Wang Feng doesn't care whether Gu Chengxiao really wants to trade with his Immortal Sect or has an ulterior motive!

What he cares about is how much benefit a deal with Gu Chengxiao can bring to his Shenxian Sect?

After the transaction, Gu Chengxiao shared his experience of breaking through the seventh level, even the eighth level, and possibly the ninth level, which was enough to bring great inspiration to many Shenxian Sect elders, and may even lead many Shenxian Sect elders to break through the divine forbidden realm faster.

This alone is enough for Wang Feng to make a deal with Gu Chengxiao. Secondly, the alliance with the Gu family, although it depends on whether Gu Chengxiao has ulterior motives, but with the constraints of the heavenly oath, Gu Chengxiao would not dare to go back on it!

Even if they are the top powerful forces in the God Realm, they may not be able to escape the shackles of the Heavenly Oath. Even if they can escape, the price will be extremely high and it is not worth it.

Besides, do you really think that the Immortal Sect can deceive you at will?

ridiculous! If Gu Chengxiao really has ulterior motives, Wang Feng can only say that he has found the wrong person. When the time comes, when he goes to the God Realm, Wang Feng will let the other party see the consequences of deceiving him from the Immortal Sect!

For now, the pros of trading with Gu Chengxiao outweigh the cons!

"Okay, Gu agrees to the sect leader's request!"

After pondering for a moment, Gu Chengxiao's eyes flashed and he said loudly, just as Wang Feng is not afraid of Gu Chengxiao's regret, he, Gu Chengxiao, is not afraid of Wang Feng's regret!

Putting aside the oath of heaven, just the two words of his Gu family are enough to intimidate more than 99% of the forces in the world. Gu Chengxiao still has this confidence!

"I, Gu Chengxiao, today, in the name of the young master of the Gu family, make an oath of heaven to trade with the Shenxian Sect. If I violate it, I will die without a burial place!"

Afterwards, Gu Chengxiao did not hesitate and made an oath of heaven on the spot.


As Gu Chengxiao's words fell, an inexplicable thunder exploded in the sky and earth. Above the sky, brilliance shone. In the main hall, words were imprinted on the void, shining brightly. It was exactly what Gu Chengxiao had sent. oath.

This means that Heaven has recognized Gu Chengxiao's oath. From today on, this oath will be bound by Heaven!

If he violates it, Gu Chengxiao will not be able to escape the punishment of Heaven no matter where he is, unless he can resist Heaven's law.

Seeing that Gu Chengxiao was so sincere, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction. He looked at Gu Chengxiao and murmured softly: "I will give you ten days to teach you the experience of breaking through to the seventh or even eighth level and teach me the many experiences of the Immortal Sect. Elder, I will help you break through, and whether you can break through or not depends entirely on your own ability!"

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Gu Chengxiao's eyes flashed with blazing light, he bowed his hands and said thanks.

Wang Feng nodded, summoned Guan Yu, and took Gu Chengxiao to rest first. During the time when Wang Feng and Gu Chengxiao were trading, many elders of the Immortal Sect also cleaned up the battlefield and transferred the wealth of many fallen Demon Race strongmen. Collected together, among them, the wealth of the two Demon Emperors and the five Demon Emperor-level tribe elders is the most astonishing!

However, now they are all cheaper than the Immortal Sect. Unfortunately, this wealth is only suitable for the strong people who practice the demonic way. Ordinary people really can't use the wealth of these strong people from the demon clan.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng also informed many Shenxian Sect elders about the transaction with Gu Chengxiao, so that if they encounter any doubts, they can go to the place where Gu Chengxiao is and seek answers from Gu Chengxiao!

After receiving the news that Wang Feng said, many elders of the Immortal Sect were excited. Although there was a Divine Forbidden Tower, every level of the Divine Forbidden Domain was extremely difficult to upgrade. Normally, they would seek each other out and solve each other's doubts. Now they finally have a tower. The top beings who have entered the eighth level of the Divine Forbidden City can solve the puzzle. Naturally, they don't want to let it go, and they all go to the place where Gu Chengxiao is!

On the other side, after destroying the two invading demon king-level tribes and the three demon king-level tribes, Wang Feng also asked Sun Wukong to lead a team to these major tribes to completely conquer the remaining strong men who stayed in their tribes. , strengthen the powerful demon clan of his Immortal Sect, and enhance the power of belief in the gods in Li Tianding!

In the following period of time, except for Sun Wukong returning from time to time with the powerful men from the major tribes, the entire Immortal Sect was peaceful and calm. However, both Wang Feng and many powerful Immortal Sects knew that the calm was only temporary. It won't take long for a bigger storm to hit the Shenxian Sect!

At the same time, the blue sky fell into the sea.

The entire Biluo Sea is huge and is located in the center of the Lost War Realm. It connects three continents. Although it is a sea area, its rich resources far exceed those of the other three continents. The Sirens who rule the Biluo Sea are also from the Lost War Realm. The strongest race among the four major races in the world!

In addition to the endless sea area, the entire Biluo Sea is also dotted with densely packed islands. Some of these islands are extremely huge, and some are as small as rocks. It is worth mentioning that these islands are obviously rich in resources, but the other three People from the big races don't dare to intrude at all, because there may be strong men from the Siren Clan stationed on these islands. If you are not careful, you will never return!

Compared with the other three major races, the Kraken Clan is different. It is not formed by tribes, but by ethnic groups. For example, the most powerful ruler of the Kraken Tribe, the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, is the leader of the Kraken Clan!

On a certain island, two shirtless figures were lying on the beach, sunbathing happily.

"Brother, when will this day end?"

Gu Chou looked helplessly at his eldest brother Gu Gengchou and asked helplessly.

After arriving in this lost war realm, they appeared on this island. To their surprise, the entire island was deserted and the resources were rich beyond imagination. Imperial medicine can be found almost everywhere, and there are even many magic medicines. .

God knows how excited they were at first? During these days, the two of them used the divine spring as water and the imperial medicine and magical medicine as food. The luxury was unimaginable. During this period of time, such a huge accumulation of resources also made the cultivation of the two Guchou brothers. Successfully broke through to the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Unfortunately, as time passed, the two of them gradually felt bored.

Without him, although this island is good, it is too bland and deserted, and there is no place that can make people feel passionate.

As everyone knows, if anyone knew that the two Guchou brothers had such an opportunity, but they were still not satisfied and lamented that they were not passionate enough, they would probably be spitted to death!

Such an excellent treasure land has made many people envious and jealous!

"Brother, there's nothing I can do. If you want to die, just go out!"

Gu Gengchou shook his head and sighed.

It's not that the two of them have never thought about leaving the island, but whenever they step into the sea, a fatal crisis keeps coming to their minds, as if there is a voice in their minds, constantly urging them not to step into the sea easily!

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