Many members of the Sea Monster Clan who have renewed their faith in the Demon God have provided the Demon God with a lot of strength. In addition, the Demon God himself has a peak Ancient God cultivation level and can recover his strength quickly. It is therefore relatively easy for the Demon God to help Long Bei improve his cultivation level. Some, but still at a huge cost!

When the power was being instilled, the Demon God's face turned extremely pale. His body, which was suppressed on the Siren Monument, could not stop trembling. Streams of blood overflowed from his body. In an instant, he was already dead. Dye into blood!

But he ignored it and continued to instill power with all his strength. Waves of terrifying power continued to burst out from the demon god and poured into Long Bei's body. At this moment, Long Bei's cultivation aura gradually increased at an incomparable speed. So fast, in just an instant, his cultivation has reached the peak of his soul and is still increasing!


A few hours later, a tyrannical aura of the world god suddenly emitted from Long Bei, sweeping across the entire forbidden area, causing the void in the forbidden area to distort in a manner visible to the naked eye, and a series of dark cracks in the void spread. , as if the world was destroyed.


Long Bei opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed through his eyes, directly piercing the void in front of him. Feeling the vast power in his body, Long Bei was ecstatic, and his whole body was trembling with excitement!

The realm of world gods!

If he had practiced on his own for millions of years, he might not have been able to reach such a state. But now, with the help of the demon god, he had already reached such a state in just a few hours. How could he not be happy?

Now he is truly the number one among the young generation in the lost world!

Thinking of his eldest brother, Long Bei's eyes flashed with coldness. His eldest brother was highly valued by his father. Now that he had achieved the realm of a world god in one fell swoop, he wanted to see if his father would regret it?

"Thank you, Lord Demon God!"

Long Bei suppressed the excitement in his heart and spoke respectfully to the Demon God. His attitude was extremely humble, which made the Demon God extremely satisfied. He was indeed not wrong in his bet. This kid can be trained to be his spokesperson in the future!

"There is no need for the virtual ceremony. Use the power of your bloodline immediately to pull away the power of the Siren Monument!"

The demon god glanced at Long Bei and spoke weakly, his words unable to conceal his excitement.

Once he gets rid of the suppression of the Sea Monster Monument and Wanxuan Purifying Water, he can rely on himself to break away from the shackles of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor and truly gain freedom. By then, when he returns to his peak strength, he must let the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor and others Pay the price!

Dare to imprison him? You are simply looking for death!


Hearing this, Long Bei quickly responded respectfully.

Then, Long Bei took a deep breath, mobilized all the power in his body, and wildly stimulated his blood.


In an instant, a dragon roar came out from Long Bei's body, extremely loud and clear, as if a real divine dragon had come to the world, and the mighty dragon's might filled the air from Long Bei's body.

At this moment, Long Bei's whole body burst into bright blood, illuminating the entire forbidden area and dyeing the sky in the forbidden area red.


Under the tug of Long Bei, streams of blood power spread out from his body, like blood-red chains, winding towards the Siren Monument. In an instant, these blood-red chains had completely entangled the Siren Monument.


Long Bei took a deep breath, and then with a strong force, he pulled the bloodline chain and forcefully pulled the Siren Monument away. Long Bei was as strong as now. His neck was still red, and veins appeared all over his body. , even so, he still couldn't shake it at all!

"Reveal your true form directly!"

Seeing this scene, the demon god became a little anxious and shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Long Bei didn't dare to neglect, and directly revealed his true body. The chains formed by the power of blood were wrapped around the huge dragon body. Then, Long Bei used all his strength and pulled outwards suddenly!


A full hour later, Long Bei was almost out of strength, and he just pulled the Siren Monument away from Wanxuan Pure Water. Even though it was only a little bit, it still made the Demon God extremely happy.


The demon god laughed so loudly that tears came out of his eyes. He felt extremely happy, as if he had foreseen his freedom!

"Okay, with your strength, you can barely pull it apart. If you go any further, it will be useless!"

"In this way, you go and capture some strong men from the Siren Clan for me to refine, and then I will be able to break free on my own!"

"Remember, don't cause trouble. Help me get out of trouble first. Then, whatever you want to do, I will fully support you!"

After the laughter, the demon god stared at Long Bei and gave serious instructions.

Then, before Long Bei could speak, he continued: "The more people from the Siren clan you can capture, the better. It's best to find those with low cultivation!"

The Demon God not only wants to use the people of the Sea Demon Clan to escape from trouble, but also uses the people of the Sea Demon Clan to restore their peak strength. As long as he can restore his peak strength, even if the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor returns, he can crush him to death with one palm.

As a peak ancient god, he has this confidence.

If he hadn't insisted on seizing the body of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, he was met with backlash from heaven and earth. With his cultivation level, the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor would not have been able to counterattack him no matter how powerful he was.

Belief in gods themselves is the darling of heaven and earth. As long as they have enough power of belief, their cultivation will be promoted extremely quickly. However, when they gain such ability, they also lose their body and soul. This is also a kind of heaven and earth. Checks and balances, but the demon god wants to go against heaven and seize the body of the demon dragon ancient emperor, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

"My subordinate understands, please rest assured, Lord Demon God!"

"Come as you please!"

Hearing this, Long Bei responded respectfully and left the forbidden area in a flash.

No need for the demon god to tell him, Long Bei also understood that his biggest reliance at this time was the demon god. Only by helping the demon god out of trouble could he realize his ambition. Otherwise, with his father's terrifying cultivation level, even though he had reached the level of a world god, environment, but I'm afraid it's not enough for his father to capture with one palm.

What's more, there is an even more terrifying Immortal Sect?

Only by releasing the demon god who has reached the peak of the ancient gods and fully helping him restore his cultivation can he get what he wants!

After leaving the forbidden area, Long Bei went directly to some weak ethnic groups in Biluo Sea and arrested them crazily. With his cultivation in the Realm of Realm God, people from the weak ethnic groups were often captured by Long Bei before they understood what happened. gone.

In less than half an hour, Long Bei had already captured millions of Kraken clan members. Because the time was too short and Long Bei's cultivation was too strong and blocked all auras, there was no Kraken at all. The strongest man of the tribe discovered the disappearance of these tribesmen!

After capturing 10 million members of the Kraken Tribe, Long Bei returned directly to the forbidden area. If he continued to arrest more, he could catch more, but he would definitely be discovered by the top men of the Kraken Tribe.

Even if only 10 million clan members are captured, they will still be discovered by the strongest men of the Siren clan.

A total of 10 million tribesmen have disappeared. No matter how good Long Bei's aftermath work is, he will never be able to hide it.

Therefore, Long Bei can only seize the time to let the demon god escape from trouble and regain his strength as soon as possible. By then, even if he is discovered, he will have nothing to fear!

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