Originally, although the strength of Ling Yun and others was comparable to his own, Chen Yi was still confident. After all, he still had a trump card, but now, another extraordinary master god peak powerhouse appeared, and there were also Qingyun Sect and others. Everyone on the sidelines was watching eagerly, and the entire situation was not good for his side, which made Chen Yi feel extremely gloomy.


While he was thinking about the solution, Fei Peng did not hesitate and took action directly.

A tyrannical momentum burst out from Feipeng, and he jumped up. The Zhaodan Divine Sword in his hand bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and he slashed down with a sharp sword. An extremely sharp sword light shot out like a rainbow. He came out and slashed straight towards Chen Yi.

The terrifying edge tore through the sky, as if cutting the sky in half. The dense sword energy swept across all directions, raging like a storm, raging around.


Chen Yi's face changed drastically, and he didn't care about anything else. At some point, a spear appeared in his hand, and the power in his body poured into the spear crazily. He didn't have time to use any moves, so he just stabbed it out.

The tip of the spear collided with the sword light, and a huge roar exploded throughout the world. The powerful counterattack force directly knocked Chen Yi back dozens of miles. With every step he took, a big hole was blasted out of the void. The energy and blood were even more turbulent, and a flush appeared on his face.

Chen Yi stared at Fei Peng, with a flash of shock on his face. Fei Peng's strength was more terrifying than he imagined. Although he only resisted hastily, he was not only the peak of the Lord God.

His true cultivation has even reached the level of Ancestral God, and the average Lord God at the peak level is simply no match for him.

Ling Yun, who was not far away, saw Fei Peng's strong strength. His face lit up and he exploded without hesitation.


A tyrannical aura swept over him. With the big knife in his hand, Ling Yun's whole body was filled with the domineering power of the knife. In a few flashes, he had landed in front of Chen Yi. The big knife in his hand was packed with astonishing power and slashed down.

On the other side, Fei Peng also took action. As he swung the Zhaodan Divine Sword, he shot out sharp sword energy. Like the supreme sword god, he drove the sword energy all over the sky and attacked Chen Yi.

Although Feipeng and Lingyun met for the first time, they cooperated extremely well. One on the left and one on the right, Chen Yi's escape route was completely blocked, so that he could only resist the attack of the two.

"Damn it!"

The sharp sword light and sword energy sent chills down Chen Yi's spine. He cursed angrily, but he could only grit his teeth to block it.


There was a deafening roar. Under the two-sided attack from Ling Yun and Fei Peng, Chen Yi was in danger. If his true cultivation level was not above that of the Ancestral God, he would have been killed by Fei Peng.

But if this continues, Chen Yi won't be able to stop him for long.

At the same time, the men brought by Ling Yun and Chen Yi were also fighting frantically. The fluctuations they broke out were even more terrifying than the battle between Ling Yun and the three. After all, it was a melee between eight master gods at their peak. The terrible impact, even from a distance, still made everyone in the Qingyun Sect, as well as Yu Shuang and others tremble.

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the entire battlefield. Ling Yun and Fei Peng should have no problem dealing with Chen Yi, but Ling Yun's four men were in a stalemate.

They were both at the peak of the main god, and there were eight of them fighting in a melee. It was basically impossible to end the battle in a short time.

"Ting Ting, go help them and resolve the battle quickly!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Fengchao followed the instructions to Shen Youdi beside him.


Hearing this, Shen Youdi sounded slightly worried, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Feng.

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile."

Seeing the confidence and determination on Wang Feng's face, Shenyou Diting finally nodded, jumped up, and headed directly towards the battlefield of the eight peak master gods.


At the same time, his peak-god aura exploded instantly, shocking everyone present to be stunned again.

Another peak of the Lord God?

Chen Yi, who was struggling to resist in the distance, was feeling bad. Is it over?

One after another, right?

God knows how desperate Chen Yi is at this time? Just having Feipeng alone puts him in danger, and with Shen You Di Ting, they basically have no chance of making a comeback.

Once Shenyou Di listens to help Ling Yun's men deal with the few people he brought, how will he have a chance to survive when he is surrounded by everyone?

Just when Chen Yi's face was cloudy and uncertain, he suddenly saw Wang Feng, who was alone. A fierce look flashed deep in his eyes. Although this ant was only at the peak of the Star God, his identity was... Extraordinary, not only are the two main gods guarding him at their peak, but they also had this guy Ling Yun be so respectful before.

If this person is captured, he may still have a chance to make a comeback.

Thinking of this, the light in Chen Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter.


At this moment, Fei Peng and Ling Yun's offensive came again. The terrifying power fluctuations made Chen Yi's hair stand on end and he couldn't stop trembling.


At this moment, Chen Yi no longer cared about hiding anything and directly showed his trump card.

The tyrannical momentum swept across all directions. A huge statue appeared in front of Chen Yi, and the rich aura of the peak of the Lord God swept out. This is a statue that has been blessed and refined by the Master of Heaven. This statue can have the strength of the Peak of the Lord God and help Chen Yi confronts the enemy.

The most important thing is that this sculpture is made of solid material and is not afraid of pain or death. It is enough to explode with power that would make any peak god tremble.


When Chen Yi activated the statue, spiritual radiance shot out from the statue's eyes, and the lines engraved on the statue instantly bloomed with wisps of brilliance, completely coming to life.


Immediately afterwards, driven by Chen Yi, the entire sculpture moved directly, waving its huge fist, and rushed towards Ling Yun's attack, while Chen Yi himself crashed into Feipeng's attack.


A huge roar resounded, and with the addition of the sculpture, Chen Yi's pressure was significantly reduced. Looking at the impacting sculpture, Ling Yun's face turned ugly. Although the power of this sculpture was much worse than his, it was not life-threatening. Even he wouldn't dare to neglect his attitude.

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, Chen Yi swung his gun, dodged the impact of Fei Peng, and passed by Fei Peng. The spear in his hand flashed with a terrifying edge and stabbed straight towards Wang Feng.

This scene caused a drastic change in the expressions of everyone present. Feipeng was even more angry. Regardless of the backlash, he forcibly twisted his body and chased Chen Yi.

At this moment, Gu Chou and the others who were behind Wang Feng saw the light of the impacting spear. They felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave and could not even move. Their eyes flashed with fear and despair.

Even at this time, Wang Feng still looked calm and calm, with a sneer on his face and said indifferently: "You want to use me as a breakthrough? It's a wishful thinking!"

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