Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1316 Hearing that Grand Master Appeared

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the sect level has been raised to level 19, and you have a chance to re-integrate the sect!"

"Because the host has raised the level of the sect, the sect is hereby rewarded with the Taixu Soul Palace!"

"Taixu Soul Palace: Stepping into it will give the soul a chance to be tempered. It is divided into one hundred and eight levels. After passing one level, the soul will be greatly improved. It corresponds to all realms of the divine realm, which is the seven steps of Hedao. Existence, stepping into it, you can get the soul tempered!"

"This soul palace is restricted by the level of cultivation. Only when you reach the corresponding level of cultivation can you enter the corresponding level of soul tempering!"

The cold voice that sounded in his mind made Wang Feng excited again. The Taixu Soul Palace really came in time. Now he has countless training holy places in the Immortal Sect.

There is the Divine Forbidden Tower that refines the Divine Forbidden Realm, the Tianjiao Dojo that specializes in training disciples, and the Elder Hall that allows elders to inherit their inheritance... Now he has added a Taixu Soul Palace, completely gathering the training holy land of his Immortal Sect. All kinds of training that a cultivator can experience.

With this Taixu Soul Palace, many disciples and even elders of Shenxian Sect can hone their souls. Looking across the world, there is no other force that can let the disciples of the sect be tempered by their souls at will like his Shenxian Sect. ?

This is the divine soul. It is one of the most difficult aspects for cultivators to improve. With the Taixu Soul Palace, the disciples and elders of the Immortal Sect will be invincible in their divine soul power at the same level!

It is no exaggeration to say that the appearance of the Taixu Soul Palace will at least increase the strength of his Immortal Sect by one or two levels, and many members of the Immortal Sect who already have extraordinary combat capabilities will transform again.

It is indeed a system, it is really powerful!

Wang Feng secretly murmured, extremely excited. Even his destiny soul would be greatly tempered in this Taixu Soul Palace.

There is also the opportunity to re-integrate the sect, which is also good.

It just so happens that many forces have been conquered now, and the hierarchy of the sect is not obvious. I take this opportunity to sort out the hierarchy of the sect!

Wang Feng pondered for a long time and then slowly said: "In the system, the ancestors, guardians, and sect-protecting beasts remain unchanged. The elders are divided into the inner sect and the outer sect. Those summoned by Song Que and others are listed as the elders of the inner sect; Those who join from outside, such as Sword Emperor Yan Dao, are listed as outer sect elders!"

"In addition, there are five additional halls: the Demon Palace, the Demon Palace, the Heaven Palace, the Ghost Palace, and the Mysterious Palace!"

"The master of the Demon Palace is temporarily Mo Yu; the master of the Demon Palace is the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor; the master of the Heaven Palace is the God of Heaven; the master of the Ghost Palace is Guiyao; and the master of the Xuan Palace is Li Tian!"

"Many members of the Demon Clan and disciples related to the Demonic Way have all entered the Demon Palace; many members of the Sea Monster Clan and disciples who practice the Demonic Way have entered the Demon Palace; many members of the Celestial Clan have entered the Heavenly Palace; many members of the Charming Ghost Clan have entered the Ghost Palace. ;The Litian Tribe and the Netherworld Fire Tribe, etc., all enter the Xuan Palace!"

"The master of the fifth hall is temporarily on the same level as many inner sect elders!"

"As for the disciples, they are divided into three categories: outer sect, inner sect, and elite!"

"Anyone below the divine realm can enter the outer sect; entering the forbidden realm of gods can be promoted to the inner sect disciples; in addition to the original disciples such as Li Qing, the elite disciples include Ran Yi and others!"

Not long after Wang Feng finished speaking, the system's cold voice also sounded.

"It has been set according to the host's wishes!"

When the system's voice fell, the many duties and powers assigned by Wang Feng resounded in the minds of everyone in the Shenxian Sect. Five more splendid palaces were added to the Shenxian Sect's residence in the World Ball. This is the new addition of the Shenxian Sect. The Five Palaces Station.

