Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1419 Turbulence in the Storm Star Area

The turbulent star sea is like an ancient star domain relic, forcibly embedded at the junction of the Luotian Divine Realm, the Cangxuan Divine Realm and the other side of the Divine Realm. It is filled with chaotic star rules, and the turbulence of countless broken stars sweeps through it. Stepping into it, One of the most dangerous crises is encountering the turbulence of these broken stars.

It is said that this turbulent star sea was transformed into the divine kingdom in the body of a supreme being who specialized in the avenue of stars after his death. However, this is only a legend. No one can confirm the specifics.

In the turbulent star sea, in addition to the turbulent flow of broken stars, endless star beasts were also born, which are creatures unique to the turbulent star sea. This kind of star beast looks weird and has a cruel temperament. When it encounters creatures, it will chase and kill them crazily. The most terrifying thing is Yes, these star beasts are extremely powerful, and some star beasts are even capable of easily killing strong men of the first and second levels of Hedao.

If you encounter this kind of star beast, you will basically die!

Due to the chaotic rules in the riot star sea, once a war breaks out in it, the power is consumed very quickly, and it cannot be replenished by the power of heaven and earth at will like the outside world. Therefore, preparing a large amount of power-restoring pills is the first step for everyone who steps into the riot. Everyone in Xinghai needs to make preparations!

On the way to the Riot Star Sea, Wang Feng learned a lot of information about the Riot Star Sea from the explorer Ji Xuan. After listening carefully, Wang Feng deeply remembered it in his mind. This is what an experienced explorer sacrificed his life for. , sometimes, it’s enough to save a life!

The Riot Mountains are a small mountain range outside Riot City. The entrance to the Riot Star Sea is also on this Riot Mountains.

Looking around, a vortex blooming with starlight appeared on the Riot Mountains. Even from such a distance, Wang Feng could feel the violent aura permeating from the entrance of the Riot Star Sea. So Wang Feng was at this moment. With such strength, after feeling this aura, he couldn't help but feel palpitations.

The same is true for Ji Xuan who led them. Even though he has stepped into the violent star sea many times, but every time he comes, he remains in awe. This violent star sea, one of the four great Jedi in the God Realm, has swallowed up many gods. The horror of a monk's life cannot be described in words. If he is not careful, he will become just another withered skeleton in the sea of ​​stars.

"When you enter it later, I hope you all can follow my instructions. Don't make any arbitrary claims. Don't think about the treasures when you see them. It's okay if you die. Don't affect everyone else!"

Standing outside the whirlpool of the star sea, explorer Ji Xuan glanced at Wang Feng and others and warned them solemnly.

For explorers like them, the most taboo thing is those teams that can't stand the temptation. On several occasions, Ji Xuan was almost killed by such teams. If he hadn't been strong enough and experienced, he might have died in the riots long ago. In the sea of ​​stars!

"Don't worry, we understand!"

Wang Feng nodded and said seriously.

He came here just to capture the Wutian Emperor Demon. He didn't particularly care about the treasures in the turbulent star sea. He could get the best, and it didn't matter if he couldn't get it.

"In addition, Brother Li has agreed that he will leave clues for me, but he will double the reward you gave me!"

Immediately afterwards, Ji Xuan looked at Wang Feng and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with light, and he said without hesitation: "Okay!"

"I will give him twice as much, and I will give you twice as much!"

"This is half of it. I will give you the other half after you come out of the turbulent star sea!"

Wang Feng reached out and waved, and a space ring suddenly appeared in front of Ji Xuan.

Inside the space ring, there are tens of millions of low-grade divine crystals and millions of mid-grade divine crystals. In addition, there are also some special ores. If Xuanyuan Qingxuan had not left the Xuanyuan Divine Clan in order to express his gratitude, he would Wang Feng really couldn't give him some wealth as a gift.

Ji Xuan's face lit up, he put away the space ring, and said solemnly to Wang Feng: "Don't worry, sir, I will do my best!"

He understood that he had met a big customer. The wealth he earned during this trip was enough to equal the wealth he had accumulated from previous trips. Most people really couldn't afford such a large amount of wealth.

"Let's go!"

After saying this, Ji Xuan waved his hand and took Wang Feng and others into the turbulent star sea. These wealth seemed to dispel the fear of the riot star sea in Ji Xuan's heart.

Although few people would hack the reward given to them, it was the first time for Ji Xuan to get half of the reward in advance in so many years as an explorer!

After wandering for a while, Wang Feng and his party appeared in the dangerous sea of ​​​​violent stars.

The place where Wang Feng and others appeared was a huge platform. Behind them was the whirlpool that symbolized the entrance to the Riot Star Sea. Standing on this platform and looking into the distance, a dry star field came into view.

Densely packed star fragments are floating in the distance. Compared with the outside star field, this turbulent star sea is older, and it is dead silent, without any life, but from the surface, there is no danger.

While Wang Feng and others were watching the turbulent sea of ​​stars, Ji Xuan lowered his head, looking for something on the platform. After a while, his eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Let's go, Brother Li has already pointed out the direction!"

Hearing this, Wang Feng and others followed Ji Xuan's gaze and saw a shallow footprint appearing where Ji Xuan stood.

"The direction they are going to is the storm star area, which is extremely dangerous. You must follow me later."

Ji Xuan couldn't help but warned him again.

"Storm Star Area?"

Wang Feng asked curiously.

"In the violent star sea, there are two major areas, one is the violent star area and the other is the star beast area."

"The danger encountered in the Storm Star Zone is the turbulence of stars, while in the Star Beast Zone, it is the Star Beast. Of course, it is not absolute."

"Among the treasures produced in the Storm Star Area, the most common one is Star Sand, and the rarest one is Star Emperor Liu Xin!"

After hearing Ji Xuan's explanation, Wang Feng and others suddenly realized.

Star Emperor Liu Xin?

It seems that Wutian Emperor Demon is really persistent.

Wang Feng sneered in his heart. The reason why they could guess that the Wutian Emperor Demon would enter the Riot Star Sea was because they learned about a treasure like the Star Emperor Liu Xin.

How could Wutian Emperor Demon miss a treasure that could help people break into the Hedao realm?

Under the leadership of Ji Xuan, Wang Feng and his party took off from the platform and headed towards the violent star area.

As we raced all the way, we could see nothing but dead stars. Coupled with the dark starry sky, it gave people a terrifying feeling.

Did these stars once have many living beings alive? Why did the rioting star sea become like this? Is it like the legend, that it was transformed from the kingdom of God where the supreme power fell?

These questions not only filled Wang Feng's mind, but also filled the minds of many monks in the God Realm.

In the entire God Realm, the Four Jedi are the four most mysterious regions, bar none!


"Quick, join forces to resist!"

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