
The originally dark sky suddenly became brighter, and the sun shone down, illuminating Wang Feng's body with golden light, as if he were an unparalleled god-king, with boundless power.

The body of the demon spirit high priest flew out of the void. His whole body was extremely miserable. His body was like broken ceramics, cracked every inch, and his whole body was dyed red with blood.

The whole world, at this moment, seemed to be still, without a single sound, even time and space seemed to be shocked by this scene.

Many powerful members of the Demonic Spirit Tribe opened their mouths with horror on their faces, and their entire bodies were trembling with extreme horror, even the two elders of the Realm of True God.

The majestic High Priest of the Demonic Spirit Tribe, the most powerful man at the peak of True God, was defeated by a mere immortal at the peak? Even on the verge of death?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they felt that this scene was so dreamy, as if they were dreaming.


The Demon Spirit High Priest, who was paralyzed in the void, had a look of panic in his eyes, and roared with a trembling voice. He couldn't believe the fact that he was defeated by a guy at the peak of immortality.

But the constant pain in his body and the gradually disappearing vitality made him clearly know that this fact was true and that he was not dreaming!

Wang Feng glanced at the Demon Spirit High Priest indifferently, with no trace of emotion on his face. That cold attitude made the Demon Spirit High Priest uncontrollably frightened. Before this, he never imagined that he was at the peak of the True God. Will be afraid of a mere immortal peak.


The next moment, Wang Feng flicked his fingers, and terrifying power shot out from his fingertips in an instant, like a rainbow, shooting straight towards the Demon Spirit High Priest.

The terrifying power fluctuations made the Demon Spirit High Priest feel cold all over his body. He wanted to summon up the strength to resist, but his whole body was like a hole and he couldn't raise the slightest strength at all. He could only watch the stream of light moving towards him. Comes lasing.


This roar became the swan song in the life of the Demon Spirit High Priest.

The terrifying fingerlight directly penetrated the forehead of the Demon Spirit High Priest. The terrifying power destroyed his soul and all the vitality in his body. His body exploded like fireworks, turning into little stars and dissipating. Between this heaven and earth.

Li Haoying was stunned by this scene. The Demon Spirit High Priest, who almost put him in a state of death, was killed by the sect master so easily? How terrifying is the sect master's strength?

I originally thought that when we meet again, I can make the sect master proud, but now it seems that he still needs to continue to work hard.

What he aspires to be is a being as powerful as the many guardians of the Immortal Sect, with the guardianship of the Immortal Sect as his lifelong mission. Previously, in the God Realm, they could only listen to a few masters telling some things about the Immortal Sect.

Among them, several guardians of the Shenxian Sect guarded the entire Shenxian Sect and defended the sect leader from countless enemies. This made him and the other Shenxian Sect disciples in the God Realm excited. At that time, he secretly thought in his heart. He swore that he would also become the guardian of the Immortal Sect in the future.

However, what Li Haoying didn't know was that the strength he showed was beyond Wang Feng's imagination. If Wang Feng knew Li Haoying's inner thoughts, he would never be stingy and say: I am proud of you!

"The high priest is dead!"

Not long after, shrill roars came from the mouths of many strong men from the Demon Spirit Tribe, resounding throughout the Luoshen Canyon.

"Kill him and avenge the high priest!"

"Let's go together. No matter how strong he is, how can he stop me and so many people?"

Even with the fear in their hearts, it was difficult to stop the anger of some strong men from the Demon Spirit Tribe. The roars and roars echoed throughout the Luoshen Canyon. Then, hundreds of figures flew up from the crowd in the distance, erupting with astonishing power. , bombarded towards Wang Feng.

Even though they knew their trip was like moths flying into flames, they still had no regrets!

Perhaps, there are also competitions and conflicts in the Demon Spirit Tribe, but when faced with tribal crises, they do not hesitate. Such loyal people are lovely and respectable.

If possible, Wang Feng really doesn't want to kill them, but it's a pity that they are already enemies, so he cannot tolerate being merciful, otherwise, he will be harmed!

When these powerful men from the Demon Spirit Tribe charged toward Wang Feng, the two True God elders from the Demon Spirit Tribe looked at each other, turned around and ran away without hesitation, and disappeared without a trace in a flash. .

Disappearing with them were the remaining strong men of the Demonic Tribe who had not launched a charge.

This scene looks a little funny, but also a little tragic.

Some people risk their lives and forget about death, while others are greedy for life and fear death. It is admirable to risk life and forget death, but it is not surprising for those who are greedy for life and fear death. Everyone has the right to choose their own life. You can say that their character is not good, but you cannot blame others. The family does not give up life and forgets about death.

Wang Feng ignored the fleeing Demon Spirit Tribe strongmen. He glanced at the many attacking Demon Spirit Tribe strongmen and sighed softly. Most of these Demon Spirit Tribe strongmen were at the peak level of immortality. Among the powerful people, there are hundreds of spiritual gods, dozens of god gods, and several powerful holy gods.

They have worked so hard to reach such a state, but they just lost it because of their passion. How admirable and lamentable!


In order to respect these people, Wang Feng directly used the power of his belief in the gods, and used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. The roar of the dragon resounded throughout the Luoshen Canyon, and a huge golden dragon shadow roared out.


In an instant, the huge golden dragon shadow collided with many strong men from the Demonic Spirit Tribe who were attacking. The leading holy god men only resisted for a moment before they were directly hit by the golden dragon shadow. The terrifying power that came out was shattered into pieces, and the whole person completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

Not long after, the powerful men of the Demon Spirit Tribe exploded like fireworks, turning into little stars and dissipating between the heaven and the earth. In the entire world, there was only the golden dragon shadow hovering in the void!

Wang Feng stood in the sky, looking at the void that had turned into ruins. He felt neither joy nor sadness. He hoped that everyone in his Immortal Sect could be as loyal as these people, but he did not want them to have such a tragic moment. , he would not let them be so tragic.

There is no enemy in this world that can put his Shenxian Sect in such a tragic situation.

Pushing all the way, this is the attitude that his Immortal Sect should have!


When Wang Feng was sighing, Li Haoying in the distance had already come to Wang Feng and called out, looking at Wang Feng with eyes full of reverence.


Wang Feng nodded, waved his hand, and disappeared into the Luoshen Canyon with Li Haoying.

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