Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1422 Source, indescribable

"Who are you, dare to arrest me?"

"Do you know who I am?"

The moment Wang Feng caught this weird fox, an arrogant word suddenly resounded in Wang Feng's mind, making Wang Feng suddenly happy. Did he not expect that this weird fox still had intelligence?

But, isn’t it a little too silly?

Do you know your current situation?

After catching the weird fox, Wang Feng was no longer in a hurry. He looked at the weird fox with interest and made his hair tingle. Just when the weird fox was about to say something, Wang Feng spoke.

"what are you?"

"You are the object, and your whole family is the object!"

Wang Feng's words directly angered the weird fox. The hair on his body stood up. He stared straight at Wang Feng with a pair of slender eyes and roared.

Wang Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, exerted force on his palm, and the giant hand that grabbed the weird fox suddenly started to squeeze. The terrifying force squeezed the weird fox until he kept howling, and said repeatedly: "Don't, don't, don't...!"

"This uncle is the only element-devouring Chaos Fox in the world!"

The childish but pretentious words echoed in Wang Feng's mind, leaving Wang Feng at a loss.

Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox?

Even Wang Feng, who is well-informed, has never heard of this kind of mythical beast.

Looking at the arrogant Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox, Wang Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said disdainfully: "What Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox? Isn't it a fox?"

"You kid know nothing!"

Wang Feng's disdainful words immediately made the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox's hair explode, and he immediately shook out his origins. He couldn't withstand the explosion at all.

"I have the blood of dragon and phoenix in my body, which is nourished by nature. I can swallow everything in the world and feed myself back, which is the Tao. I can devour it. If it weren't for the Yuan Shang barrier that blocks the Tao of heaven and earth, just with your words Boy, can you catch me?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng was calm on the surface, but in his heart there was a turmoil. He had seen a lot of mythical beasts, and even the guardian beasts of his Immortal Sect, all of them were unique in the world and the ultimate existence among the mythical beasts. But I have never seen such a weird beast before.

Can it swallow everything in the world? Can even the world be swallowed up?

With such a terrifying ability, the Kunpeng, Taotie and even Chaos that Wang Feng knew were not so terrifying, right? Perhaps some mythical beasts also control the ability to devour everything, such as the giant beasts of the star sea, which feed on the stars in the sky, but Wang Feng has never seen any kind of mythical beast that can easily swallow even Dao!

Of course, it's also possible that the Yuan-eating Chaos Fox was trying to scare him, but depending on the situation, it shouldn't be possible.

But compared to the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox, what interests Wang Feng more is the Yuan Shang Barrier mentioned by the Yuan Devouring Chaos Fox. Come to think of it, this Yuan Shang Barrier is the Bone Burying Barrier mentioned by outsiders, but there is no People knew its origin, so the explorers gave the barrier a random name.

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you leave this Yuanshang Barrier? When you go to the outside world, with your ability, you may be able to sweep the world now."

Wang Feng's heart moved, he looked towards the Yuan Devouring Chaos Fox, and asked tentatively.

"What do you know?"

"The power of Yuanshang Barrier is not the power of Tao at all, but the source power that transcends all Tao. It is the source of all heavens and all Tao. The power that transcends all is more terrifying than the Tao!"

"Source, indescribable!"

"Although I am a unique divine beast in the world, I am still a little short of being able to swallow such power."

The Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox glanced at Wang Feng and said through a message, a hint of loneliness and fear flashed deep in his eyes.

After these words fell, Wang Feng was stunned on the spot, and a storm surged in his heart. Power that transcended all? Is this so-called Yuanshang Barrier so terrifying? No wonder so many powerful people in Luotian Divine Realm want to break into this barrier, but they can't do it.

But why is such a terrifying Yuan Shang Barrier useless to him?

source? indescribable? Is it related to Yuancun?

If it were before, Wang Feng would not associate it with Yuancun, but since seeing the terror of Xiao Yao from Yuancun, Wang Feng has a deeper understanding of the mystery and terror of Yuancun. After knowing that the Yuanshang Barrier was composed of Yuanli, Wang Feng subconsciously thought of Yuancun.

"Do you know how this Yuan Shang barrier was formed?"

Wang Feng suppressed the speculation in his heart and asked the Yuan Devouring Chaos Fox.

After learning some information about Yuanshang Barrier, countless questions emerged in Wang Feng's mind.

Does such a terrifying power form a barrier here mean that this place contains some kind of great treasure or great evil? And is this rioting star sea, one of the four great Jedi in the God Realm, related to the Yuanshang Barrier? Otherwise, how could this barrier appear in the turbulent star sea?

After finally encountering a life like the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox in this barrier, Wang Feng naturally wanted to answer the questions in his heart.

"According to our ancestors, at the beginning of Chaos, there was a shocking war between gods and demons that swept through the whole Chaos, and this Yuan Shang Barrier was left over from that war. As for the specific situation, no one knows .”

The Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox shook his little head and explained in an old-fashioned manner.

Wang Feng once thought that the era here would be extremely ancient, but he did not expect it to be so ancient. At the beginning of chaos, it was the oldest era in the world. At that time, the heavens had not yet been born, the world of gods had not yet been born, and the entire universe had not yet been born. It's all chaos.

The so-called gods and demons are the first batch of creatures in chaos. After chaos, after countless years of evolution, the world of the heavens was formed. What happened in it was too long ago to be remembered at all. People know that even if there are some records, they will all disappear in those long years.

But why did Yuanshang Barrier, which was born in such an ancient era, appear in this turbulent sea of ​​stars? And how does this violent star sea exist in the God Realm?

After pondering for a moment, Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something and quickly said: "Ancestor? Are you saying that besides you, there are other living beings in this Yuanshang Barrier?"

"It seems that you are not a creature in this Yuanshang Barrier."

"After so many years, you are still the first living being who can step into the Yuanshang Barrier from the outside world."

"How did you pass through Yuan Shang's barrier?"

The Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox glanced at Wang Feng, and instead of answering Wang Feng's question, he asked instead.

"Just walk in."

"Just...walk in directly?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox was stunned for a moment, and then shouted at Wang Feng. His words were a little awkward, his eyes were full of horror, and he kept looking at Wang Feng.

" are not bound by Yuan Shang's barrier?"

"Oh my God!"

At this moment, the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox looked like a madman. Its small and exquisite body was beating continuously in front of Wang Feng. It made a sound while beating, and its tone was full of excitement.

The Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox has not been so excited for who knows how many years. Wang Feng has just stayed in this Yuanshang Barrier for a while and has already become numb, not to mention the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox who has been staying here since birth. ?

God knows how much the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox wants to live in the outside world? From the beginning of its memory, it has been constantly trying to break through the Yuanshang Barrier and leave this ghost place, but no matter how it breaks through, it has never been able to break through the Yuanshang Barrier.

After it had been in despair for so many years, an outsider creature that was not bound by the Yuan Shang Barrier actually appeared? People who have never experienced it can't imagine how excited the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox is at this moment.

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