Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1435 The Tianchi due to the world

If they had known that the devil was an enlightened person, they would have definitely used stronger power this time to strangle the devil completely. They would not even use the devil to lure the Heaven Master. The moment they discovered the devil, they would have directly killed him on the spot.

In fact, Ye Muqing deduced that the devil had traces not long after he entered the God Realm. However, in order to lure out other Heaven Masters, they did not take action immediately, but kept an eye on them until the Heaven Master charmed them. Appeared, they just took action.

Unexpectedly, even so, the demon was able to escape. However, the demon who had returned to the peak of Taoism could unleash a blow at the last moment that shocked even the Desolate Sky Demon God and others.

In this day and age, there are only two enlightened beings, and the devil is one of them? It’s hard to imagine how terrifying the achievements that the Demon Institute will be able to achieve in the future will be?

In the heavens and worlds that were so glorious back then, the only ones who could understand their own way and achieve enlightenment, apart from the family of masters of heaven, were that Lord and Ye Muqing.

The Demon God of Desolate Sky and others, who were immersed in anger and regret, did not notice Queen Medusa not far away, with a dull look on her face, staring closely at the direction where the two demons of Xuan Cha left, her whole delicate body trembling slightly.

That last blow, even if she deliberately spared some strength, would definitely cause huge trauma to the Great Demon Xuansha. At the last moment when the two of them left, she could even feel the vitality of the Great Demon Xuansha coming. Keep dissipating.

God knows how worried Queen Medusa is at this time, but she can't show it at all, because she knows that the more people know about the existence of the Xuansha Demon, the more dangerous the Xuansha Demon will be.

She wasn't even prepared to tell Ye Muqing, and kept this secret deep in her heart. Because of this, she was in extremely torment at this time.

"Let's go!"

"Go back and report to the Empress that the devil is an enlightened person. This matter is too big and must be discussed with the Empress."

"At this time, the demon has only recovered to the peak of Taoism and is seriously injured. If there is a chance, we must kill it!"

The Desolate Sky Demon God said something and left first, followed closely by Tianxuan Daozu and others. Only Queen Medusa was left, looking at the direction in which the Xuan Cha Demon and the two left in a daze, and was stunned for a long time. Just now he also left.



In the vast starry sky, the person holding the sky turned pale. He coughed up blood and ran away at high speed. The power in his body rushed into the body of the unconscious Xuansha Demon behind him, hanging on to his life.

"Brother Mo, just hold on for a while, we'll be here soon!"

Mei looked anxious and whimpered.

If someone in charge of the sky saw Chari, who has always been murderous and treated men like playthings, showing such an anxious scene, he would definitely be shocked.

In fact, although Mei treats men as if they are nothing, it does not mean that she has no emotions. Among the many heaven masters, the only ones she can like are Mo, Yu and Wu. This refers to their level. , a higher-level Heaven Master, even if she likes him, others will not like her.

Because of this, she had a good relationship with the three demons back then, otherwise she would not have ventured to the God Realm to take him back after learning of the demon's traces.

But this time, she was planning to fight to the death, but she was saved by the devil. Even at the last moment, the devil blocked a blow for her. More importantly, the devil is one of the only enlightened people in this era. This kind of... Everything created the worry and anxiety that Mei was feeling at this moment.

Finally, under Mei's anxiety and worry, the secluded place of Wu, the Master of Heaven, came closer and closer.

This is a vast star field, extremely mysterious, surrounded by a huge light shield, covering the entire star field, isolating anyone from exploration.

When Mei stepped into the star field with Xuan Cha Demon on his back, Wu, the Heaven Master who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the star field like a giant, instantly opened his eyes, and his huge body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"What happened?"

Wu, who had returned to his normal form, appeared in front of Mei, the master of heaven. He glanced at Mei, who was seriously injured, and the unconscious demon behind her, and asked with wrinkles.

"Was ambushed."

"The four guys, Desolate Sky Demon God, Tianxuan Daozu, Hell Senlong and Medusa, took action together."

"Leave me alone and look at Brother Mo!"

Mei said simply, put down the demon behind her, and spoke anxiously.

Wu, the Heaven Master, glanced at Mei with some surprise. This was the first time he saw Mei look so anxious. Although he was surprised, he did not hesitate and quickly stepped forward to investigate for the demon.

Just by looking at it, he could feel the seriousness of Mo's injuries, but after real inspection, he realized how serious Mo's injuries were.

His body was empty and there was no strength at all. Not only that, his heart and veins were almost shattered, and his bones were broken by dozens. What was even more frightening was that his soul was about to collapse. If it weren't for the charm that kept him alive, He couldn't hold on here at all, he would have died on the road long ago.

"How about it?"

Seeing the increasingly solemn expression on the face of Master Wu, Mei asked anxiously, her whole heart lifted.

"His injuries are too severe. It's difficult to save him!"

Master Wu sighed and said.

"What do you mean?"

"The demon is our brother. Why don't you save me because of the difficulty?"

Mei Qiao's face changed and she said in a cold voice, even though she was severely injured at this moment, she still exuded a frightening aura.

"If you want to save him, you must use Yinshi Tianchi!"

"You should know the importance of the Yinshi Tianchi. Although I control the entrance to one of the Yinshi Tianchi, it does not mean that I can use it at will."

"Not even the clan leader dares to use Yinshi Tianchi easily, let alone me?"

"In order to save me, I used the Yinshi Tianchi. If the clan leader finds out, let alone me, the devil will be beaten to death by him!"

Wu, the master of heaven, shook his head, looked towards Mei, and said solemnly.

It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but because the World Heaven Lake is too important, it would be a waste to use the World Heaven Lake just for a mere demon.

Because of the World Tianchi, the highest level treasure of the Heaven Master family, even Wu is not clear about its origin. It is said that it was created by the ancestor who is the strongest among the Heaven Masters.

It can gather the cause and effect of all those who control the sky. Whenever a person who controls the sky dies, the Yinshi Tianchi will operate autonomously, absorbing everything it has from heaven and earth to replenish itself.

Over the years, Yinshi Tianchi has become an important inheritance place for the Heaven Master clan to create Heaven Masters, even though over the years, Yin Shi Tianchi has gathered a lot of power.

But the clan leader had already ordered that when the two beings with the supreme divine body reach a certain level of cultivation, they would be allowed to enter the Yinshi Tianchi and become the true Heaven Masters, adding more powerful generals to the Heaven Master clan!

Compared to the two demons who became Heaven Masters, the demons who have only recovered to the peak of Taoism are relatively less important. After all, even if the demons recover to their peak, they are not as good as those two who have the supreme power. The existence of the divine body.

After hearing what the Heaven Master Wu said, Mei's face became much uglier. Although she didn't know much about the Yinshi Tianchi, she also knew the importance of the Yinshi Tianchi to the Heaven Master clan. But the next moment, Mei seemed to think of something. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he said to Wu: "What if he has understood his own way and become an enlightened person?"

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