Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1368 The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation

Wang Feng nodded towards Xiao Yao, then stood on the starry sky with his hands behind his hands, staring at the thunder calamity in the sky, waiting quietly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the divine realm. I hereby reward you with an opportunity to awaken to the ultimate limit of heaven!"

But at this moment, the cold voice of the system sounded in Wang Feng's mind, making Wang Feng secretly happy.

The limit of heaven awakens!

He originally thought that it would be difficult to get another chance to awaken to the limit of Heavenly Dao, but he didn't expect that the system would send him one as soon as he broke through to the divine realm.

With this opportunity to awaken to the limit of Heavenly Dao, the strength of his Immortal Sect will be strengthened again, enough to gain a firm foothold in the God Realm!


While Wang Feng was waiting for the Thunder Tribulation to condense, in a mysterious place in the God Realm, Ye Muqing and others looked at the Di Qin who appeared in astonishment.

"Why are you back?"

Ye Muqing's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Di Qin closely, and asked.

After saying these words, Tianhuang Demon God and others also looked towards Di Qin, their eyes full of exploration.

Ever since Xiao Yao appeared, the secrets of the entire Lost Battle Realm star field had been completely obscured, and they were unable to pry into it at all.

"I don't know either!"

Facing Ye Muqing's inquiry, Di Qin shook his head and said with the same doubts.

After her memory was erased, she had no idea how she came back. In her memory at this moment, there were only the fragments of the battle with Bubai Guzun and others and the words Xiao Yao said, but she did not know those words. , is what Xiaoyao said.


When Di Qin finished speaking, Ye Muqing and others first expressed surprise, and then their expressions instantly darkened.

How could a strong man in the third step of Hedao not know how he came back? The only possibility is that Di Qin was tampered with!

Thinking of this, Ye Muqing came to Di Qin, her beautiful eyes sparkling with brilliance, and powerful perception poured into Di Qin's body, and she began to explore carefully.

However, not long after, Ye Muqing's eyes widened, her pretty face filled with shock, and she said in disbelief: "You...have you returned to your peak?"


After saying these words, Tianhuang Demon God and others took a breath of cold air, and all looked at Di Qin, their eyes full of disbelief.

Before leaving, Di Qin only recovered to the third step of Hedao; after returning, he directly returned to the peak of his previous life, the seventh step of Hedao? is this possible?

Even if they have reached the seventh step of Hedao, if their cultivation level falls, they have fallen. Although their recovery is much simpler than ordinary people's cultivation, it will also take a certain amount of time. It is impossible to recover just because they have recovered.

"Yes, but I don't know how to recover!"

Di Qin nodded and said in a deep voice. What really concerned her was the passage that resounded in her mind. Her intuition told her that this passage was very important and crucial to her future.

"Your memory was erased by a strong man. Maybe your ability to return to your peak is also related to this mysterious strong man!"

Suppressing the horror in her heart, Ye Muqing narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

These words once again made Tianhuang Demon God and others horrified. What kind of existence could it be that could erase the memories of a powerful person like Di Qin at will and help her restore her peak cultivation level? Even the adults in the past couldn't do this kind of method, right?

" there such a strong person in this world?"

The Demon God of Heaven was shocked. Those who have such means must at least prove the existence of the way of heaven.

But since there are such powerful people, why do they sit back and watch the one who controls the sky wreak havoc on the world?

"The water in the world is deeper than we imagined. Back then, I was vaguely aware of it, but I didn't dare to pry too much. Now it seems that there are really unimaginable powerful people in this world!"

Ye Muqing nodded and said solemnly, his words full of solemnity.

"Since there are such powerful people, why don't they take action against the Heaven Master? With their strength, no matter how strong the Heaven Master is, they probably won't be able to compete with them, right?"

Tianxuan Daozu couldn't help but said, and the other people were also puzzled.

"Perhaps, in their eyes, our struggle with the Heaven Master is nothing more than children's playing house."

Ye Muqing shook his head and laughed at himself.

After saying these words, Tianhuang Demon God and others suddenly fell silent. Yes, how could such powerful men care about their struggle?

"We just have to do our own thing well. Such an existence is not something we can spy on right now!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Muqing glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, she looked at Di Qin and asked, "Do you still remember any information?"

"Outside the Lost War, Heaven Master Han and the Invincible Ancient Master both appeared. I even fought with them, but I don't remember what happened next. I don't even remember why they came!"

Di Qin recalled for a moment and said.

Invincible ancient master?

The one holding the sky is cold?

Hearing this, Ye Muqing and others were slightly frightened, and Ye Muqing even asked quickly: "Is there anything wrong, husband?"

After saying this, Di Qin rolled his eyes and didn't bother to mock Ye Muqing for being shameless. He replied, "It's okay. That mysterious existence is on your side!"

Hearing Di Qin's words, Ye Muqing and others were relieved, but they were also surprised that Wang Feng could have such a strong person as his backing.

"Other than that, what else do you remember?"

After pondering for a moment, Di Qin's face showed a hint of solemnity. He looked at Ye Muqing and said solemnly: "There is a passage in my mind, and my intuition tells me that this passage is very important!"

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

"The potential of the Supreme Divine Body is far beyond what we see."

"The Supreme Divine Body is known as the preparatory body of the Great Divine Body. Under certain conditions, it can evolve into the Great Divine Body. Once it evolves into the Great Divine Body, it will 100% realize the way of heaven and 50% realize the great way!"


When Di Qin said these words, Tianhuang Demon God and others took a breath of cold air, completely frightened by Di Qin's words, 100% proof of the way of heaven? Does the Supreme Divine Body have such terrifying potential?

Among the people present, only Ye Muqing seemed to have known about it for a long time, without any surprise.

"In addition, there are sixteen words of mantra about my Chi Xiao Dou War God Body!"

"Fighting without end, regardless of victory or defeat, the red light will spread to all directions!"

When Di Qin's words fell, Ye Muqing's beautiful eyes suddenly bloomed with brilliance. She murmured a sixteen-character mantra, and then solemnly said to Di Qin: "This is the strong man who is instructing you. You You must remember it and study it carefully!”

Do you need to say this?

Di Qin curled his lips, rolled his eyes at Ye Muqing, and said no more.

Ye Muqing and others did not speak, but their hearts could not calm down for a long time.



At the same time, deafening thunder exploded in the star field, and endless aura of destruction fell from the sky, causing the entire star field to tremble, as if the end was coming.

The entire sky was filled with blood, and terrifying thunder rolled in the blood clouds.

"World-destroying thunder catastrophe!"

Looking at the thunderstorm above, Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured softly.

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