Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1322 Congratulations on the great road


A sound of Taoism exploded, and the power of faith accumulated by the gods over the endless years was instantly absorbed by the World-Suppressing Monument, and a golden brilliance bloomed from the World-Suppressing Monument.

The peak cultivation level of the god was instantly reduced to nothing, and his body of faith also collapsed, leaving only the aura of consciousness. At this moment, the aura of consciousness of the god was intertwined with the aura of consciousness of the demon god.

Since the demon god's consciousness aura had been destroyed by Yuanshi Tianzun until only a ray remained, he could not withstand the consciousness aura of the god in his heyday. In an instant, he was swallowed up by the god's consciousness aura.

After fusing the consciousness of the demon god, the consciousness of the god became much stronger and gradually merged with the entire world-suppressing monument.

If it were anyone else, even if they believed in gods, they would definitely not be able to merge with the World-Suppressing Monument. However, the God of Heaven was originally a belief god born from the Heaven-Man Monument, and could also be regarded as a product of the World-Suppressing Monument. The spirit of the World God Monument has long since been extinguished, so the World-Suppressing God Monument will not resist the fusion of the gods.

After the power of faith of the gods was integrated with the World-Suppressing Monument, the sewing speed of the entire World-Suppressing Monument was significantly accelerated. The most peculiar thing is that on top of the World-Suppressing Monument, the original heaven, demon, and On top of the four paths of devils and ghosts, there is another path of faith!

The incomparably bright light bloomed from the World-Suppressing Monument. It was so dazzling that Wang Feng subconsciously squinted his eyes. Even though he was a little uncomfortable with the light, Wang Feng did not close his eyes, but used his power. Concentrated in his eyes, he stared at the World-Suppressing Monument, not wanting to miss this evolution process!

This is the evolution process of a half-step Dao artifact or even a Dao artifact. If it were in the outside world, the powerful people in the entire world would not miss such a scene. For cultivators, this is definitely a blessing to the heavens!

With the emergence of the way of faith, Wang Feng clearly felt changes on the World-Suppressing Monument, but he couldn't explain what this change was.

But he could feel that the inscriptions on the World-Suppressing Monument were becoming more and more strange and mysterious, and they were undergoing a higher level of transformation. Wang Feng was looking forward to it. Perhaps, this World-Suppressing Monument was really real. Can it transform into a real Dao artifact?

Since the power of faith is helpful to the World-Suppressing Monument, can the power of faith in Li Tianding also be used?

Wang Feng's eyes brightened slightly, he gritted his teeth, mobilized the Li Tianding in the World Sphere, and gathered the vast power of faith. As he waved his hands, the power of faith spurted out and converged towards the World-Suppressing Monument.

Wang Feng's guess was correct. The power of faith was indeed helpful to the World-Suppressing Monument. When this power of faith came in, the World-Suppressing Monument took it all in, like a greedy sponge, absorbing the monument crazily. The golden light blooming from above is getting brighter and brighter!

In order for the World-Suppressing Monument to evolve into a real great artifact, Wang Feng also worked hard, regardless of waste, and madly exploded the power of faith in Li Tianding. The sea of ​​faith in Li Tianding was visible to the naked eye. Reduce it.

At the same time, Li Tian, ​​who had just transformed into the realm of the world god, began to slowly decline in cultivation, and his whole body trembled slightly. After receiving the voice transmission from Wang Feng, he did not panic, but instead tried his best to help Wang Feng mobilize Li Tianding The power of faith!

Not only that, Wang Feng also asked many disciples in the World Ball Immortal Sect and people from the four major races to fully contribute their faith and silently recite the oath of faith over and over again in their hearts.

Sharpening the knife temporarily will bring you nothing but joy!

With the blessing of this huge power of faith, the sewing speed of the World-Suppressing Monument becomes faster and faster. Although the power of faith in Li Tianding is not as good as the faith in gods such as demon gods and gods accumulated over many years, it is qualitatively better. above, but far surpasses these two gods of faith!

The power of faith in Li Tianding was obtained by Wang Feng by transcending many resentful spirits. After being tempered by Li Tianding and the purest faith of many immortal sects, its quality is comparable to the power of the top faith in the world!

Coupled with the two gods of faith, the God of Heaven and the Demon God, leading to this moment, although the way of faith in the World-Suppressing Monument has just been born, it has already transformed to a certain extent!


At a certain moment, the four cracks on the World-Suppressing Monument were completely sewn together. The mysterious patterns on the entire monument came together to form a whole, making the mysterious aura on the World-Suppressing Monument even stronger. In a daze, Wang Feng seemed to see an unprecedented avenue slowly being born!

That kind of terrifying Tao Yun made Wang Feng's whole mind cleansed.


When the cracks on the World-Suppressing Monument were sutured, the heart of the World-Suppressing Monument suddenly trembled, and a bright light bloomed out, slowly falling towards the World-Suppressing Monument.


A sound that resounded through the soul exploded, making the destiny soul in Wang Feng's mind feel a little dazed. He shook his head and stared.

I saw that the heart of the World-Suppressing Divine Monument slowly merged into the World-Suppressing Divine Monument. At the moment of integration, the surrounding light suddenly exploded, and the chaotic atmosphere of the avenue was extremely strong. At this moment, Wang Feng seemed to be standing tall In a land of chaos, it is as if you can see a huge monument that is opening up the world and reshaping the universe!

In the outside world, with Wang Feng's place as the center, the entire forbidden area extends for a million miles. The sky is filled with auspicious clouds, the sacred aura sweeps in all directions, and the avenue inscriptions cover the entire world, making this area vibrate crazily.

At this moment, even though Ah Qing and others couldn't help it anymore, they knelt down directly. Even Sun Wukong trembled and bent down, but he did not kneel down. As the Monkey King who fights against heaven and earth, he will never kneel down in his life. God, I don't kneel to the ground, let alone anyone. I just rely on my tenacious will to support my body!


At the same time, the huge shadow of the monument broke through the blue sea and shot straight into the sky. The terrifying energy swept across all directions. The sky trembled and the stars fell. It was like a scene of annihilation. Everyone who saw it was horrified.




A series of roars exploded throughout the entire Lost Battle Realm, and endless visions appeared. There were dragons soaring, white tigers roaring in the sky, red birds flying, Xuanwu suppressing the sea, etc. The sky above the entire Blue Falling Sea was densely packed with visions of heaven and earth. Let this blue and blue sea become dreamy!

What's even more terrifying is that these visions of heaven and earth are all made up of strands of inscriptions on the avenue, as if the entire avenue of the world is celebrating the birth of the God-Suppressing Monument.

Regardless of the four major races or the geniuses of all the worlds, they were all horrified. Looking around, the many heaven and earth phenomena over the entire Biluo Sea formed a terrifying realm of great laws, as if this area had turned into the entire universe. center of!

At this moment, the Tao they had comprehended could not stop trembling, and even manifested itself behind them. They all worshiped in the direction of Biluohai, as if they were on a pilgrimage. The scene was extremely shocking!

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