Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1095 The more you fight, the stronger you become


In an instant, the sound of dragon roars and sword whistles resounded throughout the world, and a brilliant and swift sword light flew out diagonally, like a rainbow piercing the void, with a cold light that chilled even the bones.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon shadow roared out, and each dragon scale was lifelike, as if a real divine dragon had come to the world. As soon as Shi appeared, the whole world was filled with the terrifying power of the dragon!

One sword and one palm struck at the two demon tribe elders, Mo Yi and Mo Ling respectively. The terrifying fluctuations made the two demon tribe elders not dare to be negligent, and they used all their strength to defend!

Once he gained the upper hand, Wang Feng did not stop, but continued to attack. Although he was focused on two things, there was no pause. Instead, he was very coherent. The sword energy and palm shadows were densely covered and layered, making it difficult to guard against.

At this moment, Wang Feng has both domineering palm gestures and cold sword intent on his body, making him look like an unparalleled god king with both swords and hands. His power is unparalleled, and every movement of his body is revealing. A frighteningly powerful force!


The deafening roar resounded continuously. Under Wang Feng's airtight attack, the two top elders of the demon tribe, Mo Yi and Mo Ling, could only passively defend themselves, unable to do anything to defeat Wang Feng. !

This scene shocked the elders of the Demon Tribe who saw it in the distance. The two elders, Mo Yi and Mo Ling, were the top elders of his Demon Tribe. Even looking at the entire Lost World, they were all standing at the top. But even such a being was blocked by a mere intruder like Wang Feng. Even in a two-on-one situation, they were unable to do anything to the other party.

When did the invaders possess such terrifying strength?

Even Demon Xiao, the high priest of the Demon tribe, was surprised. For the first time, a look of fear appeared on his face. He was able to block the two elders of Demon Yi and Demon Ling. He was not even weak. Wang Feng already had the power to let him A strength that everyone must pay attention to!

But Wang Feng still has to die!

No intruder can break into the holy land of his demon clan and leave unharmed!

The demon owl waved his big hand again, and an elder of the demon tribe stood up behind several old men. He was tall and tall, dressed in dark red robes, and his face was covered with magic patterns. What was even more striking was that his His hair was long and blood-red, like floating flames.

The great elder of the Demon Tribe, Mo Lie!

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the strength of this person. The three words "Great Elder" are enough to explain everything. Being able to become the Great Elder of the Demon Tribe means that Mo Lie's strength is only lower than that of the High Priest Demon Xiao. In addition to the old monsters hidden in the Demon Clan, Mo Lie can almost be called the second strongest person in the Demon Clan!

This kind of person will receive great courtesy even if he comes to the other three major races in the Lost World. No one dares to underestimate such a terrifying existence!

This is also the first time in Mo Lie's life that he has taken action against an intruder. In the past, although intruders have also come to the Lost Realm, they are not even qualified to let him take a look, let alone take action!

In the past, which of those intruders didn't hide here and there like dogs? He simply did not dare to take the initiative to attack the four major races of his. How could it be like this time? Not only did this reckless guy break into the holy land of his Demon Race, but also the so-called Immortal Sect dared to destroy the Demon King and even the Demon King of his Demon Race. Demon king-level tribe!

Mo Lie moved. He did not dodge in front of Wang Feng like the previous two elders. Instead, he walked towards the battlefield step by step. With every step he took, the power on his body became stronger. From his The demonic energy surging out of his body became even more vast!

It looks like a peerless demon god has awakened from the ancient times and is about to crush the heavens. As he steps forward, the whole world is filled with an unspeakable depressive solemnity, as if under his power. Below, the entire world turned into a quagmire, making it difficult to move at all!

When Mo Lie stepped into the battlefield, black demonic flames were already filling his body. This demonic flame swallowed up the sky and the earth, as if it could turn all power into nourishment. The fighting power of Wang Feng and others were impacted by this. Devoured by waves of black demonic flames, the overwhelming demonic flames have enveloped the entire battlefield, making the entire battlefield dim!


His eyes flashed with black flames, and he raised his hand suddenly. As if being pulled, the demonic flames around him gathered crazily towards his fingertips. In less than a moment, the overwhelming demonic flames had disappeared. Instead, there was a tiny wisp of flame at Mo Lie's fingertips!

But just this small flame made Wang Feng feel a great crisis. The hairs all over his body stood on end and he couldn't help tensing up, as if he was being stared at by an ancient ferocious beast. His back could not stop shivering. .


As soon as Mo Lie pointed out, the wisp of fire suddenly shot out. Wherever it passed, the world collapsed and the power dissipated. It was as if everything under this wisp of fire was swallowed up, seemingly weak. , but it contains unimaginable terrifying murderous intent!

The most important thing is that Mo Yi and Mo Ling seemed to have sensed the opportunity and planned to cooperate with Mo Lie to kill Wang Feng in one fell swoop. They all burst out with powerful moves. The terrifying demon energy rolled like a tide, and fist marks were The spear light swept across and blasted towards Wang Feng with unparalleled momentum. The terrifying power was enough to make any strong man at the peak of his soul tremble.

"One sword can separate the world!"

"Humanity Dragon Seal!"

Faced with such a terrifying offensive, Wang Feng had to use two natal magical powers in succession. The bright sword light and the terrifying dragon seal burst out at the same time, and the whole world was shaken. At this moment, Wang Feng looked like a god and a demon. , infinite power!


Under the eyes of Demon Xiao and others, several terrifying attacks suddenly collided together, and deafening roars resounded throughout the world. The entire battlefield covered by heaven and earth collapsed one after another, turning directly into ruins, and violent power swept across. , even the elders of many demon tribes were knocked back several steps by this terrifying force!

The only ones who can stand still are Demon Xiao and those old men who have gone through many vicissitudes of life!

After a long while, the smoke and dust in the sky gradually dispersed. However, what moved Demon Xiao and others was that Wang Feng was not dead, but only suffered some injuries, not even serious injuries. How incredible?

Even Demon Xiao himself, facing the attack from the three Demon Lies just now, felt that he could not safely block it. He was only as strong as Wang Feng. In other words, this intruder actually had Is he so powerful?

How can this be?

As the leader of the Demon Clan, in the entire Lost World, the only ones who can be as famous as him are the clan leaders of the other three major races. How can a mere intruder reach such a level as them?

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