Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1254: Burning everything down

Good brothers are good brothers, but they are not strong enough to avenge themselves. What can I do?

The Heaven Controller Ghost comforted himself, glared at Yuanshi Tianzun fiercely, and planned to leave the valley that he loved and hated.

Because of this valley, he obtained the Heavenly Corpse and had the most terrifying body in the world. Also because of this valley, his dignity was completely destroyed. After possessing this kind of body, he still had to run away in despair. Looking at the entire world, I am afraid that Is he the only one?

He knows his shame and then becomes brave. One day, he will get his revenge back with all his capital and profits!

The ghost in charge of the sky thought like this, and then, with a flash of his body, he was about to leave the valley.


But at this moment, a burly figure with brilliant golden light suddenly appeared in the direction he left. Without saying a word, he punched him directly. The huge fist glowed like the bright sun. Penetrating the void, it appeared in front of him in an instant.


Feeling the terrifying fist light, the face of the master of the sky changed drastically, and without any time to think, he punched out.

A roar resounded, and the powerful force swept out in all directions, shaking the entire valley. The terrifying counterattack force pushed back the ghost master of the sky. Even though he was physically strong, his arms could not help but feel numb, and he was in shock. He looked at the burly figure with brilliant golden light.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

The ghost looked gloomy and shouted in a cold voice, "There is a tiger behind the wolf, what the hell is going on?"

"Donghuang Taiyi, the eighth generation ancestor of the Immortal Sect!"

When these words were heard, the eyes of the Heaven Master shrank, was it this damn Immortal Sect again?

What kind of force is this Immortal Sect? There are strong men one after another, but they are all such terrifying guys? During the years when he was sleeping, why had the world changed so much?

Just from the punch just now, he could feel that Donghuang Taiyi's physical strength was no less than his, and even a bit more powerful than him.

What kind of monster is this Immortal Sect?

The Heaven Master was speechless and trembling. He found that he, the supreme Heaven Master, had everything go wrong after meeting the Shenxian Sect, as if the Goddess Sect was their natural nemesis.


After responding to the ghost voice of the one holding the sky, Dong Huangtai's eyes turned cold. A bright golden light flashed on his fist, and the flames like a furnace swept away. The huge fist light was mixed with the terrifying flames, with unrivaled power. , and smashed into the ghost holding the sky.

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun also exploded. His whole body flashed and appeared behind the ghost in an instant. His kick swept out like a divine dragon waving its tail. The sound of blasting through the air was heard, and the terrifying force shook the void to pieces.

Attacked from both sides, the face of the master of the sky changed drastically, and his whole body tensed up involuntarily. The terrifying force had already made his scalp numb even before it hit.

"Damn it!"

The ghost cursed angrily and tried his best to explode his strength. He punched Donghuang Taiyi with one punch. At the same time, he twisted his body and swept towards Yuanshi Tianzun with one kick. Under the attack of these two terrifying strong men, he could not even escape. Lose.

If he dared to escape, he would only die faster. It would be stupid to expose his back to two such terrifying strong men. Therefore, even if he was frightened and uneasy, the ghost still chose to fight to the end.


Muffled thunderous roars exploded one after another, like a whirlpool of power impact, centered on the battlefield, sweeping away, the entire valley shook, rocks fell, and smoke filled the sky.

Wang Feng and Sun Wukong stood on the edge of the cliff, staring at the battle in the distance in the void, their eyes unblinking. Sun Wukong's eyes flashed with a touch of reverence. Although he boasted of his extraordinary strength, he also understood that between Yuanshi Tianzun and Dong In front of the two Huang Taiyi, he couldn't see enough.

He seems to be very famous, calling himself the Monkey King, but he can't even deal with the Tathagata Buddha, otherwise there would be no victorious Buddha. And these two, one is one of the six great saints, and the other is a saint. No matter who the first person is, he is the one he needs to look up to.

But Sun Wukong firmly believes that one day, he will reach the heights of these two people, because he is the ancestor of the Immortal Sect, and the sect leader is an unfathomable mysterious existence. Following him, his future self will surely be able to ascend peak.


There was a roar, and under the attack of Donghuang Taiyi and Yuanshi Tianzun, even though the ghost holding the sky had the body of a heavenly corpse, he was beaten back by the two, although Donghuang Taiyi and the two could not destroy the heavenly corpse. The physical body, but the power they erupted continued to shake into the body of the ghost who held the sky. The terrifying power made the ghost's face turn pale and blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.


The demon holding the sky looked up to the sky and roared. He was extremely aggrieved. He originally wanted to sweep the world with the body of the sky corpse, but he didn't expect that he would be taught by the ancestor of the Laoshizi Immortal Sect as soon as he came out? It is unbearable!

The severe pain aroused the ghost's bloody nature. His eyes were red, and he burst out with cold murderous intent. The Shura ghost path swept out without reservation, and the Shura ghost patterns were jumping and dancing around him like gray elves!

"Shura Ghost Sword!"

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and many Shura ghost patterns gathered in an instant, condensing into a gray-brown long sword in front of him, which was held by the ghost in the palm of the hand.


In an instant, the Shura sword intent that seemed to come from hell swept out from the ghost. The majestic power made the Shura ghost sword continue to tremble, and there were harsh sounds like the cries of evil ghosts.


The ghost in charge of the sky rose into the sky, roared, and slashed with the Shura Ghost Sword in his hand. The terrifying sword energy cut through the sky and slashed towards Yuanshi Tianzun and the two of them. The sword energy was densely packed, like a rain of swords all over the sky. There was almost no gap, and the entire sky was torn into pieces by the extreme edge.

In this blow, the ghost master of the sky almost used all his strength, not only using all his Shura ghost power, but also using all the power of the sky corpse body. If this blow could not kill or hurt the two Yuanshi Tianzun, He must die.

This is the final sword!

Seeing the dense sword energy, with the eyesight of Yuanshi Tianzun and the other two, how could they not see the ghostly state of the one holding the sky? The two looked at each other and smiled.

If the ghost holding the sky is entangled with them with the body of the corpse, even if they can kill the ghost holding the sky, they will definitely have to fight hard for a long time, but now, the ghost holding the sky is forcing themselves to death!

"Chaos Clock!"

"Three precious jade as you wish!"

Two loud voices came out from the mouths of Donghuang Taiyi and Donghuang Taiyi one after another. Mysterious auras rose from them and intertwined in the sky. Above the entire valley, it suddenly dimmed, and two pictures flickered. The catalog with faint light shines in the sky.

Under the catalog, dragons and tigers roared, and visions abounded, as if the world was welcoming the arrival of some terrifying divine creature!

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