Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1451 Paving the road to death

At the same time, on the other side of Luoxuan City, there was a huge palace complex.

Here is the headquarters of Xuanhuang Sect, another first-rate force in Luoxuan City.

In the main hall, Chen Xuanhuang, the contemporary head of the Xuanhuang Sect, was sitting on the main seat. Below, sat several elders of the Xuanhuang Sect.

"Sect Master, it's not good."

At this moment, the elder in charge of the Xuanhuang Sect Soul Palace rushed into the hall in a hurry, sweating profusely, holding a pile of broken soul cards in his hands.

"How can you behave in such a panic?"

"As long as I am here and my ancestor is here, the sky will not fall down!"

The leader of the clan, Chen Xuanhuang, frowned and snorted coldly. He had a calm demeanor, as if his expression remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

"Sect Master, Young Sect Master, First Elder and Ninth Elder, the soul cards are all broken."


When the elder said these words, Chen Xuanhuang couldn't hold it any longer. He stood up suddenly and stared at the broken soul card in the elder's hand. His eyes turned black, he staggered back, and fell down on the main seat. superior.

His only son!

Even though Chen Xuanwu was dissolute, he still put all his effort into treating him as his next heir. After all, he had worked hard for most of his life to give birth to such a son.

It's not that he doesn't know that his son is lustful, but in Chen Xuanhuang's opinion, this is not a big deal. What man is not lustful?

But he never expected that the son he devoted everything to would die?

"who is it?"

The next moment, Chen Xuanhuang stood up again, eyes blazing, staring at the elder, roaring, the terrifying life-god aura rising from him, shaking the entire hall.

Several other elders in the hall were equally angry. The young sect leader and the two elders died one after another. This was definitely the biggest provocation to his Xuanhuang Sect. If this revenge was not avenged, how could the Xuanhuang Sect have the dignity to gain a foothold in Luoxuan City?

"Back to the sect master, after I noticed that the soul cards of the young sect master, the first elder, and the ninth elder were broken, my subordinates immediately sent people to investigate, and finally found out that the young sect master and others died in Luofeng Pavilion!"

The elder wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and made a panicked sound.

As an elder of the Xuanhuang Sect, he knew how much the sect master doted on his only son. All the beautiful female disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect were basically killed by the young sect master. Sometimes, the sect master even recruited some female disciples. .

Chen Xuanwu's death was no less than the sky falling for the sect leader, and for them elders, no one could withstand the sect leader's wrath!

"Luofeng Pavilion!!!"

"Okay, very good!"

"Dare to kill my son? Lin Xuan, you are looking for death!"

The deafening roar resounded throughout the entire Xuanhuang Sect Master's Hall, and the terrifying power of the God of Life made many elders almost breathless. They were equally angry, but more frightened, for fear that the Sect Master would lose his mind.

Fortunately, Chen Xuanhuang calmed down after just venting. However, the cold murderous intent that filled his body made them feel like they were falling into an ice cave!

"Everyone, get down!"

Suddenly, Chen Xuanhuang seemed to have grown older out of thin air. He waved his hand and said hoarsely.

Hearing this, many elders did not dare to say anything. They all bowed to Chen Xuanhuang and exited the hall.

After many elders exited the hall, Chen Xuanhuang raised his head, his face full of resentment, so ferocious that it was scary.

The next moment, he palmed his hand, and a dark token suddenly appeared in his hand. Touching the dark token in his hand, Chen Xuanhuang's eyes flashed with madness.

"Lin Xuan, you are unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust!"

"Originally, I wanted you to stay in Luofeng Pavilion for a few more days. Since you are anxious to seek death, I will help you!"

Hoarse and cold words came from Chen Xuanhuang's mouth. The next moment, he gritted his teeth and poured his power into the dark token in his hand.


In an instant, the entire pitch-black token was activated by this force, emitting bursts of faint light, and slowly floated from Chen Xuanhuang's hand.

Immediately afterwards, wisps of mist emerged from the dark token and condensed into an illusory figure. Two red rays of light shone from the eyes of the illusory figure. It was as powerful as Chen Xuanhuang, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"What's the matter?"

An indifferent and cold word came from the mouth of this illusory figure.

"Sir, it's time to begin!"

"We, Xuanhuang Sect, will do our best to help you devour Luofeng Pavilion."

Even though he was sad in his heart, facing this person, Chen Xuanhuang still did not dare to neglect him, bowed and said.

"very good!"

"I really saw you right!"

"I'll give you two days to arrange everything. After two days, I will come to Luoxuan City!"

The illusory figure nodded with satisfaction and chuckled.

"Xuan Huang understands, sir, don't worry, Xuan Huang will prepare everything and wait for your arrival!"

"As long as your Excellency destroys Luofeng Pavilion, the agreement between Xuan Huang and Your Majesty will be fulfilled for the rest of his life!"

Hearing this, Chen Xuanhuang bowed and said loudly.


"You are very good!"

"If your Xuanhuang Sect encounters trouble in the future, you can come to me. Seeing that you are so wise, I will help you!"

"But every time you take action, you need to use blood food as a bargaining chip."

The illusory figure laughed loudly and looked at Chen Xuanhuang with eyes filled with admiration. Where could he find such a good loser?


Hearing this, Chen Xuanhuang felt happy. With this adult as his backer, Xuanhuang Sect was able to run rampant in this area, and Xuanhuang Sect would flourish in his hands. In an instant, the sadness of his son's death disappeared a lot. !

The illusory figure nodded, and then the dark token shook, and the mysterious man disappeared without a trace, leaving only Chen Xuanhuang with a ferocious face!

No one knew that the mysterious strong man who came to Luofeng Pavilion was actually the Xuanhuang Sect who came to him first.

In line with the principle that a dead Taoist friend should never die a poor Taoist, Chen Xuanhuang recommended Luofeng Pavilion to the mysterious strong man and even gave him an idea.

Let Luofeng Pavilion collect the blood food. After Luofeng Pavilion has finished collecting it, Luofeng Pavilion will also devour it.

Moreover, in order to keep Xuanhuang Pavilion, Chen Xuanhuang also promised that once his Xuanhuang Sect became the number one force in Luoxuan City, he would provide blood food for this mysterious powerhouse every ten years.

This idea made the mysterious strong man very satisfied. He agreed to Chen Xuanhuang's plan and promised Chen Xuanhuang to let Xuanhuang Sect go.

Originally, Chen Xuanhuang wanted to wait for his son to marry Lin Hongye, and then let the mysterious strong man take action to devour Luofeng Pavilion, making his Xuanhuang Sect completely become the number one force in Luoxuan City!

But now, his son died in Luofeng Pavilion. He didn't want to waste a moment. He just wanted to destroy Luofeng Pavilion and avenge his son.

After a moment, Chen Xuanhuang caught the dropped token, flashed and disappeared into the hall.

He wants to arrange everything and pave a dead end for Luofeng Pavilion!

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