
The earth-shattering roar resounded instantly. The powerful palm force mixed with the sword energy invaded in all directions, shaking the entire sky. At a glance, it seemed as if the sky was falling. The void collapsed in pieces, and the scene was horrifying. Extremely.

In the center of the battlefield, the young man looked at the last blow he had unleashed, which was destroyed by the terrifying palm power. He couldn't help but show a trace of despair in his eyes, and his face flashed with bitterness.

Are you going to die?

He is not afraid of death, but he is unwilling to die like this. In the God Realm, he has gone through countless hardships before he stands out from many disciples and successfully wins the opportunity to enter this lost war realm, just to see the sect master again and serve under the sect master. Create greater glory for the Shenxian Sect.

But now, he is unwilling to die without even seeing the face of the sect master!

Back then, he was just a young man from a simple mountain village. If he hadn't joined the Shenxian Sect, how would he have achieved what he has today? Without the Immortal Sect, he would not even know what an immortal is or what a god is.

All because of the Immortal Sect, he not only became an immortal, he was about to become a god, and his strength was even more terrifying than ordinary gods. How could he be willing to die without repaying such kindness?

It's a pity that all the unwillingness is just unwillingness after all. Looking at the terrifying palm gesture that is getting closer and closer, the young man grins and quietly waits for death to come. Before death, he can kill two strong men in the realm of true gods. It’s not a loss at all!

However, at this critical moment, a tall and straight back broke into the young man's sight. Looking at the back blocking him, a strong sense of security suddenly rose in the young man's heart, as if, in this Behind the figure, all crises will turn into nothingness!

I saw a terrifying wave of power suddenly surge above the figure, causing the entire void to tremble crazily. This man just slapped a palm, and that terrifying palm force was enough to destroy his life. It collapsed like a bubble and disappeared without a trace!

In the void not far away, the Demonic Spirit High Priest, who was originally smiling with a ferocious face, suddenly shrank his pupils, and the ferocious smile on his face stopped abruptly, replaced by a look of shock, and his eyes shone with a captivating sharpness. The light stared intently at that figure.


A roar mixed with monstrous rage came from the mouth of the Demon Spirit High Priest, shaking the entire sky.

However, Wang Feng ignored him and did not even glance at the Demon Spirit High Priest. Instead, he turned to look at the young man and asked in a deep voice: "You said you are a disciple of the Immortal Sect?"

However, when he saw Wang Feng's face, the young man was stunned. His whole body trembled involuntarily. Even Wang Feng could feel the excitement on the young man's body.

"Shenxian Sect disciple Li Haoying meets the sect master!"

Li Haoying, who was originally weak, seemed to be filled with infinite strength at this moment. Even the words he spoke were loud and loud, like muffled thunder, echoing over the entire Luoshen Canyon.

God knows how excited Li Haoying was at this time. He thought he would definitely die, but he never expected that he would be saved by someone, or by the sect master he longed for and longed to see.

At this moment, Li Haoying was even a little lucky. He was lucky that he had the opportunity to enter the Lost Battle Realm. He was lucky that he was in the Yao Shen Continent as soon as he arrived. He was lucky that he had a conflict with the demon tribe. Otherwise, he would never be able to see the sect leader.

"Li Haoying?"

After murmuring softly, this name brought back memories that had been dusty for a long time in Wang Feng's mind.

At the beginning, in the ancient world, his Immortal Sect was an enemy of the Yaori Empire, which caused him to suffer a lot when recruiting disciples. It was not until a young man in linen clothes with a stutter appeared that he broke the dilemma of his Immortal Sect.

And this stammering boy in Mai finally succeeded in joining his Immortal Sect, and his name was none other than Li Haoying!

The song The King of Gods Smiles When He Sees Me, The Fairy Shares Many Emotions, The Zongchen Wants to Dance with a Thousand-Jin Sword, Carrying Beauty and Riding the Wind for Thousands of Miles was written by this boy. Therefore, Wang Feng had a deep impression of Li Haoying at the beginning.

If not for the fact that the Immortal Sect of Ancient Heaven and Earth was not taken away by his wife Ye Muqing in the end, Li Haoying would definitely be one of the elite disciples of his Immortal Sect now. However, if Ye Muqing had not taken him away, Li Haoying who followed him might not have achieved what he has today.

Since Li Haoying was taken away by Ye Muqing, he must have known the news about Ye Muqing. This made Wang Feng very excited. Except for the brief exchange with the photo left by Ye Muqing in the holy world, there has been no communication since. News from Ye Muqing.

All along, in addition to wanting to figure out his true identity and develop the Immortal Sect, he has also been following in the footsteps of Ye Muqing. Although his love with Ye Muqing has never been mixed with any distracting thoughts, he does not want to be looked down upon. He wanted to prove that he, Wang Feng, was worthy of Ye Muqing.

It is the combination of these many beliefs that created Wang Feng, the leader of the Immortal Sect who now dominates the Imperial Realm!

"You are very good!"

After pondering for a moment, Wang Feng's face flashed with a smile. He reached out to help Li Haoying up, patted Li Haoying's shoulder and praised him.

Hearing Wang Feng's praise, Li Haoying scratched his head, and a shy smile appeared on his face. He was not as arrogant and powerful as before, but just like a boy next door.

Only in front of Wang Feng, the sect leader, would he look like this.

"It seems that you are also this guy's accomplice? Well, now that you have appeared, don't leave!"

When Wang Feng and the two were excited, a cold snort suddenly rang in the ears of Wang Feng and Wang Feng. Along with this cold snort came a bone-chilling murderous intent.


Feeling this cold murderous intent, Li Haoying's expression changed and he was about to say something, but Wang Feng waved his hand to stop him.

"You have done a good enough job, now leave it to me!"

"You heal your wounds well, and I will talk to you again after I kill this officer!"

Hearing the confidence in Wang Feng's words, Li Haoying nodded. Although he had not seen Wang Feng for a long time, he was still full of confidence in Wang Feng. As long as the sect leader spoke, the demon spirit high priest would definitely not survive!


Wang Feng's words were not concealed in any way. Those arrogant words made the Demon Spirit High Priest not far away so angry that his nostrils smoked, and his eyes were extremely red, as if he was about to spit out fire.


As this roaring sound fell, the Demon Spirit High Priest did not hesitate and exploded directly. The terrifying momentum shook the sky and the earth, like a tornado, raging over the entire Luoshen Canyon.

As the High Priest of Demon Spirits, he holds a high position of authority in the entire Demon Spirit Tribe. Even when he comes to other tribes, he is always a guest and is highly respected by the world. How has he ever been so despised by others?

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