Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1074 The Secret Realm Opens

The Demon Dragon Clan is the most powerful branch of the Sea Demon Clan. Its leader, the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor, is not only one of the strongest members of the Sea Demon Clan, but also the leader of the Sea Demon Clan.

Long Xiao, the ninth son of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, is equivalent to the son of the high priest of the strongest tribe of the other three major races. His status is undoubtedly the highest among the younger generation of the four major races in the entire Lost War Realm.

But such a noble being did not dare to show any slightness at this moment. He stood respectfully on the sea and saluted to the island in the distance.

Because the sleeping ancient behemoth in front of him is also one of the strongest beings of the Sea Monster Clan. Even his father, the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, dare not neglect him. This ancient behemoth can be called the strongest being in the entire Sea Monster Clan. One of the ancient beings is the Optimus Pillar of the Kraken Clan, and he is also the one who guards the secret place of the Kraken Pilgrimage!

The Secret Land of Siren's Pilgrimage is rumored to be one of the seeds given by the demon god. However, unlike other places of pilgrimage, this Secret Land of Siren's Pilgrimage is the most special. Not only is it huge and ancient, with endless opportunities, it can be called the top pilgrimage place, and it can also be artificially Control is on!

And this sleeping ancient behemoth, the Black and Yellow Turtle, is said to have been favored by the God of the Sea and was given the power of the Kraken Pilgrimage Secret Realm. It not only guards the Kraken Pilgrimage Secret Realm, but also needs to pass through it if you want to open the Kraken Pilgrimage Secret Realm. With the consent, it will be opened by it personally!

At that time, the Xuanhuang Divine Turtle and many of the most powerful members of the Kraken Tribe, including the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, reached an agreement. Once the secret land of Kraken Pilgrimage was opened every hundred years, many of the top Kraken Tribe clans could send their younger generation to enter the Kraken Pilgrimage. Explore and experience in the secret realm!

"The Siren's Pilgrimage to the Secret Land? What is this?"

In the ancient forest on the island, Gu Chou could not help but murmur in a low voice, his eyes flashing with light. Next to him, Gu Gengchou also had golden eyes. How could it be unusual for so many terrifying and powerful people to covet him?

Thinking of this, the two brothers couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw the eagerness in each other's eyes. If possible, the two brothers really wouldn't mind following them to have a look. Anyway, on this island, they almost faded away, and they stayed there all day long. Panic, fearing that the giant beast would wake up suddenly and jam them between their teeth.

Instead of worrying all day, it's better to give it a try.

Yes, their cultivation strength is indeed not as strong as these sea monsters, but what they are most proud of is their cultivation qualifications? no! It is their wisdom that allows them to do things that ordinary people cannot do, so that they can gain a greater sense of accomplishment.


At this moment, a thunder suddenly exploded over the entire sea level, and then huge waves swept across the sky. The huge island suddenly shook, frightening the two brothers Gu Chou to tremble and become more and more nervous. Their eyes were dead. Staring straight ahead, trembling at the horrifying sight!

At this moment, there are nine waves rising up, like nine pillars supporting the sky, standing above the sea level. The rolling waves are sweeping in all directions. The height of the waves is nearly ten thousand feet, but these ten thousand feet of waves are It didn't affect the island at all, and it didn't even invade the sea water at all.

Even though they knew that the Black and Yellow Divine Turtle had not woken up, whether it was Long Xiao or the other powerful men from the Kraken clan, they still bowed respectfully and waited with their heads down, not daring to show any signs of neglect when they saw such movement again.

The Black and Yellow Divine Turtle, as a member of the turtle clan with a long lifespan, every time it sleeps is a kind of retreat practice, and it can last for millions of years. If every hundred years, the secret realm of the Siren's Pilgrimage is opened, it will Just wake up and not be bored to death?

Therefore, long before sleeping, the Black and Yellow Divine Turtle had already left a spiritual thought, stipulating that every hundred years, the secret realm of the Kraken Pilgrimage would be opened for many powerful Kraken clan members to enter it to explore and experience!


In an instant, nine tornado wave pillars slowly gathered together to form a huge wave sky. On this sky, endless waves surged, but at a certain moment, time and space seemed to have stopped, and the gushing waves were frozen in the void. , the originally rolling waves also stagnated, as if there was a mysterious force that suppressed the entire world!


Under the trembling eyes of the two Guchou brothers, a beam of light rushed up from the back of the black and yellow turtle where they were, and shot straight towards the sky of the waves.

There is no doubt that the beam of light fell directly on the canopy of waves, shattering the entire canopy of waves. However, the water did not fall into the sea, but was intertwined with the broken light pillars, and in a certain pattern, Start spinning!


After a while, a grand and majestic blue picture appeared on the sea level. When this blue picture appeared, the originally still waves fell one after another, and the whole world recovered again.

Immediately afterwards, blue light shone out from the catalog, and mysterious inscriptions emerged from the catalog. These inscriptions were intertwined in the catalog to form a huge shadow.

The two Gu Chou brothers, who were hiding on the backs of the Xuanhuang Divine Turtle, had wide-eyed pupils and stared at the shadow. They discovered that the huge shadow was like a huge blue stone tablet, which made them tremble even more. Yes, this blue stone tablet is very similar to the shadow of the sacred tablet that appeared when the Lost War Realm was opened.

The only difference is that the shadow of the monument is blue now, while the shadow of the monument at the beginning of the Lost War Realm was pitch black!

The two brothers looked at each other, puzzled in their hearts. However, after thinking for a long time, they could not figure out the connection. However, both brothers understood that this so-called secret land of sea monster pilgrimage was definitely not simple.

If you have the chance, you must enter!

The two brothers looked fierce and thought to themselves, with determination flashing in their eyes. Perhaps in the eyes of others, they were uniquely blessed to be able to land on this black and yellow turtle and get such an opportunity, but the brothers' desire for strength was far away. It’s not something ordinary people can compare to!

How can one rob someone without strength? If you don’t have the strength, how can you show off?

Although the island transformed from the back of the black and yellow turtle is good, it is full of cultivation resources. After being devoured for a long time, their bodies have become immune to these resources. It is very difficult to go further, but this sea The demon's pilgrimage to the secret realm is an opportunity!

Perhaps, this secret realm of sea monster pilgrimage can help them step into the forbidden realm mentioned by the sect leader!


While the two Guchou brothers were meditating, the huge blue catalog changed again. The original blue back had disappeared, replaced by a huge blue light door. This light door stood in the blue. From the catalogue, looking from a distance, it looks like a gate to time and space, extremely mysterious.

"Thank you, Mr. Turtle!"

Seeing the appearance of this giant door, Long Xiao and others bowed and said loudly, although the Black and Yellow Divine Turtle has not yet awakened, they must do what they should do!

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