The entire Shenxian Sect residence has changed. From the outside to the inside, the levels are clear. The first half is the residence of the outer sect disciples and the outer sect elders. Further inside, there are the residences of the inner sect disciples and the people in the five halls. Further inside, there are It is the residence of many inner sect elders and high-level and elite disciples of the Five Halls.

Then, there are the guardians and the sect-protecting beasts, and then there is Wang Feng’s sect master’s hall. After the sect master’s hall, there is the land of the ancestors.

In addition to normal residences, there are many holy places for cultivation, from outside to inside, from weak to strong.

High-end cultivation holy places such as the Divine Forbidden Tower and Taixu Soul Palace are located deep in the Shenxian Sect.

After re-planning the Immortal Sect, Wang Feng did not hesitate and said secretly: "The system combines two hundred ultimate random summoning opportunities for the Emperor Realm to form ten random summoning opportunities for the Lower Divine Realm, and merge them into one Peak Lower Divine Realm." The divine realm summons the opportunity and summons!”

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Wen Zhong!"

Wang Feng didn't wait long before the cold voice of the system resounded in his mind, which surprised Wang Feng. He didn't expect that this person would be summoned for the first time in the divine realm?

Wen Zhong, the Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty among the gods, was Jiang Ziya's opponent.

When he was young, he studied under the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. After fifty years of study, he came down from the mountain to assist Emperor Yi. His magical power was boundless and his strength was unfathomable.

After his death, Wen Zhong was still granted the title of Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord by Yuanshi Tianzun. He was responsible for supervising and leading the 24 righteous gods of the Lei Department, moving clouds and spreading rain, which shows Wen Zhong's ability.

Wen Zhong is a first-class master of the Earth Immortals. He has supported the Yin and Shang Dynasty almost single-handedly. He has extremely strong spiritual power and is also skilled in swordsmanship. Almost no one in the world can match him.

In terms of cultivation, Wen Zhong is far superior to Jiang Ziya, but his magic weapon, the male and female whip, is weaker than the magic whip.

Even though the magic weapon was weaker than Jiang Ziya, he fought against Jiang Ziya twice, winning once and losing once. They were still able to tie, which is enough to show how strong he is!

"Ding, Wen Zhong's attribute panel is as follows:

Name: Wen Zhong

Title: Master Wen

Cultivation: Peak of Nirvana

The natal magical power: Black and white eyes (after being used, it can destroy the strong souls, it is extremely powerful, and it can also distinguish between evil and evil, loyalty, and the right and wrong of people's hearts)

Mount: Mo Qilin (cultivation into the realm of Nirvana)

Artifact: Male and Female Whip! "

Looking at the attributes panel that appeared in front of him, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction. The grand masters of the Shang and Zhou dynasties were all under the command of his Immortal Sect. I wonder what Jiang Ziya would look like when he saw Wen Zhong?

These two people can be said to be lifelong enemies.

"Because the host summoned Wen Zhong, his cultivation level reached the peak of Nirvana. Therefore, the cultivation level of many guardians of Shenxian Sect automatically skyrocketed!"

"Due to the huge gap in cultivation between divine realms, except for the first guardian Li Bai, the rest of the guardian rules are one level higher than the previous guardian."

"Therefore: Li Bai, the first guardian of the Shenxian Sect, will automatically be promoted to the peak of Yuan Shen; Shi Gandang, the second guardian of the Shenxian Sect, will be at the peak of the Star God; Jiang Ziya, the third guardian of the Shenxian Sect, will be at the peak of the World God; and the fourth guardian of the Shenxian Sect will be at the peak of the World God. Zhefeipeng is at the pinnacle of the main god!"

When Wang Feng sighed, the cold voice of the system sounded again, making Wang Feng's eyes sparkle.

Sure enough, if you want to improve the strength of the Shenxian Sect, it is the fastest way to upgrade the system level. Although the guardian rules have been weakened by the system, they have also provided the Shenxian Sect with several extremely powerful people, even the weakest Li Bai, whose cultivation level Although he is only at the peak of his soul, his strength is comparable to that of the Star God!

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