Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1284 I can exchange 1 for 1

The victory in the fourth game allowed the Kraken Clan to regain a bit of a disadvantage. Now the Kraken Clan has lost two, tied and won. Overall, the final winner is still difficult to predict, and the battle situation is even more confusing.

This final battle is set to win seven out of ten games. In other words, if the Kraken clan wants to win, they must win all the next six games.

This level of difficulty is still very high. Even the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor doesn't have much confidence.

In contrast, the Shenxian Sect can still lose one more game and only needs five wins, which is slightly less difficult than the Siren Clan.

It can be said that the next battle is very critical for both sides.

Winning or losing a game may very well determine their future destiny.

"Sect Master Wang, please send someone!"

The Demonic Dragon Ancient Emperor's face slightly condensed, he looked directly at Wang Feng and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the entire atmosphere of the Phantom Ghost Pilgrimage Secret Realm seemed a bit oppressive and heavy. People on both sides held their breaths and did not dare to breathe.

Outside, many geniuses from all over the world also clenched their palms, looking nervous.

"You think, if neither side achieves seven wins in the end, will this final battle be over?"

A genius voiced doubts.

Once they fail to reach seven wins, neither side will be convinced by the other. After all, there is no seven wins, which proves that the strength gap between the two sides is not too big, and they may not be willing to surrender to the other.


"When this final battle has reached this point, the entire Lost War Realm must have an overlord. Even if it does not reach seven victories, the two sides will continue to fight. By then, it may evolve into a terror that affects the entire Lost War Realm. There’s a big battle!”

You Tianjiao shook his head and said solemnly, with a touch of solemnity in his words.

Once the two sides fight, the battlefield will surely affect the entire Lost War Realm. By then, it is very likely that people like them will also be affected.

After saying these words, the many geniuses from all over the world present felt a little heavy.

Once such a world-shattering battle affects them, I don't know how many of them can survive safely.


At this moment, a cry of exclamation woke up the worried people. They quickly raised their eyes and their pupils shrank. They saw many top geniuses in the God Realm, with absurd expressions on their faces.

"Is he crazy?"

"Looking at his momentum, he should have reached the peak of the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm. Looking at all the worlds, he is at the top of his game. But at this level, he wants to compete with the strongest people at the peak of the Star God? Isn't it too foolish to talk about it!"

"This is floating!"

"You are really stupid. You obviously have a huge advantage, but you insist on committing suicide!"

Many prodigies from all over the world were talking about it, and their words were full of anger that hated iron. They really couldn't understand what the leader of the Immortal Sect was thinking.

Although the Shenxian Sect once again walked out of a powerful person at the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm, which shocked them, Wang Feng's operation made them laugh, and the laughter even overshadowed their shock.

Yes, the one who fought in the fifth battle was Wang Feng himself!

At this moment, Wang Feng was already standing on the stage, with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor and others.

Even the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor and others never thought that Wang Feng would take action himself in this battle? Judging from his cultivation level, he is not yet at the divine level!

At the beginning, the Demonic Dragon Ancient Emperor might have sneered and secretly scolded Wang Feng for not overestimating his abilities, but now, he only felt solemnity and horror in his heart.

He is not one of those prejudiced geniuses from all over the world.

Would an overlord who could create a huge Immortal Sect, unify the lost land of three continents, conquer three major races, and conquer the gods, be a fool?

If such people are all fools, then there will be no wise people in this world.

Even though we have the advantage, the other party still dares to step onto the ring, which is enough to prove that the other party has enough confidence to defeat the strong man at the peak of Star God. Although it is a bit unbelievable, he intuitively tells the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor that the other party must have this strength. !

"Dragon Skeleton, this battle is up to you!"

After pondering for a moment, the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Dragon Skeleton, the first ancestor of the Ancient Demon Dragon Clan, is currently the second strongest of the Ancient Demon Dragon Clan after the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor. Among the many Star God Ancestors of the entire Sea Demon Clan, he ranks among the top three, and his strength is unparalleled. Measurement!

Dragon Skull nodded, and in a flash, he appeared directly on the ring. He cupped his hands towards Wang Feng and said loudly: "Dragon Skull, I have met fellow Taoist!"

"Wang Feng, I have met fellow Taoist!"

Wang Feng also returned the salute and said.

"I'm very curious. Why is Sect Master Wang confident that he can match the peak of the Star God before he has entered the divine realm?"

"I have seen a lot of geniuses in my life. I don't dare to say that my eyesight is invincible, but I think it is pretty good. But I have never seen anyone who has not entered the divine realm and can rival the peak of the Star God!"

Dragon Skull finally asked everyone's thoughts. Except for the members of the Shenxian Sect, everyone present was puzzled.

What kind of courage gave Wang Feng the courage to make such a decision?

Not to mention that the Dragon Skeleton has never been seen before, even many geniuses from all over the world have never seen such a person. They have never appeared in the entire history of all over the world!

"I actually don't have the confidence to beat you, but I have the confidence to exchange it for one!"

"As for why, you'll find out once we attack!"

Wang Feng shook his head, looked directly at the dragon skeleton, and said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words fell, everyone was in an uproar.

"One for one? How ridiculous!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"When he is beaten into a dog, I want to see if he still dares to say such nonsense?"

In the outside world, many geniuses were arguing in a heated manner, and everyone was scornful. Even Gu Chengxiao shook his head. He did have confidence in the Immortal Sect, but he did not think that Wang Feng could compete with the peak Star God. It's simply impossible.

No matter how heaven-defying the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm is, it is already extraordinary to be able to cope with the existence of the Yuanshen Realm. In the entire history of the world, the strongest recorded combat power of the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Level is with the A strong person at the peak of his soul can fight without losing.

As for fighting the Star God? I wouldn’t even dare to think like this in my dreams!

On the ring, Dragon Skull was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, his whole aura suddenly changed, and the power of the powerful demonic dragon swept the entire ring with him as the center!

"In that case, please be careful, Sect Leader Wang!"

After the words fell, the dragon skeleton's whole body shone with light, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. The extremely domineering sword force rushed straight up and shattered the sky. At this time, the dragon skull was not only demonic and powerful, but also terrifying in its sword power. Incomparable.

Dragon Skull didn't show any contempt, and once he struck, he used all his strength.

"Dragon Chi Jiu Dao!"

If a low thunderous sound came out, the dragon skull clenched the long knife in his hand, his arm shook continuously, and in an instant, he slashed out nine terrifying sword rays. The nine sword rays connected in a straight line and slashed straight towards Wang Feng.

The void between the two was torn apart by the sharp blade, and long, dark cracks were opened!

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