Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1067 5 Demons Kill the Sky


Encouraged by Guan Yu's sword, many powerful men from the Immortal Sect no longer trembled. They also shouted loudly and with astonishing power, rushed to the battlefield to fight with Guan Yu against many powerful men from the Demon Zheng Tribe!


In an instant, the whole world shook. The two sides violently collided together, like two huge giants, causing the whole world to tremble. At this moment, many strong onlookers in the distance felt waves of violent force impact sweeping across. It came like a wave, one wave higher than the other, which frightened them.

As the two sides collided, the whole world exploded into pieces, turning into a battlefield of flesh and blood. Every moment, strong men fell. The rich smell of blood filled the whole world, making some of the strong men watching in the distance tremble with fear. !

Standing in the void, Mo Yu and two other Demon Emperors, as well as the five elders of the Demon Lord tribe, looked at this scene, heartbroken and angry. Those who died were all strong men of his Demon clan, even the betrayers. , but once, he was also a member of the Demon Clan. Even so, the blood of the Demon Clan still flows!

But at this moment, they are killing each other, all because of this damn Immortal Sect!


"As members of the Demon Clan, you actually betrayed the Demon Clan and took refuge under this so-called invader. It is simply a shame for our Demon Clan. Are you still going to be stubborn and kill each other?"

Mo Yu couldn't help it any longer. The terrifying peak momentum of the God of Refining swept across all directions. The terrifying pressure directly suppressed the entire battlefield. He stood in the air, glanced at the demon army of the Shenxian Sect, and shouted loudly, his eyes full of hatred. Indescribable heartache!

He couldn't understand, how could this so-called Immortal Sect be able to make the strong men of his demon clan surrender?

"Give you a chance, stop here and capture this so-called Immortal Sect person. I can let the past go, spare your lives, and just demote you into sin slaves!"

I thought this was already a gift to these traitorous demon clan strongmen, but the next moment, the demon army of the Shenxian Sect severely slapped him, the demon king, in the face!

I saw that many strong men from the Demon Legion just glanced at Mo Yu indifferently, and then continued to attack, and even broke out with more ferocious momentum, fighting with many strong men from the Demon Zheng tribe!

"good very good!"

"Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me!"

Mo Yu was so angry that his long hair danced wildly. His anger was like a volcano erupting. His eyes were like lightning, and his whole body was full of momentum. He stretched out his hand and slapped it. The terrifying power condensed into a huge palm print, covering the sky and the sun, like a five-fingered giant mountain. Like this, he was crushing towards the demon army. He was so angry that he no longer cared about it and planned to kill these traitors on the spot with one palm to serve as a warning to others!


However, the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone present appeared!

The entire sky was suddenly changing, and a huge coercion swept across the entire world. Under this pressure, the void collapsed one after another, as if even the heaven and earth could not withstand this pressure, and a huge phantom stood across the sky. .

It was a giant pillar that reached the sky with bright golden light, standing just like that in the sky. Under this giant pillar that reached the sky, the palm prints that Mo Yu erupted seemed to be attacked by an extremely powerful force and shattered. , turned into little stars, dissipated between the heaven and the earth, as if they had never appeared!

Not only that, the terrifying pressure that permeated the sky-reaching giant pillar directly suppressed Mo Yu and many other extremely powerful people. The terrifying pressure was like an ancient giant mountain, suppressing them until they could not move. But all the powerful men above the peak of Vanir God were enveloped by this terrifying pressure!

" is it possible?"

Mo Yu's pupils shrank and he exclaimed in disbelief. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably. He tried his best to break away from this pressure, but no matter how he mobilized, the power in his body seemed to be unbearable. As if under control, they all shrank back, not daring to show their heads in the slightest.

This scene directly stunned everyone present.

Everyone looked at the terrifying golden pillar in the sky, at a loss.

What on earth is this?

Many of the powerful men from the Mozheng tribe who were originally majestic became even more sluggish in an instant. Only the strong men from the Shenxian Sect were excited and trembling, and their momentum was like a rainbow!

On the top of the mountain in the distance, Gu Chengxiao's pupils shrank, staring at the golden pillar, trembling and murmuring: "This... this is...?"

Even from a long distance away, he could feel the terrifying momentum coming from the golden pillar. He finally understood why the Immortal Sect dared to stand so majestically on the Luoshen Mountains, not even afraid of the siege of the Demon Race!

Powerful soul!

Gu Chengxiao never expected that there would be a strong Yuan Shen in the Immortal Sect? How can this be? Doesn't it mean that when entering the Lost War Realm, the highest cultivation level can only be the peak of the Holy God?

But how could this Immortal Sect... do it?

The only explanation is that the powerful soul of the Immortal Sect broke through after entering the Lost Battle Realm, but is this possible? It was even more dreamy than the Arabian Nights. It was so dreamy that Gu Chengxiao couldn't believe this explanation at all.

But other than this explanation, he really couldn't figure out why the Shenxian Sect had a strong man in the realm of Yuanshen?

"Damn it!"

"This Immortal Sect actually has a strong soul?"

The five elders of the demon lord tribe looked gloomy and cursed angrily. They felt the terrifying pressure suppressing them. The five elders looked at each other and saw the fierceness in each other's eyes.

I have no choice but to use my trump card!

Thinking of this, they glanced at Mo Yu hatefully. If Mo Yu hadn't investigated clearly, how could they have suffered such losses? Damn it!

"Five demons kill the sky!"

In an instant, in this moment of silence, five majestic voices resounded throughout the world, and then, five bright jet-black light pillars shot up from the five elders of the Demon Lord tribe and reached into the sky!

Those five jet-black light pillars, entwined with dense magic patterns, are like the Optimus Pillars extending from the demon world. Just one glance makes people feel the boundless coldness, and the whole soul feels like falling into an ice cave!



In front of the mountain gate, Sun Wukong suddenly raised his head and looked at the five jet-black light pillars, with a look of interest on his face. He stood with his arms crossed and did not stop, but looked at the sky as if he was watching a good show!

Such a change also caused everyone present to look at it, feeling the terror of the five dark light pillars, and everyone trembled!

The originally desperate Demon Emperor Mo Yu seemed to have thought of something. A touch of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he exclaimed: "It's the Five Demon Sky-killing Formation of the Mo Xiao Tribe!"

Others may not be aware of the horror of the five demons killing the sky. As the high priest of the Demon King-level tribe, how could he not be aware of it?

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