Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1090 Chaos Yin and Yang Slash

Looking around, they were all densely packed with bubbles, which was extremely dreamy. However, the two brothers Guchou felt endless murderous intent. The bone-chilling murderous intent made the two brothers feel like they had fallen into an ice cave. If they had not already reached the peak of the sixth level of divine ban, And with a hint of the power of yin and yang, it is really possible to sink into this endless dream bubble!


In an instant, the two brothers stretched out their hands to grab, and a sword appeared in their hands. The powerful and cold sword intent rose from their bodies, shaking the entire void!

"Heaven-cutting sword!"

"The Ultimate Sword Intent!"

Two thunderous roars came from the mouths of the two brothers at the same time. The violent power gathered in the swords in their hands, arousing the cold and narrow sword light and sword light. In an instant, dense sword aura and sword energy arose. , bursting out from the swords in their hands, permeating the whole body, as if turning the land around them into a sword domain and a sword domain!


As their swords fell, the dense sword energy and sword energy around them gathered together as if they were being pulled. They spurted out like a rain of swords. The terrifying and sharp sword energy and sword energy split the void and moved towards the surroundings. The dense bubbles bombard away!

"Bang! Bang...!"

The endless sharp sword edge collided with the dense bubbles, and the deafening roar resounded throughout the world. The bubbles were broken by the sharp sword energy and sword energy, and the powerful force impacted, turned into a storm, and headed towards Sweeping in all directions, the entire ground was lifted up with a thick layer, and the sky was filled with billowing smoke!


In the endless smoke and dust, two figures rushed out, carrying an astonishing momentum, and charged towards Li Ming. The sharp sword energy and sword light could be felt from a long distance away. Ordinary true gods would be frightened when faced with such a sharp attack!

However, Li Ming did not dodge, her eyes were focused, and as her body flashed, waves followed her, like a goddess of the sea, running out, waving her crystal clear jade hands, rolling the pieces The waves shot out like sharp swords!


Suddenly, three figures collided together, and a deafening roar resounded throughout the entire mountain forest. The violent impact of power swept across all directions, destroying the originally lush mountain forest into ruins. Looking around, the beautiful mountains and rivers were not there, only the violent power was raging. .

The attack speed of the three people was extremely fast. Every move and every move contained endless murderous intent. If you are not careful, you will be plunged into the abyss. Li Ming is worthy of being the young master of the Carp Demon Clan and the supreme genius of the Sea Demon Clan. , even in the face of the joint attack of the two Guchou brothers, he still looked calm and calm, waving his white jade hands one after another, smashing the swords and swords that were blasting away!

However, her heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface. Instead, it was rolling like a stormy sea.

Since her growth, this is the first time she has seen such a terrifying and powerful Immortal Emperor Realm expert. Her world view is even faintly collapsing. When will a mere Immortal Emperor Realm person be able to fight with a being at the peak of True God like her? Is this the case?

If word spreads, no one will believe it, right? It was even more dreamy than a fantasy. She really couldn't figure out why the two Gu Chou brothers were so powerful. It was simply beyond common sense!

"Girl, just go ahead and capture her, don't waste your efforts!"

"My brothers only want money, don't force me to wait for someone to kill you!"

Gu Chou waved the long sword in his hand, slashing out a domineering sword energy, and shouted loudly at the same time, trying to influence Li Ming's state of mind and make her reveal her flaws.

However, as the young master of the Carp Demon Clan, Li Ming was far beyond the capabilities of Li Gen and She You they had encountered before. Such words alone could not affect her state of mind at all, but instead aroused her ferocity!

"Carp Dragon Sword Sea!"

A clear and cold roar came from Li Ming's mouth. Her bloodless white hands suddenly waved. The speed was so fast that one could not see the trajectory of her swing at all, and could only see phantoms.

At the same time, a vast and majestic force spurted out from between her hands. Under the guidance of her hands, it gradually formed layers of waves. The difference from before was that this wave was actually made of dense sword energy. The composition, even these sword qi, are not ordinary sword qi, but carp dragon sword qi!

It has the tyranny of a dragon and the gentleness of a carp, like a combination of strength and softness, with unimaginable power. As soon as Shi appeared, the hearts of the Gu Chou brothers jumped at the same time.

In this blow, the two brothers felt a strong crisis, which made them not dare to neglect, and they also broke out their strongest move at the same time!

"Chaos Anode!"

"Too confusing cathode!"

Loud roars came from the mouths of the two brothers. At this moment, the two brothers held nothing back. Not only did they unleash all the power of the sixth level of divine ban, they also mobilized the power contained in their own physiques to the extreme.

This is the first time they have used all their strength since they reached the peak of the sixth level of the Divine Forbidden City. Li Gen and She You before were not qualified to let them use their full strength, but facing this extremely beautiful and charming Li Ming, But they dare not hold back anymore!


In an instant, a terrifying and mysterious aura rose from the two brothers. The place where the two brothers stood turned into darkness on one side, as if even the light of heaven and earth had been swallowed up, and on the other side turned into a vast expanse of white. Everywhere was filled with white light, and the two of them looked like yin and yang, looking strange and strange.

Such a scene made Li Ming's heart skip a beat, and a solemn look flashed on her pretty face. At this moment, she felt an unprecedented crisis, and even had the idea of ​​​​escaping from here immediately, but she knew very well that escaping at this moment was definitely a mistake. Whether it was death or life, she gritted her teeth, but luckily she gave it a try and burst out her power again, frantically adding to the offensive she unleashed.

As a powerful person at the peak of the True God Realm, she actually wanted to escape in front of two guys who were only at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm? How does this work?


With Li Ming's blessing again, the carp dragon sword sea she unleashed became even more terrifying. The sharp and sharp aura swept across the entire world, making people tremble even from a long distance away!

"Chaos Yin Yang Slash!"

Just after Li Ming's blessing broke out again, the two Gu Chou brothers roared in unison. The mysterious auras bursting out from their bodies gathered together in an instant. One black and one white originally merged directly, forming a unique chaos. color light.

Immediately afterwards, the swords in the hands of the two men slashed at the same time. The sword light and sword shadow shot out in an instant and gathered together in mid-air to form a huge and terrifying chaotic yin and yang slash. With this cut, it was impossible to tell whether it was the sword light or the sword. Shadow, the only thing that can be felt is the endless terrifying edge!

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