Reluctance and anger filled Sheyou's heart, almost making him lose his mind!

After finally fighting to death that lizard beast, and just about to enjoy the fruit, who would have thought that Li Gen, a yellow bird, would appear. God knows how painful Snake You was feeling at this moment?

If only Li Gen had appeared earlier and helped him kill the lizard beast, Snake You would not have been so angry.

But now, he had no choice but to compromise, unless he wanted to fight Li Gen at the risk of his death. If he could fight Li Gen to death, he wouldn't mind fighting Li Gen.

But he knew very well that in his current state, he would never survive a battle with Li Gen. Even in his prime, he had little chance of defeating Li Gen, let alone now?

Under Li Gen's smiling gaze, Snake You glanced at Li Gen coldly, said nothing, turned around and walked towards the cave. Seeing this, the smile on Li Gen's face became even stronger, and he Ignoring Snake You's attitude, he followed closely behind him and walked towards the cave.


But the next moment, both She You and Li Gen paused, their pupils shrank, and they stared at the cave. Although the footsteps were very slight, how could they not hear it because they were such figures?

How... how is it possible?

Is there anyone else? Even got the treasure one step ahead of him?

Snake You's face was gloomy and uncertain, his eyes were extremely red, and the murderous intent permeating his body made the void around him distort in a manner visible to the naked eye.

Li Gen's expression was equally ugly. Together with She You, he stared at the entrance of the cave. Finally, under their cold gazes, two figures slowly appeared in their sights.

Those two people, tall and straight, handsome and handsome, have very similar looks. It is obvious at a glance that they are twin brothers. What's more important is that these two people are actually just ants at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm?

At this moment, Snake You felt that his whole heart was about to explode. He was fighting the lizard beast outside, but in the end, two ants from the Immortal Emperor Realm plucked the fruits of victory?

How ridiculous!

If word spreads, how can he, Snake You, have the dignity to stand among the Siren Clan? He could even feel the mocking gaze from Li Gen beside him.

However, Li Gen didn't look at She You at all, but stared at the two Gu Chou brothers. These two guys were extremely strange and not from his Siren Clan at all.

In other words, after they entered the secret realm of Siren Pilgrimage, these two guys were also around? He even entered the holy land of his Siren Clan without knowing whether he was alive or dead?

When will it be the turn of outsiders to get their hands on the holy land that the Siren Clan opened in a century?

At this moment, Li Gen's eyes were cold, and murderous intent kept emerging in his heart. He didn't know what the treasure in the cave was. Therefore, he didn't have She You's complicated mood. All he thought about was to combine these two things. Any outsider who dares to enter the holy land of his Siren Tribe will be killed on the spot!

How dare two mere ants of the Immortal Emperor Realm touch the holy land of his Siren Clan? It’s so desperate!

"Come die!"

Suddenly, a cold roar resounded throughout the world, but it was Snake You who couldn't bear the shame anymore and took action directly!


A terrifying aura burst out from Snake You, shaking the whole world. His whole body seemed to have changed, and he appeared in front of the two Guchou brothers in an instant. His generous hands flashed with powerful power fluctuations, and he slapped fiercely. out.

In the heaven and earth, the endless power of the gods gathered together to form a terrifying giant palm, like a five-fingered giant mountain, bombarding towards the two brothers Gu Chou. The impact of the terrible power caused the sky above the two brothers Gu Chou's heads to rise. The void was shattered like a broken mirror.

Under such a terrifying offensive, the two brothers Gu Chou remained calm and stood at the entrance of the cave calmly.

"Brother, do you take action or do I?"

The next moment, words that made both She You and Li Gen confused suddenly sounded out.

What happened to this world?

This idea appeared in the minds of She You and Li Gen at the same time. A mere ant in the Immortal Emperor Realm actually spoke nonsense in front of them, and even hesitated about who would take action?

They are existences at the pinnacle of the Holy God!

Could it be that these two guys are crazy?

"Come for brother!"

"Just give it a try to see your improved strength!"

The next moment, She You and Li Gen heard words that made them almost go crazy. Then they saw Na Gu Gengchou take a step and said lightly, without even looking at the palm prints that fell from the bombardment on his head, as if he didn't want to put the palm prints at all. In the eyes!

"No, big brother!"

"I want to try it too, how about you and me, one for each?"

Gu Chou stopped Gu Geng Chou and spoke out.

"All right!"

Seeing Gu Chou's eagerness to try, Gu Gengchou felt helpless and nodded.

But the postures of the two of them made She You and Li Gen go crazy. In front of these two peak Holy God experts, how dare these two ants of the Immortal Emperor Realm be so arrogant?

Immediately afterwards, a scene that stunned the two of them appeared!

I saw that when the giant palm covering the sky was about to hit the two Gu Chou brothers, Gu Gengchou didn't even look at it, and directly punched upwards. The overbearing fist rushed up, and the majestic power gathered into a series of fist seals. , if ten thousand fists are galloping, they all attack towards the palm print.


If there was a thunderous roar, the palm print that covered the sky and the sun shattered under the endless fist light, exploding like fireworks, turning into little stars, dissipating between the heaven and the earth, and even Not even the corners of the clothes of the two Gu Chou brothers were touched.

This scene, which was like a fantasy, made She You and Li Gen dumbfounded. The entire world view was on the verge of collapse. When did a mere ant in the Immortal Emperor realm be able to crush the attack of a peak Holy God powerhouse with one punch?

It is true that She You didn't use all his strength just now, but when he took action with anger, he also exploded with at least 80% of his power. The average peak god of Qian couldn't stop the palm he just made, let alone the peak of Immortal Emperor Realm?

But this dreamy scene actually appeared in front of them.

"This fellow Taoist, when we meet for the first time, why do we need to fight and kill him?"

"I will be even more worried in the future. I have to thank my fellow Taoists for blocking the lizard beast for my brothers. Otherwise, my brothers will not be able to obtain the treasure in the cave, let alone reach such a point!"

"You are such a good person!"

After destroying Sheyou's blow, Gu Gengchou straightened his clothes, solemnly saluted Sheyou and said loudly.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for the gift!"

"I, Guchou, this is the first time in my life that I have seen such a selfless person as my Taoist friend, blocking the vicious beast with his body and giving the treasure he discovered to my two brothers!"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Chou also saluted She You and shouted loudly.

But their gestures and even their words sounded sarcastic to Snake You's ears!

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