Under the leadership of Ji Xuan, Wang Feng and his party rushed towards the depths of the Storm Star Area. They also encountered many dangers on the Bone Burial Star. However, with the help of the two Emperor God Realm elders from the Gu family, All solved easily.

Only an hour later, Wang Feng and his party had passed through the entire Bone Burial Star.

"Behind the Bone Burial Star is a dangerous star path called the Chaos Star Path."

"No one knows how this chaotic star path was formed. This chaotic star path has existed since the emergence of the Riotous Star Sea. It is a road composed of countless star fragments."

"On this road, the star turbulence is the densest. If you are not careful, even the powerful Emperor God may fall into it."

"Moreover, there are some star beasts on this chaotic star path. They are all terrifying in strength and extremely ferocious. They only know how to devour them. Once they encounter them, they must either run away or kill them!"

While moving forward, explorer Ji Xuan introduced, his face full of solemnity.

Wang Feng and others who were following him all nodded solemnly when they heard this. No one dared to underestimate Riot Xinghai, because those who underestimated him would end up with nowhere to find their graves.

This is a terrifying Jedi that can be devoured by even the strongest in the Dao realm. Even Wang Feng, who has now conquered the Zhan Yuan clan, does not dare to show any slightest hesitation.

"Look, that's the Luan Xing Dao."

At this time, Ji Xuan's voice came to his ears, causing Wang Feng and others to look up.

Not far in front of them, they saw an extremely wide road paved over the entire starry sky, with even a faint glow blooming on it. At first glance, it looked like a Milky Way lying across the black sky. The scene was extremely shocking. force.

The entire star path is composed of dense star fragments, full of irregular lines, and looks very dreamy.

Under the leadership of Ji Xuan, everyone set foot on this chaotic star path. Walking on it made people feel insecure and everyone became cautious.

Even Sun Wukong and others couldn't help but look left and right after setting foot on this path of chaotic stars, with curiosity flashing on their faces. Even Wang Feng was like this. Such a strange scene is not common in the outside world. .

The black sky in the distance is dotted with star fragments, exuding a dreamy brilliance that makes people want to fall into it.

This is the charm of the starry sky.

The vastness of the universe and the vastness of heaven and earth are beyond the reach of human beings. Even if they reach the level of cultivation of Wang Feng and others, no one dares to say that they can travel all over the world.

Many people will never be able to explore the entire God Realm in their entire lives, let alone the entire universe.


Just when everyone was admiring the wonderful scenery around them, a terrifying roar exploded, and then, a turbulent current carrying endless star fragments swept towards Wang Feng and others. The violent and destructive aura seemed to destroy everyone. Crush completely.

Feeling the terrifying aura surging from the turbulent flow of stars, no one dared to neglect it. They all burst out the power in their bodies and tried their best to resist.


Led by the two powerful Emperor Gods of the Gu family, the majestic power gathered together and formed into spikes, attacking towards the star turbulence with the intention of destroying the star turbulence.

Wang Feng did not move, just frowned and stared closely at the turbulent flow of stars. He always felt that the turbulent flow of stars appeared too deliberately, as if someone had thrown him here.

How long have they been on this chaotic star path? Encountered turbulence in the stars?

Even if this chaotic star path is extremely dangerous, this chaotic star current can swallow everything. Even if you meet them, it will take a certain amount of time to reach them. How can you come specifically for them?

To be on the safe side, Wang Feng secretly communicated with Zhan Tian and Zhan Ling, the two leaders of the Zhan Yuan clan in the Divine Kingdom, who were both at the pinnacle of the Emperor Gods, and would release them once they were in danger.

As for the ancestor Zhan Yuan, this is Wang Feng's biggest trump card at present besides using his ancestor. In the absence of a big crisis, he does not want to expose the existence of Zhan Yuan.


After everyone tried their best to attack the star turbulence, the star turbulence was finally destroyed by everyone, turned into dots of starlight, and dissipated in the dim starry sky. Among them, the two ancient elders of the Emperor God realm contributed the most.


Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, a deafening roar rang out, making everyone tremble. Only Wang Feng had a look on his face.

Seeing the huge thing gradually revealed in the starry sky in the distance, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light. It seemed that this star beast was responsible for their encounter with the star turbulence.

However, Wang Feng couldn't figure it out. How could the star beasts use the turbulence of the stars to consume their power if they were not without intelligence?


The terrifying aura swept out from the behemoth in the distance, like the pouring of the Milky Way, making everyone present tremble. It was as powerful as the two elders of the Gu family, and their faces became serious at this time.

"Emperor-level star beast?"

Ji Xuan's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

He stepped into this violent star sea, and this was the first time he encountered such a terrifying star beast.

For just a moment, he also wanted to understand why the star turbulence appeared so promptly, and his whole face turned ugly. After all, he had been in the violent star sea for many years, and he was experienced. How could he not guess that this evil beast was going to consume them? Strength?

Then, Ji Xuan told everyone his thoughts, which made everyone's expressions even more ugly. An emperor-level star beast with some wisdom was even more difficult to deal with. Even the two ancient elders were not sure.

After all, in this starry sky, it is the home ground of the star beast.

"Aren't star beasts without intelligence?"

Wang Feng couldn't help but ask Ji Xuan.

Hearing this, Ji Xuan explained: "My lord, I don't know. Ordinary star beasts do not have intelligence, but once they reach the level of Emperor God or above, spiritual intelligence will be born."

"It is said that the intelligence of Hedao-level star beasts is not weaker than that of humans, and they can even speak human words."

Under normal circumstances, one would rarely encounter such terrifying star beasts when staying on the outskirts of the Riotous Star Sea, but this time they went too deep and were already close to the place where these terrifying star beasts were active.

If they were in another area, they would encounter more star beasts at this time.

"Sect Master Wang, this star beast is very powerful. We don't have much confidence. If something goes wrong...!"

After Ji Xuan finished speaking, the two elders Gu Feng and Gu Lin hesitated for a moment and spoke to Wang Feng. Although they did not finish speaking, everyone present understood what they meant.

Gu Chengxiao on the side opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still did not speak. He knew very well that the two elders could help to such an extent, which was the utmost benevolence. Even if they formed an alliance with the Shenxian Sect, these two elders would not be able to speak. It is impossible to sacrifice one's life for the Shenxian Sect.

Wang Feng also understood this truth, so he just smiled lightly and did not blame it.

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