
As soon as he finished speaking, the old man exploded. The majestic power spurted out crazily, and the rolling power fluctuations shocked the world. The land thousands of miles around him seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​power, which was extremely terrifying.

"Xuanyi Heavenly Numbers, Dayan Forty-nine, steal the world, but I am the only one!"

"Xuan Yan steals the world!"

A low roar like thunder came from the old man's mouth. His hands moved the seal at an extremely fast speed. Wisps of strange inscriptions emerged from between his hands. A mysterious and terrifying aura appeared in an instant. Sweeping across the heaven and earth, the entire sky darkened.

Under the guidance of the old man, the densely packed strange inscriptions gathered in front of him, forming a diagram that resembled gossip. When this diagram appeared, a feeling of horror and horror instantly filled Emperor Yongye's heart. , as if this catalog is some kind of terrifying existence.

"Xuan Yan, the strongest magical power of the Taoist clan, steals the world?"

"It's a pity that compared to Sikong Changhuan, you haven't mastered cultivation yet!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao Daozu shook his head and said disdainfully.

"Disciple, watch carefully, what is the true way to be free and happy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoyao Daozu's eyes condensed, and his body shook violently. His whole person seemed to be illusory in an instant. The next moment, countless figures appeared in an instant. Looking around, he was all densely packed.

"Happy and free against the wind, free and easy with one sword!"

As the sound of loud shouting fell, the densely packed figures around him instantly gathered towards Xiaoyao Daozu. At some point, a long sword with a cold light appeared in his hand!

When these figures completely gathered on him, the sword power erupting from Xiaoyao Daozu's body reached its peak in an instant. The sharp and terrifying sword power shot straight into the sky, as if it was going to pierce the sky!

Emperor Xiaoyao, who was hidden in his body, widened his eyes and tried his best to feel the mystery of Xiaoyao Dao revealed by Xiaoyao Daozu. The depth of this mystery made Emperor Xiaoyao feel like he had learned it in vain.

In front of the master, the way of freedom that I have learned cannot even be called a beginner.


The next moment, Xiaoyao Daozu slashed violently, but no sword energy burst out, but the void in front of him was torn open in an instant, and a terrifying black crack reached directly in front of the old man.


Although the old man did not see any sword light, he felt the terrifying edge of the sword. He did not dare to be negligent. He shouted loudly and pushed out his hands horizontally. The picture, which was like a gossip, struck instantly. And out!


Immediately afterwards, a deafening roar exploded instantly, a sword light appeared in the void, and collided with the catalog. The terrifying storm swept away in all directions, destroying everything around it.

On the surface, the old man successfully resisted the sword of Xiaoyao Daozu, but at this time, the old man was extremely frightened, because there was a sword light flying from behind him, and the terrifying sword edge made his whole back Unstoppable chills.

This sword, Xiaoyao Daozu sent out not one sword light, but two!


The sound of sword energy entering the body instantly resounded throughout the world. The old man stared blankly at the terrifying sword energy on his chest, his face filled with disbelief.

He didn't feel the slightest breath of this second sword energy at all. He didn't feel it until he was close to him. But at this time, even if he wanted to defend, it was already too late.


The old man raised his hand, pointed at Xiaoyao Daozu, and trembled, his face full of unwillingness.

He never expected that he would die tragically on the spot just after he was born?

Originally, he was still thinking about showing off his power in this era, but with this sword, all his ambitions were in vain.

The terrifying Xiaoyao Dao turned into a supreme sword blade, raging inside his body like a storm, crushing all his vitality into pieces. He couldn't figure it out. Xiaoyao Dao Ancestor was just a ray of remnant soul. Why? Can he unleash such terrifying strength?

"Xiaoyao? Xiaoyao!"

"It's...it's you!"

It was only then that the old man came back to his senses and remembered the identity of Xiaoyao Daozu. If he had known that it was this terrifying existence, he would have run away no matter what, or even run away as soon as he saw him.

Being able to die at the hands of this person, it seems that you are not unjust?

Thoughts flashed through the old man's mind, and finally turned into a long sleep.


The old man's body fell straight from the sky, smashing a huge crater into the entire earth, scattering smoke and dust, and flying gravel.

When the old man died, his offensive was shattered in an instant, and the whole world returned to peace, leaving only the devastated land.

"Disciple, have you seen it?"

"This is Xiaoyao!"

Xiaoyao Daozu, who stood in the void with his hands behind his back, said softly with deep eyes.

Emperor Xiaoyao in his body looked horrified and nodded repeatedly. This was the first time he had seen his master take action. He was really invincible!


It was at this time that Emperor Xiaoyao noticed that the terrifying soul power of his master, Dao Ancestor Xiaoyao, had subsided and that he was able to take control of his body again.

"Master, how are you?"

After taking control of the body, Emperor Xiaoyao asked quickly, with a hint of worry in his eyes. The strength of this mysterious old man was clearly visible in his mind. The master was only a ray of remnant soul, but he could kill him, and he had to pay a huge price.

"It's okay, it's just that during this period, I have to fall into a deep sleep to warm up my soul!"

Xiaoyao Daozu smiled and said weakly.

Despite his majesty just now, he killed the old man with one sword, but the price was extremely painful. The soul power he had painstakingly accumulated over the past few days was consumed in an instant, and his recovery was far away.

"Master, you...?"

Emperor Xiaoyao's expression changed and he spoke anxiously, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Daozu Xiaoyao.

"No need to worry, my master's soul body is not injured, but his soul power is consumed. If you encounter soul treasures in the future, you can continue to help me collect them!"

"As long as you collect enough soul treasures, it won't take long for the teacher to recover!"

Hearing this, Emperor Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief and said firmly: "Master, don't worry, I will do my best to collect soul-like treasures!"


While the two people, Xiaoyao Daozu, were talking, there was a loud thunder, and the sky was filled with bright golden light. Then, a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, wrapping the seriously injured Emperor Yongye in the distance.

Emperor Xiaoyao did not hesitate and stood aside to protect Emperor Yongye. At the same time, he glanced at the old man's body not far away and asked with some surprise: "Master, what is the Taoist clan?"

"Can the heavenly award still be snatched away?"

Before his master fell into a deep sleep, Emperor Xiaoyao couldn't help but tell all his questions.

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