Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1410: If you can do it, you will never force it

"What kind of courage makes you think you can fight against me?"

The man in black robe glanced at Xuanyuan Qingxuan, but did not stop him from healing his wounds, and sneered.

In his eyes, both Xuanyuan Qingxuan and Xuanyuan Hongfeng are just ants. If you want to deal with them, you don't need to spend too much time. It is precisely because of this that he is in the mood to play with Xuanyuan Qingxuan. Perhaps, he also wants to play with them. Xuanyuan Qingxuan and others regarded it as a celebration for their recovery of strength.

Xuanyuan Qingxuan did not answer, but just stared at the man in black robe. He took a deep breath and rushed forward again.


At the same time, the face of the great elder who had just stepped into the wild ancient forest changed, and he said to Wang Feng beside him: "Sect Master Wang, the prisoners of the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison have appeared, in the resources of our Xuanyuan Divine Clan's Qingxuan Mountain!"

"lead the way!"

Wang Feng nodded and said.

The great elder of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan was anxious. After hearing this, he ran straight towards Qingxuan Mountain without thinking. Wang Feng and others followed closely behind. After a while, the group of people disappeared into the sky!


There was another loud roar, and Xuanyuan Qingxuan flew backwards like a cannonball, smashing the ground into pieces. This was already the tenth time that he was pushed back. At this time, Xuanyuan Qingxuan was extremely miserable, and his hair was disheveled. , covered in blood.

If he hadn't been in the realm of Ancestral God, he would have died at the hands of the black-robed man long ago, but even so, he was seriously injured and had almost no chance of survival. As for Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others, they couldn't stop the black-robed man from attacking him. !


Xuanyuan Qingxuan staggered to his feet and spat out a mouthful of blood again. His face turned pale, and his eyes were fixed on the man in black robes. There was no fear at all, but determination and madness!

"Why bother? Why not just accept death?"

Seeing the madness on Xuanyuan Qingxuan's face, the man in black robe sneered.


But as soon as he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Qingxuan appeared in front of him, his fist flashed with brilliance, and he smashed it towards the man in black robes.


The man in black robe smiled disdainfully, grabbed Xuanyuan Qingxuan's fist with one hand, shook his body, and removed the terrifying fist force, then twisted it violently, and a cracking sound was heard, and Xuanyuan Qingxuan's entire hand bone shattered instantly , the severe pain made Xuanyuan Qingxuan's entire face distorted.

Blood energy visible to the naked eye surged out from Xuanyuan Qingxuan's arms and was swallowed by the black-robed man. Xuanyuan Qingxuan, who had become young due to breaking through the ancestral gods, aged at an extremely fast speed.


Xuanyuan Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and he exploded with all his strength, forcing the black-robed man back, and the whole person dodged back.

The man in black robe did not pursue him. He licked his lips, with a look of enjoyment on his face, and said jokingly: "Sure enough, the blood of the ancestor god is different!"

At this moment, Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others all looked desperate. The gap was too big and they couldn't resist it at all.

The strongest beings in the entire Xuanyuan Divine Clan were played by this person. They couldn't even block a single move from the opponent.

"It's time to end it!"

Immediately afterwards, the man in black robe glanced at Xuanyuan Qingxuan, Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others, and gave a ferocious smile. He had lost his patience and did not want to continue playing around. Although he looked disdainful of the Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm on the surface, he was still quite worried in his heart. To be afraid of.

If he had been in his prime, he might have been able to compete with the Luo Tian branch of the God Realm Law Enforcement Department, but now he was only at the peak of the Ancestral God. Once he faced the strong men of the God Realm Law Enforcement Department, he would almost certainly die.


Just when the man in black robe was about to take action and devour Xuanyuan Qingxuan and others, waves suddenly appeared in the void not far away, causing the man in black robe to subconsciously stop and look in that direction.

Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others also noticed the abnormality and looked at it one after another, with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, several figures stepped out of the void. When they saw the leader, Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others showed surprise and couldn't help but say: "Sect Master Wang?!"

Yes, the visitors were none other than Wang Feng and his entourage and the great elder of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

As soon as Shi Shi appeared, Wang Feng glanced at the broken battlefield, nodded towards Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others, and then looked at the man in black robe.

"A few more ants came, not bad!"

After realizing the cultivation level of Wang Feng and others, the man in black robe secretly breathed a sigh of relief and laughed ferociously. He was really afraid that the people from the Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm would suddenly arrive.

"Are you going to catch me without any help, or am I going to have someone beat you down?"

Wang Feng stood in the void with his hands behind his hands, looking at the man in black robes, and said indifferently.


"You, a mere ant at the peak of Star God, dare to be so rampant in front of me?"

The man in black robe smiled wildly, but deep in his eyes, there was a hint of caution.


After finishing speaking, the man in black robe didn't talk nonsense anymore. He raised his hand and struck out with a palm. The majestic power gathered into a huge palm print and struck towards Wang Feng and others with overwhelming force. Wherever it passed, the void trembled and cracks were torn apart.

In this attack, the man in black robe directly used all his strength without holding anything back.

He couldn't see through Wang Feng and others, so he didn't dare to neglect him. Having survived for countless years, he knew very well that he couldn't underestimate anyone!


When this palm print was about to resist Wang Feng and others, Ah Qing, who was standing next to Wang Feng, took a step forward. At some point, a sharp sword flashing with cold light appeared in his hand, and then he suddenly Draw.

A crescent-like sword light tore through the sky and slashed towards the huge palm print. The sharp edge swept across all directions, making Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others feel their skin tingling.


In full view of everyone, the two attacks suddenly collided together. The sharp sword light directly chopped the terrifying palm print into pieces, and continued to slash outwards, tearing a narrow black crack in the void before slowly dissipating. go.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others were secretly excited. The Shenxian Sect did not disappoint them. It was still so powerful and terrifying. They were finally saved!

The ferocious smile on the face of the man in black robe stopped abruptly, he took a deep look at Wang Feng and the others, turned around and ran away without saying a word!

In fact, although Ah Qing destroyed his full strength with one blow, it was not enough to make him escape. What really made him escape was the strong man from the Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm. With Ah Qing's strength, it was obviously not something he could do in a short time. If he is defeated, if the delay continues and the strong men from the Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm come to him, he will only suffer.

But this scene shocked Xuanyuan Hongfeng and others to the extreme. They never expected that this powerful prisoner who made their entire Xuanyuan Divine Clan despair would directly choose to escape after meeting Wang Feng and others?

Want to run?

Ah Qing smiled coldly, and without Wang Feng's orders, she stepped out directly. As she waved the long sword in her hand, a dense sword energy burst out. With her slash, this dense sword energy instantly enveloped the man in black robes, killing him. All escape routes are blocked!

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng shook his head. This guy could obviously quickly kill Xuanyuan Qingxuan and others and then escape, but he was playing to death.

Sure enough, it is wise to take action and never force someone!

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