In the World Ball, in the Shenxian Sect Square, dense crowds of Shenxian Sect disciples are already waiting here.

"See the Sect Master!"

When Wang Feng's true form came, all the disciples of Shenxian Sect stretched their necks and shouted, the loud voice resounded throughout the world ball, and eyes full of reverence were cast towards Wang Feng.

Fortunately, the Shenxian Sect Square was large enough, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate these hundreds of thousands of people.

The strong men of the three major races such as Demon Xiao and the Netherworld Fire Clan were shocked when they looked at the huge world ball and the many disciples of the Immortal Sect. They did not expect that Wang Feng actually had such a perfect secret realm in his hands. And there are so many disciples hidden among them.

Although the cultivation of these disciples is not strong, they can all feel that the qualifications of these disciples are good, but their aura is a bit empty.

Wang Feng stood above the square with his hands behind his hands, looking down at the many people of the Immortal Sect. His whole body burst with great pride, and a loud voice came from his mouth, resounding throughout the square.

"This gathering of you all is a great opportunity. I hope you can be rare!"

When Wang Feng finished speaking, everyone's eyes showed a hint of expectation. People like Wang Feng could call it a great opportunity. Can you imagine how big this opportunity is?

At this time, Wang Feng is the overlord who controls the Three Continents of the Lost War Realm and controls countless powerful men!

Can he take advantage of ordinary opportunities?

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, Wang Feng waved his hand, and the soul crystal suddenly appeared in the sky above the square. When the soul crystal appeared, everyone present was in an uproar.


" this soul crystal?"

"Oh my god! How much pure soul power does such a large soul crystal contain?"

"No wonder even the sect leader said it was a great opportunity!"

"I don't know where the sect master got such a terrifying soul crystal?"

The sound of gasps resounded, and many people from the Shenxian Sect present were talking in shock. Each of them almost dropped their jaws. Strong men such as Mo Yu even showed a blazing light in their eyes, staring at the soul. crystallization.

They who have reached Star God can feel the terrifying soul power contained in this soul crystal. No wonder the sect has gathered so many people. The terrifying soul power in this soul crystal cannot be easily refined by a single person.

"How much you can refine depends entirely on your own abilities!"

"You're welcome, go all out to refine it!"

Wang Feng glanced at the crowd and said loudly, then he lowered his body and sat cross-legged directly under the soul crystal. Next to him, Sun Wukong sat cross-legged. With the two of them as the main ones and the others as supplements, they worked together to refine the soul crystal. .

Further outside, there are Li Bai and many other guardians of the Immortal Sect and the sacred beasts that protect the sect, followed by many elders and powerful men from various major races such as Mo Yu, and then followed by many elite disciples such as Li Qing and Ran Yi, and the outermost are Among the many disciples of the Immortal Sect with the weakest cultivation base.


Wang Feng and Sun Wukong looked at each other without hesitation. The terrifying soul power swept out of them, surged towards the soul crystal, and began to refine the soul crystal.

Almost at the same time, the rest of the people also burst out their soul power and rushed towards the soul crystal.


In an instant, the soul crystal shook, and terrifying soul power surged out from the soul crystal, like a vast sea, covering Wang Feng and others, making Wang Feng and others tremble.

Wang Feng was extremely lucky in his heart. If he hadn't asked so many people to work together to refine it, he and Sun Wukong alone would probably have been directly dispersed by this terrifying soul power. Even if so many people worked together to refine it, he could barely bear it. The terrifying soul power that comes from constant feedback.

Although there was some pressure, it was still within the range that Wang Feng could bear. He calmed down and tried his best to refine this soul power. If a torrent of majestic soul power poured into Wang Feng's mind, Wang Feng's mind The soul of destiny trembled crazily, greedily absorbing this terrifying soul power.

Not only that, the phoenix egg suspended in Wang Feng's mind also came to join in the fun. Crimson light swept out from the phoenix egg, competing with the soul of destiny for this terrifying soul power.

Even the Heart of the World-Suppressing Monument and the three fragments also absorbed this soul power, leaving Wang Feng speechless for a while. Forget about the phoenix egg, people have souls after all, but you haven't pieced it together yet. Why join in the fun?

After cursing for a moment, Wang Feng suppressed his distracting thoughts and continued to refine with all his strength.


There seemed to be a soul storm over the entire square, and the terrifying soul power enveloped the square, making it impossible for ordinary people to pry into it.

Outside the square, Li Tian and the God of Heaven stood in the sky, looking at the terrifying soul fluctuations in the square. The God of Heaven had a look of envy on his face. Unfortunately, he believed in gods, otherwise he would also want to absorb this terrifying soul power.


The world of gods, a mysterious place.

Ye Muqing stood with her hands behind her hands, a pair of beautiful eyes, deep and bright, looking down at the rolling sea of ​​clouds. Her long black hair danced with the wind, like a peerless goddess looking down at the world. She was alone and exuding a frightening atmosphere. Moving momentum.

Behind her, Hell Senlong, Desolate Sky Demon God, and Tianxuan Daozu stood quietly, but their eyes flickered from time to time, explaining their inner unrest.

"Why did the Empress want us to come?"

The Desolate Sky Demon God secretly transmitted his voice.

If there is nothing important, these people will not gather together for a long time, because if their auras gather, it is very likely that the person holding the sky will spy on them and find their location.

"I don't know, it must be something big!"

Tianxuan Daozu shook his head and responded.


Just when Yan Yu Senlong was about to say something, a beautiful figure appeared out of thin air, it was Di Qin.

Seeing the appearance of Di Qin, Yan Yusenlong and others looked at it one after another, their eyes full of exploration.

"Two things!"

Di Qin ignored the gazes of Yan Yusenlong and others and spoke directly.

"First, the owner of the Samsara Heavenly Demon Divine Body who was personally trained by the old guy Wu was born. Wu threw him into the Panlong Heavenly Palace to be tempered. I can't enter that place and can't touch him!"

Panlong Tianque is one of the dangerous places in the God Realm. It is extremely dangerous. Over the years, only one out of ten monks from the God Realm has entered it. However, those who can come out have basically gained great fortunes, and their cultivation level has improved a lot even at the least.

Moreover, the secrets are so chaotic that it is impossible to calculate them at all.

"Second, the Wanhua Heavenly Thunder God manifests in the world of Qingyun!"

As Di Qin's words fell, Yan Yu Senlong and others looked at each other. No wonder the empress summoned them. Each of these two things was not a trivial matter.

The first thing is to understand that the old guy is one of their old opponents. They know his nature well. Without a certain degree of certainty, that guy will never dare to let the owner of the Samsara Demon Divine Body step into the Panlong Heavenly Palace.

Once this person comes back from training in the Panlong Heavenly Palace, I am afraid he will be incredibly strong.

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