Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1424 The sect leader can create miracles

When Wang Feng finished speaking, the old man and the burly men present, including the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox, all looked at Wang Feng strangely.

After a long time, the old man sighed and said: "My little friend, I don't know. No matter how high the Zhanyuan clan is, their life span is only one hundred thousand years. This is our shackles, or curse."

"Throughout the ages, no member of the Zhanyuan clan has been able to break through this curse."

"Furthermore, little friend, do you think I am the only one from the Zhanyuan clan in this Yuan Shang barrier?"

"Are there other living beings?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng was startled and looked at the old man suddenly, his eyes full of exploration.

"It's natural."

"In addition to my Zhanyuan clan, there is another kind of creature, or monster, in this Yuanshang barrier, the bone beast!"

"They evolved from the bones that filled the sky. They have no intelligence and cruel temperament. They have been fighting with my Zhanyuan clan for many years. I don't know how many strong men from the Zhanyuan clan died in their hands."

When the old man finished speaking, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart. He was really lucky to have stepped into the Yuanshang Barrier before and had never encountered such a bone beast. Otherwise, he would have been able to fight against such a powerful warrior with this bone beast. If the Yuan clan is at war, Wang Feng will have no choice but to summon his ancestor.

"My little friend, if you have the ability, can you take me, the Zhanyuan clan, out of here?"

While Wang Feng was thinking deeply, the old man's eyes flashed with hope and he asked Wang Feng solemnly.

Even those who are as strong as him yearn for the outside world. His Zhanyuan clan has been numb and tired of staying here for generations. If possible, how could they want to live with that brutal bone beast?

From the time he could remember, the life of the entire Zhanyuan clan had been extremely boring. Apart from fighting, there was still fighting. He saw with his own eyes that many members of the Zhanyuan clan died tragically in battles with bone beasts.

Even though the old man is now more than 80,000 years old and has only more than 10,000 years left in his life, he still wants to see the vast world outside and experience life in the outside world instead of dying of old age. In this dead Yuan Shang barrier.

When the old man finished speaking, many burly men present also looked at Wang Feng hopefully. They looked very nervous, even the Yuan-devouring Chaos Fox.

Wang Feng was silent for a while, then met the old man's gaze and said in a deep voice: "I don't know if I can take you away."

"It doesn't matter! As long as you are willing to try it, I, the Zhanyuan clan, will be grateful to you."

The old man felt happy and said quickly.

Even though he had gone through many vicissitudes of life, he couldn't help but feel a little excited at this moment.

"If I can take you away, I have one request."

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

Wang Feng does not want to miss such a terrifying Zhan Yuan clan. By incorporating them into the Immortal Sect, the strength of his Immortal Sect will skyrocket again. Now, the Immortal Sect is no longer limited to the human race.

The entire Shenxian Sect can be said to be a gathering of heroes, including the Monster Clan, the Demon Clan, the Celestial Clan, the Human Clan, the Phantom Clan, the Litian Clan, etc. Plus the Zhanyuan Clan is nothing.

The key is that the Zhanyuan clan has stayed in the Yuanshang Barrier all year round, and their boring life has made most of them extremely simple and simple, and have not been infected by the outside world. Which force doesn't love such a race?

"My friend, please tell me."

The old man was not surprised at all and said with a smile.

As long as it was within the capabilities of his Zhanyuan clan, he would agree no matter how much Wang Feng opened his mouth.

They want to leave this hellish place so much. As long as they can leave, they are willing to spend everything they have.

"This junior created a sect outside, called the Immortal Sect."

"If I can take you away, I want you to join the Immortal Sect."

"Of course, juniors will not restrict your freedom, but you need to be loyal. Once the sect is in trouble, or the disciples in the sect are in trouble, you also need to take action."

"In addition, you can also enjoy the benefits of the sect. Moreover, as long as this junior has the ability, he will do everything he can to find a way to break the curse of your Zhanyuan clan."

"In other words, the entire Immortal Sect will help you find a way to break the curse."

When Wang Feng finished speaking, the old man and many big men present were stunned.

They thought that Wang Feng would open his mouth like a lion, but they didn't expect that his conditions were so simple?

That's right, for many strong men from the Zhanyuan clan, this condition is not only simple, it's like nothing else.

For them, who are already desperate and numb, paying loyalty is nothing, and joining the Immortal Sect is nothing. Even if Wang Feng restricts their freedom, they will agree.

People who have not stayed here cannot understand their pain at all. If they can, they will understand why they think Wang Feng's request is simple.

"Zhan Yuan, see the sect master."

When Wang Feng was feeling uneasy, he saw the old man suddenly stood up, came to Wang Feng, bowed, shouted loudly, and responded directly with action.

"War Sky, War Spirit, War Bear...see the Sect Master!"

Immediately afterwards, many burly men followed the old man Zhan Yuan and bowed to Wang Feng, their eyes looking at Wang Feng full of heat.

This neat scene made Wang Feng dumbfounded.

Not long after, Wang Feng came back to his senses, quickly helped the old man up, and said: "You don't have to be like this. I'm not sure whether I can take you away. Once it's confirmed, it's time for you to fulfill your agreement!"

"I believe in the sect master."

"For countless years, we have also hoped to meet visitors from the outside. But after so many years, only the sect master can break the shackles of the Yuan Shang barrier. I believe that the sect master can create miracles!"

Ancestor Zhan Yuan smiled and said.

The ancestors of each generation of the Zhanyuan clan are named Zhanyuan, and the name of each tribal leader of the Zhanyuan clan is also the name of his tribe.

"I'll wait, trust the sect master!"

Roars echoed in the hall, causing Wang Feng to feel extremely stressed. He didn't know how he would face these simple people who trusted him if he failed to take them away by then.

In fact, Wang Feng still has many questions in his mind, such as why he was able to break through the restrictions of the Yuanshang Barrier, such as whether Yuan Village is related to the Yuanshang Barrier, and such as...

But at this moment, Wang Feng no longer wanted to understand these questions. He just hoped to take the Zhan Yuan clan out and live up to their trust.

For Wang Feng, taking the Zhan Yuan clan out can instantly increase the strength of his Immortal Sect, which is a great benefit; and for the Zhan Yuan clan, being able to get out means that they can get rid of this dead place and be able to see Going to the vast world outside also has many benefits.

As for what Wang Feng said about helping them break the life-span curse, neither Zhan Yuan nor other tribal leaders took it to heart. They admitted that Wang Feng was very mysterious and believed that Wang Feng could take them out. But if they wanted to break the life-span curse, , they don’t believe it.

Throughout the ages, he and the Yuan clan have tried many times, but in the end they have been unable to break this curse.

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