Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1327 5 deities join forces, facing many crises

Outside the lost war, the five supreme beings stood in the sky, like five bright suns, shining in all directions. The terrifying momentum surged, shaking the stars in all directions. The auras of these five people were so terrifying. They were bathed in Dao Yun, as if they were invincible, but Standing there, it gives people an unmatched power!

At this moment, Supreme Heavenly Bird's entire face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

He never thought that there would be so many opponents coming one after another, each more terrifying than the last. He was not sure of defeating any of the other four people present.

At this time, Tianque Supreme regretted it very much. Why did he hesitate? When the stone tablet appeared, it was taken away and ran away. Why did it end up in such an embarrassing situation?

Yuan Ling Supreme and the other four people also had solemn expressions. Everyone present was not an easy person, and there was only one treasure. It was really not that easy for them to get it!

In the beam of light, Wang Feng, who was recognizing his master, also sensed the auras of the five Heavenly Bird Supremes, and his face was a little ugly. He guessed that after the World-Suppressing Monument appeared, it would attract a group of old monsters, but he did not expect that the people who came would actually So scary, and a whole five!

Five Supreme Beings!

Among all the heavens and worlds, the one who kills me in the first step of the seven steps of Hedao can be called the supreme!

The second step is to break the spirit, which can be called Xuan Zun!

The third step is Cave Heaven, which can be called Yuan Zun!

The fourth step is too empty and can be called an ancient master!

The fifth step is to take a peek at your destiny, and you can be called the Lord of Destiny!

The sixth step is to clear the tribulation, and you can be called a deity!

The seventh step to enlightenment is worthy of being praised as a Taoist Master!

I don’t know if Lord Tongtian and others can fight against these five supreme beings?

Wang Feng was worried in his heart. Although he was very confident in the strength of Tongtian Cult Leader and others, after all, the cultivation levels of Tongtian Cult Leader and others were only at the peak of Emperor God, and they could only appear for one day!

At this level, it is common for a war to last for tens of thousands of years. One day is not enough for them to warm up, unless both sides go for it with all their strength from the beginning and directly use all their strength. !

Although the peak of the Emperor God is only one step away from the Seven Steps of Hedao, this step is completely different. If you want to transcend the level and fight the Supreme, looking at the entire world, few people can do it.

At present, among all the worlds, the only ones who are known to be able to fight as emperors and gods across levels are the owners of the ten supreme divine bodies. The rest, no matter how evil they are, can only rival but cannot defeat them!

If there was only one supreme being, Wang Feng would not be worried at all because of how terrifying Tongtian Cult Leader and the others were. But there were five supreme beings, one more than the four Tongtian Cult Leaders. How could Wang Feng not be worried?

For a moment, Wang Feng's face was a little solemn. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by the Dao Mark of the World-Suppressing Monument and could not make other actions at all, even if he contacted the system, he could not do it.

Because at this moment, his soul and even consciousness are establishing a connection with the World-Suppressing Monument, and he is trying his best to make the World-Suppressing Monument recognize its owner, and he cannot be distracted at all.

Whether they can block it or not depends on the leader of Tongtian Cult and a few people.

After Wang Feng was extremely worried and several Supremes were silent for a while, Supreme Heavenly Bird spoke first.

"Guys, the horror of this treasure has exceeded our imagination. It is absolutely impossible for any one of us to take it down!"

"Not to mention anything else, just our battle will probably attract the attention of other old monsters. We are only supremes. If someone powerful than Xuanzun comes, wouldn't we be making wedding clothes for others? "

After Supreme Heavenly Bird's words fell, Supreme Yuanling and others' expressions darkened. If Supreme Heavenly Bird hadn't spoken, they would never have thought of this level, because all their minds were attracted by this extremely terrifying treasure. What I was thinking about at this time was how to kill the other four people present so that I could take the treasure to myself.

He never thought that their battle would trigger the arrival of other old monsters.

"Brother Tianque, what do you think?"

A ray of light flashed in the blood-red eyes of Supreme Demon Night, and he asked Supreme Sky Bird.

When the Demonic Night Supreme finished his words, the other three supremes looked towards the Sky Bird Supreme one after another, with a searching look in their eyes.

"Although we have our own forces behind us, you should all place your forces in your own kingdom of God, right?"

After the words of Supreme Sky Bird fell, the other four nodded, but they did not hide anything.

"In this way, we are alone and have no worries!"

"For such a treasure, if you and I fight over it, it will only become someone else's wedding dress. It is better to work together to get it and study it together. As for the final ownership of the treasure, we will decide it through a bet!"

Sky Bird Supreme's eyes flashed with light, and he said in a deep voice.

"Oh? What bet?"

After the words of the Heavenly Bird Supreme fell, the other four Supremes became interested. The Red Sword Supreme asked with interest. If they could avoid fighting and win this treasure, they would be extremely happy. After all, they did not want to be noticed by other old monsters. To the existence of this treasure.

"After you and I work together to obtain this treasure, within the limit of tens of millions of years, the five of us will understand this treasure together!"

"Once tens of millions of years have passed, in the end, whoever has comprehended the most and gained the strongest power through comprehending the mysteries will be the owner of this treasure, how about it?"

"Back then, this was only the right to possess for tens of millions of years in the future. In the next tens of millions of years, the other four people can each rent a million years of time to gain enlightenment!"

"Then when tens of millions of years come, we will compete again to understand the mysteries and the strength of the power gained!"

The eyes of the Supreme Sky Bird flashed, and the loud voice echoed in all directions, making the other four Supremes' eyes widen.

"That's so good!"

"Not only is it a perfect solution to the ownership of this treasure, but it also allows us to compete in a healthy way. With the mystery of this treasure, coupled with our healthy competition, we will devote all our efforts to understanding. I'm afraid it won't be long before we can reach a higher level. One floor!”

The Supreme Yuanling clapped his hands and said slightly excitedly. Although the other three Supremes did not speak, they also looked excited!

"There is a premise that must be agreed upon in advance. After obtaining the treasure, if anyone has evil intentions and wants to monopolize the treasure, the remaining four people should join forces to defeat it!"

Glancing at the excited Yuanling Supreme and others, Tianque Supreme said in a solemn voice.

"It's natural!"

Hearing this, Yuan Ling Supreme and others nodded in agreement.

Wang Feng, who was in the beam of light, was speechless when he saw this scene. He thought that these people would fight like dogs, but he didn't expect that they would unite in a blink of an eye. This undoubtedly made the situation for him and the leader of Tongtian Cult even more difficult.

"What are you waiting for? Just take it!"

"This is a treasure that can manifest the way of heaven. It may be at the legendary level. In any case, I am waiting for this opportunity to defy heaven!"

Demon Night Supreme, who has a more impatient temperament, said loudly, with a hint of urgency in his words.

"Okay, I'll wait for the five of us to take action together!"

Tianque Supreme and others looked at each other, nodded, and agreed.

As soon as the words fell, the five of them exploded together. As their hands moved, endless mysterious Dao patterns filled the air. The tyrannical power swept across all directions, causing the surrounding stars to tremble. Some of the stars even exploded directly and turned into countless meteorites. Shooting towards the depths of the dark starry sky.

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