Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1029 Scorpion Soul Devouring

Feipeng was dressed in silver-white battle armor and was very powerful. He held the Divine Sword of Zhaodan. A fierce aura centered on him and swept across all directions. As the former number one god of war in heaven, Feipeng had killed countless monsters. God knows, on the Divine Sword of Zhaodan, How many killings were involved?

The terrifying sword power was so astonishing that even Mo Yi, a strong Nirvana God, could not suppress Fei Peng for a while. This shocked Mo Yi. He never expected that Fei Peng, a mere peak true god, could actually suppress Fei Peng. Being on par with him, what kind of terrifying combat power is this?

It’s simply shocking!

Fei Peng's whole body was filled with a strong fighting spirit, and with an astonishing sword energy, he blasted towards Mo Yi. Wherever the sharp sword energy passed, everything was torn apart!

That powerful sharpness made even a demon feel terrified. His pupils shrank, and he did not dare to neglect anything. He exploded with all his strength. He was holding a long spear, and the spear shot out like a dragon, as if a man and a spear merged into one, shooting out. , like a shooting star, streaking across the sky!


The two terrifying attacks collided violently, setting off an endless impact of power, causing many strong men who were fighting around them to change their expressions and hurriedly evade.

After the loud noise, two figures flew out from the center of the explosion at the same time. It was Feipeng and Moyi. The void under their feet was filled with the sound of an air explosion. Looking at Feipeng who looked like a god of war, Moyi His face flashed with disbelief.

" can you be so strong?"

Mo Yi exclaimed, even though he has been practicing for countless years, this is the first time he has seen such a terrifying true god peak powerhouse. The offensive he unleashed was of no use in front of the opponent, and was resolved one by one. In the past, the true god's peak powerhouse, which could be easily crushed, became so difficult for the first time.

Fei Peng glanced at Mo Yi indifferently and didn't answer him at all. He held the sword again and stepped forward, as if he was tireless. Even after fighting for so long, his power not only did not dry up, but had a tendency to become stronger and stronger. Let the devil be frightened.

When did the peak True God become so powerful?

What happened to this world?

Although he doubted his life, he did not stop moving and continued to collide with Feipeng.

On the other side, Wang Feng and Shen Youdi listened to the roar of the all-out attack that had just erupted. Most of the powerful gods of the demon tribes were killed or injured. The pressure on many elders of the Shenxian Sect was greatly weakened, and they even began to reverse the situation. From being besieged, Became a powerful man in the divine realm who suppressed the demon tribe!

At this point in the war, the entire situation has become very obvious. Some strong men of the Demon Spirit Tribe who have seen the situation clearly can't help but tremble with fear. Maybe, their Demon Spirit Tribe is really going to be destroyed here today. They never expected it. , this so-called Immortal Sect is so terrifying. It is obviously less than ten gods, but it suppresses his entire demon spirit tribe.

Even Master Mo Yi and many Scorpion tribes could not change the situation of the battle, and they were also suppressed and beaten. What a dreamy scene this is? Even when they saw it with their own eyes, they felt like they were in a dream.

There are less than ten gods in the realm, fighting against the demon tribe? If the news spreads, who would dare to believe it? Who would believe it?

After seeing many elders of the Shenxian Sect gradually turning the situation around, Wang Feng also stopped killing and gave many elders of the Shenxian Sect a chance to practice. He rose into the air, holding the Xuanji Dao Sword, standing in the void, looking around, unable to let go. The strong men of the Shao Moling tribe were horrified.

At this moment, in the eyes of these powerful men from the Demon Spirit Tribe, Wang Feng is no different from the God of Killing. There are not hundreds, but more than a hundred powerful men from the Demon Spirit Tribe who have died in his hands. They are so powerful. Point out.

When Wang Feng withdrew from the battlefield, these powerful gods from the Demon Spirit Tribe all breathed a sigh of relief. They would rather face many elders of the Immortal Sect than Wang Feng, the murderer. In front of him, Xiu Xiu The realm seems to have lost its meaning. Even the peak of the Holy God cannot stop the power of his sword.

"Fei Peng, use the Emperor's Sword Punishment. I will help you kill this officer!"

Looking at the terrifying battlefield that was constantly colliding in the distance, Wang Feng's eyes flashed and he suddenly spoke.

Fei Peng, who was colliding with Mo Yi, heard this voice transmission, his face changed, and the power in his body spurted out crazily, blessing the Zhaodan Divine Sword, and forced Mo Yi away with one sword.

"The Emperor's Sword Punishment!"

After getting a chance to breathe, Fei Peng's eyes burst out with bright light, and without any hesitation, he shouted loudly.


In an instant, a terrifying wave of power burst out from Fei Peng, shooting straight into the sky and scattering all the dark clouds in the sky. The next moment, Fei Peng held up the Irodan Divine Sword in his hand and kept chanting: While chanting the incantation, wisps of inscriptions spread out from his body, condensing into a five-pointed star-like catalog in the sky!


When the catalog was condensed, a sacred and terrifying sword power poured down from the catalog, like a huge mountain of swords, suppressing the entire world, making Mo Yi's entire body uncontrollable. Tremble.

Under the power of this sword, he actually felt a fatal crisis.

"The Scorpion Eats the Soul!"

In the extreme crisis, Mo Yi broke out with all his strength and directly used the Scorpion Tribe's strongest magical power, the Scorpion Soul Eater. It is said that this Scorpion Soul Eater was the first-generation high priest of the Scorpion Tribe. It was realized by the super scorpion beast, and its power is extremely terrifying!


Wisps of smart magic lines spread out from Mo Yi's hands. In the blink of an eye, they densely gathered around him, gradually evolving into a huge scorpion phantom.

When the phantom of the scorpion appeared, the whole world was filled with a terrifying demonic power, as if a supreme magical beast had descended. The phantom of the scorpion looked extremely illusory, but it gave people an extremely real feeling. It's like the real scorpion beast has arrived!


On the other side, the Heavenly Emperor's Sword Punishment displayed by Fei Peng was also completely formed. A huge golden sword shadow emerged from the five-pointed star catalog and slowly pressed down towards Mo Yi. Every time the golden sword shadow dropped an inch, the void They collapsed one after another, unable to withstand the terrifying edge contained in the golden sword shadow.

Even from a distance, one can feel the intimidating edge coming from the golden sword shadow. Such a terrifying battle situation also affected everyone who was fighting crazily. Many people stopped fighting subconsciously and showed their eyes. Looking at the distant sky in shock.

Whether it was the golden sword shadow or the huge scorpion phantom, they all brought a strong fatal crisis to them, as if the god of death was waving to them, and just one glance made them feel cold all over.

Wang Feng, who was standing in the void, saw this scene, his eyes flashed, and the power in his body started to mobilize crazily.

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