Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1058 The divine body mutates, the white-haired witch

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" dead?"

"The elders and uncles... are also dead?"

"The relatives of the Tianyong tribe...are all dead!"

The grieving murmur came from Dao Yan's mouth, making Ran Yi on the side full of worry. Even he standing beside him could feel the huge grief coming from Dao Yan!

"Sister Daowen!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise came from Ran Yi's mouth. He quickly supported Dao Wen who had fainted, and disappeared into the forest with Dao Wen in a flash!

Most people cannot bear the grief of the death of a loved one, let alone the direct genocide, in which all relatives die. This kind of grief is simply unimaginable to those who have never experienced it personally.

In a secluded cave, Dao Wen lay flat on the stone bed with a pale face. Ran Yi held Dao Wen's hand beside her. Gentle power poured into Dao Wen's body continuously, restoring her strength. However, the sadness in her heart , but it is not something Ran Yi can heal!


Suddenly, a weak cry rang out. Daowen woke up slowly, his eyes were lifeless, and he was no longer as smart and playful as before. Ran Yi felt heartbroken when he saw it, and he murmured softly: "Sister Daowen, as long as Brother Ran is here, everything will be fine." Past!"

"Father is dead! They are all dead! Now Dao Wen is alone. Dao Wen's heart hurts so much!"

Dao Yan could no longer restrain the grief in his heart, and hugged Ran Yi directly, sobbing and crying, and the crystal clear tears fell down his pale cheeks like rain!


"Sister Daowen, you still have me!"

"Don't worry, Brother Ran will avenge you!"

Ran Yi patted Dao Yan on the back and said gently, his voice was extremely gentle.

"Yes, revenge!"

"You must take revenge!"

Ran Yi's words stimulated Dao Wen and made her wake up from her grief. She opened Ran Yi's arms, with a cold light shining in her beautiful eyes, and said with murderous intent, her voice was firm and cold!

"Brother Ran, Daowen can't wait any longer. Daowen wants to avenge his father and his uncles!"

She looked at Ran Yi solemnly and said in a cold voice. Then, she supported her weak body and staggered towards the outside of the cave. She also wanted to go to the Tianyong tribe to see it. No matter what, she still wanted to Collect the bodies for her father and uncles!

Recalling the happy times in the Tianyong tribe in the past, Dao Yan felt increasingly sad.

As she moved forward, her originally black and shiny long hair gradually turned into snow-white under Ran Yi's trembling eyes, and her entire body was even more frighteningly cold!

At this moment, Dao Wen's Divine Body of Heaven and Human Dao Yun was completely activated under the tremendous grief, and even faintly transformed. The ice-cold aura even shocked Ran Yi!


There was an inexplicable thunder in the sky, as if even the heaven and the earth were afraid of Dao Yan's transformation.


Suddenly, endless dark demonic energy surged out from Daowen's body. These demonic auras were pure and terrifying, as if they were overflowing from the Nine Nether Demon Realm. A huge demonic shadow emerged behind Daowen, and the entire cave was in the air. Under this demonic energy, it trembled violently!

Endless magic lines wrapped around Dao Yan's snow-like skin, as if turning her into a terrifying white-haired witch with a cold aura. Just one glance was enough to make people tremble and tremble!

"Mutation of divine body?"

This scene made Ran Yi's pupils shrink, he exclaimed, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Originally, Dao Wen's Divine Body of Heaven and Human Dao Yun was a divine body of supreme righteousness. It emphasized the unity of nature and man, the natural way of heaven, and respect for the Way of Heaven. But now, under the great grief, Dao Wen, who had just activated the Divine Body of Heaven and Human Dao Yun, actually directly Trigger the mutation of the divine body and evolve its original divine body of heaven and humanity into a divine body of heaven and humanity!

The Tao Yun of heaven and man, man and nature are one, and Tao is natural. But now, the Tao Yun of heaven, man, and demon, people become demons, Tao becomes demon, and heaven becomes demon. The original righteous Tao Yun of heaven and man has turned into the evil and terrifying demon Tao of heaven and earth!

"Sister Daowen, wait!"

Ran Yi suppressed the trembling in his heart, stepped out of the way, grabbed Dao Yan's hand, and said loudly.

"Brother Ran, do you want to stop me?"

Dao Yan turned around, stared at Ran Yi, and said coldly, his voice was cold and ruthless, and he was no longer as soft and agile as before!

Those red eyes made Ran Yi tremble. In those eyes, he seemed to see an endless abyss, as if he saw an endless hell.

"I don't want to stop you, but I want you not to be impulsive!"

"Now, the destruction of the Tianyong Tribe has become a fact. The eyes of the entire Celestial Race will definitely focus here. Even those who destroyed the Tianyong Tribe are hiding in the dark."

"Your physique must have been leaked out. I don't know how many people are coveting your physique. Even your Celestial Clan has people who are not interested in it."

"Under such circumstances, once you go to the Tianyong tribe, you will definitely die!"

Ran Yi looked serious and shouted in a deep voice.

Although Daowen's spiritual body had changed and was no longer as smart and simple as before, in his eyes, Daowen was still the innocent and simple sister Daowen. No matter how she changed, her position in his heart would not change!

"so what?"

"No matter what, I will avenge the Tianyong tribe. If such a blood feud is not avenged, how can my father's spirit in heaven rest in peace?"

Dao Yan's expression remained unchanged and he said coldly.

"Revenge must be avenged, but why do you need to do something that makes your enemies happy and your relatives painful?"

"If you go to the Tianyong tribe now, you will only make those people happy!"

"My loved ones are in pain? How can I, Dao Nu, still have any relatives?"

Dao Wen smiled sadly and said coldly, a drop of crystal tears fell from the corner of her eyes. This might be the last tear of her life!

"You still have me!"

Ran Yi grabbed Dao Wen's shoulders with both hands, stared at Dao Wen's blood-red eyes sincerely, and said extremely seriously.

As soon as she said these words, Dao Wen trembled all over. Ran Yi's gentle eyes pierced into her heart. But the next moment, she forcibly looked away. She was burdened with a sea of ​​blood and hatred. Her heart was already cold. Things of love, At this time, she was not qualified to touch it.

"Brother Ran, let's go!"

"The days spent with Brother Ran are one of the most precious memories in Daofan's life!"

Dao Yan was shocked, broke free from Ran Yi's hands, walked out, and said without looking back.

In just a moment, she disappeared into the cave.

"Sister Daowen!"

Ran Yi's pupils shrank, his figure flashed, and he chased after Dao Wen. How could he let Dao Wen face the crisis alone?

The two of them were running one behind the other in the mountains and forests. Their speed was so fast that they could not be seen clearly, and they could only feel a gust of wind blowing by.

However, the next moment, the two people who were running seemed to have crashed into some strange taboo. One after another, they disappeared directly into the Tiandang Mountains, never to be seen again!

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