Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1453 Xiaoyao takes action

"call out!"

On the broken ruins, the sound of breaking through the air resounded.

Emperor Xiaoyao rushed over in a hurry. When he saw the miserable figure, Emperor Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Emperor Yongye was seen covered in blood, his clothes were torn, his body was scarred, and there were even flashes of thunder, but he had a relaxed smile on his face.

He successfully survived the thunder tribulation, how could he not be happy?

Although he was seriously injured, he could recover in no time after being rewarded by heaven. He could also reach the peak of god-refining and become a true god-level powerhouse!

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Yongye for entering the divine realm!"

Emperor Xiaoyao was also happy for Emperor Yongye, Yaoyao cupped his hands and congratulated him.

"Thank you, junior brother, for protecting us!"

Emperor Yongye endured the severe pain in his body, stood up, returned a salute to Emperor Xiaoyao, and chuckled.


At this moment, there was a muffled thunder in the sky, and golden light shone in the sky. The original calamity clouds had been dispersed, and were replaced by a magnificent cloud of golden light.

This is Heaven's reward for those who survive the Hongmeng Divine Tribulation!

Looking at the auspicious clouds in the sky, Emperor Xiaoyao couldn't help but have a look of envy on his face. Only after a cultivator narrowly escaped death and survived the catastrophe of the Hongmeng God could he receive this award.

Even though he was very confident in his own strength, anything could happen before he passed through the Divine Tribulation. The Hongmeng Divine Tribulation was always like a sharp blade hanging over Emperor Xiaoyao's head, making him dare not relax at all!


Just when the two of them were waiting for heaven's reward to arrive, an old figure appeared silently above the ruins.


The sudden figure made Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Yongye tense up. Emperor Xiaoyao even shouted loudly, his eyes fixed on the visitor, his face full of solemnity.

When this person arrived, he didn't feel any trace of him. What was even more frightening was that just by looking at this person, he felt a strong life-and-death crisis. The strength of this person was probably beyond his imagination.

The old man glanced at Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Yongye without paying any attention to them. He stood in the void with his hands behind his hands, looking up at the auspicious clouds blooming with bright golden light in the sky, a trace of obsession flashing in his eyes.

The old man's attitude made Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Yongye a little confused. Emperor Xiaoyao cupped his hands and said to the old man: "Senior, why are you here?"

Although Emperor Xiaoyao knew that ordinary people could not plunder the rewards of heaven, but for some reason, he felt strongly uneasy in his heart, even though he had never felt any hostility from the old man.

"Zi Yao suppresses the demonic calamity?"

"Your kid's qualifications are quite good. Looking at the Luotian Divine Realm, there are very few geniuses who can reach the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm."

"I didn't expect that I would meet two people as soon as I was born. This is the first time in my life that I have such good luck!"

The old man glanced at Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Yongye, a flash of surprise flashed in his turbid eyes, and he chuckled.

Although the old man's attitude was very gentle, the uneasiness in the hearts of Emperor Yongye and Emperor Xiaoyao became more and more intense.

Based on the uneasiness in their hearts, Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Yongye looked at each other, and both thought of escaping from this place. No matter where the tribulation was, rewards from heaven would come to them. Therefore, if they escaped at this time, they would not have to. Worried about losing the heavenly reward.

The next moment, both of them rushed up to escape from this place. Even though Emperor Yong Ye was seriously injured, under the threat of life and death crisis, he still broke out at unimaginable speed.


However, as soon as the two of them moved, a terrifying coercion fell directly on them like a river pouring down from the sky, suppressing them on the spot.


The two fell from the void and hit the ground hard, creating a terrifying giant crater in the already torn ground. Emperor Yongye, who was seriously injured, almost fainted, almost spitting out his mouth, and his face was as white as paper.

Emperor Xiaoyao's face was also pale, but compared to Emperor Yongye, he was undoubtedly much better, but Emperor Xiaoyao was extremely frightened and angry. The terrifying pressure suppressed him to the point where he could not move. The power in his body was in this In front of the coercion, it has no effect at all!

"There are many people in this world who can escape from me, but you two are not included among them!"

"I advise you not to waste your efforts and just be patient!"

"I'm in a good mood, I won't kill you, don't worry."

The old man glanced at Xiaoyao Emperor and the two and sneered, his words filled with disdain.

Emperor Xiaoyao looked ugly, where did this terrifying and powerful man come from? According to the strength shown by this person, he may have reached the upper god realm, or even higher. Why can such a terrifying existence have trouble getting through with them?

At this moment, both Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Xiaoyao couldn't help but feel a sense of despair, especially Emperor Yongye. He had just survived the Hongmeng Divine Tribulation. He was about to die before he could absorb the heavenly reward? Is he probably the most miserable person in the world who has survived the divine calamity?

Suddenly, Emperor Xiaoyao seemed to remember something, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, and he quickly used his mind to communicate with the token placed in the cone of the Kingdom of God within his body.

This was left by Elder Song Que. I wonder if Elder Song Que can deal with this person?

No matter, Elder Song Que is so powerful, even if he can't deal with this person, he should be able to lead them to escape from this place.

"There's no need to use the token. The elder of the Immortal Sect can't deal with this guy, so he should come as a teacher!"

Just when Emperor Xiaoyao was about to communicate with the token and summon Song Que to come, a vicissitude of voice suddenly sounded in Emperor Xiaoyao's mind, making Emperor Xiaoyao stunned.

"Master...Master, you...can you take action?"

Emperor Xiaoyao was shocked. From the beginning, he never thought about asking Xiaoyao Daozu to take action, because he knew that although his master was once very strong and even stood on the top of all the heavens and worlds, now he is just a wisp of remnants. soul.

If it weren't for his master back then, he wouldn't be able to reach what he is now, let alone join the Shenxian Sect. He has long regarded Xiaoyao Daozu as a relative. Over the years, he has practiced hard in order to one day be able to carve a physical body for his master.

Even in such a dangerous situation, he never thought of asking for help from Xiaoyao Daozu. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyao Daozu took the initiative to speak out and bluntly said that Elder Song Que was not his opponent.

"Thanks to you, my master's soul has recovered a lot these days. Although it has not reached its peak, it is more than enough to deal with this person!"

"Don't worry, my teacher will be fine."

"Just this guy, I won't let my master give his life to deal with him!"

Xiaoyao Taoist Ancestor smiled and said, his words full of strong confidence, and then he continued: "Relax your mind, don't resist, I will use your body to deal with this person!"

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