasts rushed there, as if they were fighting for something.

Xiao Qiang and the three stepped forward to check and finally brought back a red heart flower for him!

"Medicine King! Moreover, it is a treasure medicine of the divine soul, which has a miraous effect on treating the damage of the divine soul! Li Xuanshui's eyes lit up, and he kept rubbing his hands, and he almost grabbed it!

Meng Qing put it away and slowed down as he moved forward again.

There were several more mountains along the way, but before he could move, Li Xuanshui rushed over.

And the harvest is also very rich, there is nothing lower than the level of the medicine king!

During this period, Mu Yao also made a move, bringing a snow lotus like pure white, and the medicinal effect was amazing!

"This secret realm really has a unique place, there are so many medicine kings, and judging by the cultivation of the spirit beasts in it, I am afraid that this is often staged." Li Xuanshui said seriously.

The compass in Mu Yao's hand turned:

"The trend of these mountains and rivers is not fixed, they move from time to time, and there seems to be a majestic spiritual vein below!"

Meng Qing was puzzled:

"There are also spiritual veins in the small world? Isn't it self-contained?

Li Xuanshui explained: "No, the spiritual vein of this small world is estimated to be related to the Yunxiao Sect, and the reason why it is rooted in the sea of clouds is that it is likely that under the sea of clouds is a channel of the spiritual vein, and after tens of millions of years of transfer, it has been assimilated with the spiritual vein."

Meng Qing nodded.

The southeast soon arrived, and as Fluttershy said, there was a stone gate here, dusty and mottled on the surface.

"You don't need any bones, do you?" Li Xuanshui muttered.

Meng Qing said angrily: "Less crow mouth here, in case you want bones, you have to conjure it for me even if you change!" He

stepped forward and pushed gently, and the stone door was pushed open, and a cloud rushed in front of him, very peaceful.

The three walked out of here, but found that this was still the sea of clouds!

The stone gate closes and a path hangs in the air, connecting the two ends, which is exactly the way back.

The three of them moved forward along the path, Meng Qing's expression suddenly moved, his palm moved back, and a ball of light was quietly thrown out, quickly disappearing in the clouds.

When they came ashore, they couldn't help but be surprised, it was still the edge of that staircase!

"Without bones, it's hard to go there again!" Li Xuanshui stretched out, nostalgic for that secret realm.

Mu Yao turned around: "Let's go, what can be determined is that the time flow in the outside world is the same as inside, the Great Sect League is imminent, if you want to get something in it, you need to break through to become a martial king as soon as possible!"

Meng Qing leaned forward, slightly frightened, Mu Yao's breath was very calm, at the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm, he was only a fraction away from King Wu!

Although Li Xuanshui is a little weaker, it is not bad.

Not being in the cave for a few days did not arouse anyone's notice, which made Meng Qing feel a lot relieved.

Open the disciple token, only to find that the unread message has reached 99+!

Open it and see, except for the notifications of various daily activities of the sect, the other news comes from one person, Xuan Shu!

Just like last time, Xuan Shu consulted a lot of information and sent Meng Qing many things about the Great Sect League and competitors.

In the Xuanxiao Continent, although several major sects were in different locations, they often clashed due to resource allocation and changes in spheres of influence.

A long time ago, several major sects often had fire fights, which caused very serious internal friction.

Among them, the Yunxiao Sect and the Shadow Demon Sect are the most!

Later, many great clans joined forces to put pressure on several major sects, and adopted relatively peaceful methods to determine the distribution ratio of new resources or the circulation of secret realms in the past.

This is where the big leagues come from.

Yunxiao Sect, Xuanjian Mountain, Shadow Demon Sect, Liuxian Sect.

This is the main force to participate in the Great Sect League, in addition, some perennial hidden clans will also send juniors of the clan to participate in the experience, which is also a force that cannot be ignored.

"Yunxiao Sect Huojing, Xuanjian Mountain Zhang Ling, Shadow Demon Sect Ye Xin, Liuxian Sect Jinghan." Meng Qing whispered these names.

These are the toughest people officially given.

Xuan Shu said in the message that these people joined their respective sects five years ago at the latest, and the relatively low cultivation of Huojing also broke through the Martial King Realm three years ago, and now the strength is unknown, but it is conservatively estimated in the late Martial King period!

Meng Qing touched his chin and continued to look at the many pieces of information displayed below.

"Well, it seems that except for these few people, the others can not be regarded as opponents, but those hidden clans may send strong disciples, which is a piece of information worth noting."

The hidden world is not that it cannot keep up with the times, on the contrary, only the great clans that have been strong to the extreme for a period of time have the qualifications for the hidden world, otherwise, once the news of the hidden world comes out, it is likely to be besieged by all parties!

According to the previous Great Sect League, there were many Great Clan disciples who performed prominently, allowing the disciples of the four major sects to return.

Just as he was about to continue watching, suddenly a streamer flew over, and Meng Qing reached out to catch it, it was Fluttershy.

Fluttershy's wings flapped gently, and two light masses emerged, levitating in front of Meng Qing.

When he saw the thing in the light mass, Meng Qing couldn't help but be surprised: "You really brought this thing back?!" "

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