Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1398 The Legend of the Ghost-Faced Bandit

Wang Feng and others stayed in the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, waiting for news about the shops in Tianjiao City.

Xuanyuan Hongfeng, the patriarch of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, rushed into the ancestral land after settling Wang Feng and others.

The ancestral land is a forbidden area for the Xuanyuan Divine Clan. Only the clan leader and the first three elders can enter.

Among them, there live many supreme elders and ancestors of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

The ancestral land is located deep in the Xuanyuan Divine Clan. It is very ordinary and far from as glorious as the Xuanyuan Divine Clan’s residence. However, entering it, you can feel a kind of mystery, which makes you feel relaxed and happy when you breathe.

Ancient stone houses stood one after another. In each stone house, there lived a Supreme Elder, and in the stone house in the depths, the ancestor lived. Xuanyuan Hongfeng walked straight towards the deepest stone house.

This is the residence of Xuanyuan Qingxuan, the first ancestor of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

"Ancestor Qingxuan, disciple Xuanyuan Hongfeng wants to see you!"

Standing outside the stone house, Xuanyuan Hongfeng bowed respectfully and spoke.

"What's the matter?"

An old voice came from the stone house, but it was not the voice of Xuanyuan Qingxuan, but the voice of the second ancestor Xuanyuan Qingliu.

After Xuanyuan Qingxuan was seriously injured, the second ancestor Xuanyuan Qingliu had been using his powerful cultivation to help Xuanyuan Qingxuan suppress his injuries and hang on to his life.

"Ancestor Qingxuan is saved."


When Xuanyuan Hongfeng said these words, the door of the stone house opened instantly, and Xuanyuan Hongfeng stepped directly into it without hesitation.

The room was very simple, with only a stone bed and stone table. Lying on the stone bed was a pale old man, and beside the stone bed, sat a simple middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is Xuanyuan Qingliu, the second ancestor of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

"What did you say?"

Xuanyuan Qingliu looked towards Xuanyuan Hongfeng with a compelling gaze that made Xuanyuan Hongfeng tense up.

"This is an ancestral divine medicine, Tianyuan Divine Lotus."

Xuanyuan Hongfeng directly took out the Tianyuan Divine Lotus and introduced it.

When he saw the Tianyuan Divine Lotus in Xuanyuan Hongfeng's hand, Xuanyuan Qingliu was shocked and appeared in front of Xuanyuan Hongfeng in an instant, excitedly saying: "Where did it come from?"

Even Xuanyuan Qingliu was shocked at this moment. He never expected that Xuanyuan Hongfeng could produce an ancestral magic medicine.

With the strength of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, they would not be able to grab this kind of magic medicine even if they got the news.


When Xuanyuan Hongfeng told everything, Xuanyuan Qingliu was even more shocked. After pondering for a moment, he solemnly said: "This master of the Immortal Sect must be well entertained. Since he wants a shop in Tianjiao City, help him complete it at all costs."

"With this ancestral magic medicine, Brother Qingxuan may be able to get a glimpse of the ancestral gods. This is the chance for our Xuanyuan Divine Clan to rise!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

After hearing Xuanyuan Qingliu's words, Xuanyuan Hongfeng responded seriously.

"Without further ado, go out, I want to help Brother Qingxuan heal his injuries!"

"Remember, no matter what the Immortal Sect asks for, agree to it!"

"To be able to easily take out an ancestral magic medicine, the foundation of this Immortal Sect is definitely beyond our imagination. As long as we can climb this big tree, any price is worth it!"

"Disciple understands!"

Xuanyuan Hongfeng nodded, turned around and exited the stone house.

In the house, looking at the Tianyuan Divine Lotus floating in the air, Xuanyuan Qingliu was filled with emotion. When he was at his most desperate, the appearance of the Shenxian Sect was a timely blessing.

Without this Tianyuan Divine Lotus, Xuanyuan Qingxuan would surely perish soon.


At the same time, the news that the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan were robbed of divine crystals gradually spread, shocking many major forces and even practitioners on the edge of the Taiqing Mountains.

If it was just an ordinary robbery, it would not attract such a big attention at all, but the other party directly appeared at the headquarters of the two major gods and robbed them on their territory. Basically no third-rate force can do this. Do it.

"Have you heard? The Tianyuan Divine Clan was robbed by someone who broke into the ancestor's land."

"Isn't that right? Who is this person? He is so capable?"

"I heard that there are only six people, but they are so overwhelming that the entire Tianyuan Divine Clan can't hold their heads up. They were robbed of hundreds of millions of low-grade divine crystals."


"Can the Tianyuan Divine Clan be willing to accept such a huge amount of wealth?"

"What can I do if I don't give in? They can't afford to offend me at all."


"Now people call this group of ghost-faced bandits, and many third-rate forces are terrified, fearing that the ghost-faced bandits will come to their doorstep."

The whole place near the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan in the Taiqing Mountains was full of discussions. All the cultivators were spitting and talking, and there was a hint of admiration in their words.

On the edge of the Taiqing Mountains, such a big event has not happened for a long time. Two major third-rate forces were robbed one after another, and they were still on their own territory. Such strength and means are shocking.

For a time, the words "ghost-faced bandit" spread throughout the entire Taiqing Mountains, frightening many third-rate forces and even paying attention to the second-rate forces.

Those who dare to suppress third-rate forces, even second-rate forces, do not dare to look down upon them!

The reputation of the ghost-faced bandits was well known, but it was a huge shame to the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Tianyuan God Clan, Tuoba Hongyuan, who had recovered, was sitting on the main seat with a gloomy expression. During this period, he, the Tianyuan God Clan, had almost become a laughing stock, and he, the leader of the Tianyuan God Clan, was even regarded as a ghost. The stepping stone of gangsters.

Tuoba Hongyuan suppressed the anger surging in his heart, glanced at the many elders of the Tianyuan Divine Clan below, and asked in a cold voice: "What did the Yangsheng Divine Clan say?"

"They said yes."

The great elder stood up and responded respectfully.

"Okay, get ready and attack the Xuanyuan God Clan in three days!"

"This time, the ghost-faced gangsters have made our Tianyuan God Clan lose face. Only a big battle can save the face of our Tianyuan God Clan!"

Tuoba Hongyuan's face was cold, he glanced at the many elders of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, and said with murderous intent.

They couldn't find the ghost-faced gangster, and they didn't dare to easily cause trouble to the ghost-faced gangster. Therefore, they could only find someone they could bully to save some face.

The Xuanyuan Divine Clan is a very good candidate.


The great elder bowed and responded. Immediately afterwards, many elders of the Tianyuan Divine Clan left one after another. Each one of them was holding their breath and wanted to wait until tomorrow to vent the anger in their hearts.

The humiliation they suffered during this period will be recovered from the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

After many elders of the Tianyuan God Clan left, Tuoba Hongyuan also left the main hall and went to the ancestral land of the Tianyuan God Clan. This time they were going to raid the Xuanyuan God Clan. It was absolutely impossible to rely on them alone, so they had to invite the ancestors.

Moreover, Tuoba Hongyuan did not want to destroy the Xuanyuan God Clan at once. He just wanted to recover the face of the Tianyuan God Clan and the loss of the Tianyuan God Clan from the Xuanyuan God Clan.

If you want to destroy the Xuanyuan Divine Clan all at once, even if you join forces with the Yangsheng Divine Clan, you will have to pay a huge price. They have been severely damaged by the ghost-faced bandits, and they simply cannot afford such a price!

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