Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1054: Discussing with the Great Sage

In the main hall of the Shenxian Sect, Wang Feng sat on the main seat. During this period, although he did not make any external actions, he was not idle internally. Many elders of the Shenxian Sect were sent by him to the Divine Forbidden Tower for training. Even Guo Jing, who had just returned, was no exception!

At the same time, he also selected 30,000 strong men above the divine realm from the powerful demon clan who surrendered to him to serve as the guard army of the Shenxian Sect, and named them the demon army!

The entire demon army was taken into the World Ball by him. With the help of the many training holy places in the world ball, he tempered the demon army and enhanced the strength of the Immortal Sect!

During this period of time, all the Demon Tribe tribes in the Luoshen Mountains were conquered by the Shenxian Sect. Now, there are tens of millions of Demon Tribe strongmen who believe in Wang Feng, including tens of thousands of gods.

Such a huge belief directly allows the belief in the gods in Li Tianding to break through to the peak of god refining. They are only one step away from entering the soul and becoming the ceiling of the entire Lost War Realm!

This made Wang Feng couldn't help but look forward to it. If all the four major races in this lost battle realm were conquered, even if there were only one-tenth of the four major races, the power of faith gathered would be absolutely massive. It’s hard to imagine how far one’s belief in gods and cultivation will reach by then?

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Wang Feng also entered the Divine Forbidden Tower to experience, and successfully broke through from the fifth level to the sixth level, and even reached the peak of the sixth level. However, he was about to enter the seventh level. During the divine ban, he hit a bottleneck and came out of the world ball directly!

At this moment, Wang Feng's eyes flickered as he looked at Sun Wukong standing in the hall and murmured softly: "Great Sage, I have encountered a bottleneck. Why don't you and I learn from each other?"

For most people, the seventh level of divine ban is the realm of the supreme divine ban, but Wang Feng knows that above the seventh level of divine ban, there are eight or even ninth level of divine ban. It is already more difficult than ordinary people to break into the seventh level of divine ban. imagination, let alone the eighth or even ninth level, therefore, he must take advantage of every opportunity to improve himself!

As for the Great Sage Monkey King, Sun Wukong, as a being who dares to fight against heaven and earth, his combat prowess and even combat experience are unimaginable by ordinary people. If he can compete with Sun Wukong, it will be of great help to him to understand himself!

More importantly, so far, he has not really developed the real uses of the four strange things in his body. This time, he does not plan to use any power of the system. He only plans to rely on his own strength to compete with Sun Wukong, hoping to develop The uses of the four strange things outside the body!

"Oh? Are you sure, Sect Master?"

After hearing Wang Feng's words, Sun Wukong had a half-smiling look on his face and asked with interest.


"However, you have to suppress your cultivation to the realm of spiritual gods!"

Wang Feng nodded and said in a deep voice that he had no intention of abusing Sun Wukong at his peak. Even if he used his faith in gods, he would not be a match for Sun Wukong at his peak!

"Okay, since the sect master is so interested, Wukong should accompany him!"

Sun Wukong nodded and said with a smile.

"If so, then join the Immortal Sect to compete!"

Wang Feng nodded and took Sun Wukong directly into the World Ball. At the same time, he activated the power of the system to shield the battlefield he chose to prevent the powerful power that he and Sun Wukong exploded from affecting the entire World Ball.

Nowadays, although the entire world ball is vast in area, it cannot withstand the battles of the powerful gods. It cannot even support the battles of the immortal emperor. If it is not protected by the power of the system, his fight with Sun Wukong is enough to destroy the entire world. The ball is destroyed!

On a towering mountaintop about a thousand miles away from the Shenxian Sect's headquarters, Wang Feng and Sun Wukong stood opposite each other. Both of them looked directly at each other, with fighting intent rising in their eyes!

"Hey, did you hear that?"


"The sect leader plans to spar with the Great Sage Ancestor who is suppressed in the realm of spiritual gods!"

"What? This happened!"

"Isn't that right? It's on the top of a mountain thousands of miles away!"

"I've long wanted to see the strength of the sect master, but I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see him. Let's go!"

"I can't miss such a big battle!"

"Let's go together!"

Noisy discussions resounded throughout the Shenxian Sect. Many disciples within the Shenxian Sect were excited and galloped towards the mountain peaks thousands of miles away. They wanted to witness this unprecedented battle. Some encountered bottlenecks and started from the Shenxian Sect. The elders who came out of the forbidden tower also moved and rushed towards the battlefield!

It is worth mentioning that the mountain peak selected by Wang Feng is not far from the Litian tribe’s residence. Therefore, many strong men from the Litian tribe have also taken notice. Now, after being trained by the Shenxian Sect, the entire Litian tribe, It is no longer comparable to what it was at the beginning. .

Many of the top leaders of the Litian tribe have all reached the fruition emperor realm. The strength of the entire Litian tribe has at least increased countless times compared to when Wang Feng first met him in the holy world!

"I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker, the sect leader or the great sage ancestor who suppressed the spiritual god?"

"The sect leader has always been unpredictable, and the Great Sage Ancestor is even more like a dragon that never sees its end. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Yes! We are definitely lucky to see such a battle!"

For a time, the entire mountain peak was surrounded by densely packed human figures. Many people from the Immortal Sect, with their eyes shining with anticipation and reverence, stared at the two tall figures in the clouds on the top of the mountain!

"Sect Master, take action!"

On the top of the mountain, Sun Wukong looked at Wang Feng and said in a solemn voice.

At this moment, he did not have the slightest hint of laughter, but was full of solemnity. He knew very well how strong the sect master was, suppressing his spiritual cultivation. If he was not careful, he might really be defeated by the sect master!


Wang Feng nodded, his whole body exuding strong fighting spirit.


A terrifying aura burst out of him in an instant. He stamped his back foot, and a roar spread. The entire mountain peak shook, and his whole body rushed out like an arrow from the string, with a bright light shining on his fist. , like a star, smashing down towards Sun Wukong!

At this moment, he did not use his own magical powers, nor did he use the magical powers extracted from many powerful summoners. He only used his own strength to fight against Sun Wukong!

Likewise, this was also the first time that he got rid of any power in the system and fought with only his own strength!

At this time, the power in Wang Feng's body was flowing crazily, and the whole body was exuding a gleaming light. It was the other side body exploding with power. Before the fist came, it had already shaken the void in front of Sun Wukong, making it visible to the naked eye. Get twisted!

"Well done!"

Sun Wukong looked up to the sky and roared. Not to be outdone, he dodged and punched out with the same punch!

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