Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1457: Survive countless tribulations and travel forever

Hearing this, Emperor Xiaoyao scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Although he had just tried his best to understand it, the mystery contained in Xiaoyao Daozu's sword was too profound, let alone almost complete, he didn't even understand it three points.

Seeing this, Xiaoyao Daozu sighed and asked again: "What is Xiaoyao?"

"A pleasant visit between mountains and rivers."

Emperor Xiaoyao held his head high, his eyes bright, and said in a deep voice.


"The prerequisite for all freedom is strength!"

"If you don't have the strength, where can you go to have fun?"

"The truth of the way of freedom is that the heaven and the earth are free. With the fall of a palm, the heaven and the earth are destroyed."

"Undestructible through countless tribulations, immortal for all eternity!"

Xiaoyao Daozu scolded, his words full of severity.

In the past, he was not so anxious and wanted his disciple to realize it on his own, but the appearance of the Taoist Clan made him understand that soon, the world might change drastically.

If you want to have the strength to survive the great changes, and even compete for the opportunities of the great changes, you must have strong enough strength.

With Emperor Xiaoyao's current cultivation level alone, he can't even be called cannon fodder in the grand occasion of great changes in the world. Even if he reaches the level of Emperor God, he is nothing more than cannon fodder. Only by uniting with the Tao can there be a glimmer of hope.

It is difficult to enter the Hedao realm, but looking at the entire world, there are still many strong people in the Hedao realm, not to mention the old monsters who have been hiding secretly for countless epochs.

When the world changes, the opportunities that may arise are enough to make these old monsters excited, and they may not be able to hide it anymore.

"Go through countless tribulations without being destroyed, and travel through eternity without dying?"

After hearing the words of Xiaoyao Daozu, Emperor Xiaoyao murmured softly, his eyes gradually glowing with radiance.

The Tao of Taoism that he had always understood was only one-sided, but now after the Taoist Taoist Taoist gave him some advice, he seemed to have a glimpse of the true Tao of Taoism, and he felt like he was enlightened.

"I hope that when my master wakes up again, I can see a stronger you."

As these vicissitudes of words fell, the remnant soul of Xiaoyao Dao Ancestor fell into a deep sleep, leaving only Emperor Xiaoyao who was still realizing and Emperor Yongye who was fully absorbing the rewards of heaven.


Luoxuan City.

On this day, there was no lively scene in Luoxuan City as before. It was very depressed. People with strong cultivation levels could vaguely sense that Luoxuan City was filled with a chilling atmosphere. They all hid and watched, and did not dare to go out wantonly.

In the Xuanhuang Sect Square, many disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect gathered together. Looking around, they were so densely packed that the momentum of the many powerful Xuanhuang Sect disciples caused the whole world where the Xuanhuang Sect was located to distort in a manner visible to the naked eye.

"Set off!"

"After today, Luoxuan City will be changed to Xuanhuang City from now on!"

Following the roar of the great elder of Xuanhuang Sect, many disciples of Xuanhuang Sect rose into the air one after another, formed a formation, and rushed towards Luofeng Pavilion. The terrifying sense of oppression invaded the entire Luoxuan City, causing all the strong men hiding in Luoxuan City to evacuate. They all trembled.

Shocking event!

They never expected that the two first-rate forces in Luoxuan City, which were rumored to be getting married not long ago, would actually draw their swords against each other today?

With Guanxuan Huangzong's posture, I'm afraid Luofeng Pavilion will never give up!

At the same time, after the Xuanhuang Sect moved, Luofeng Pavilion also received the news. They were prepared and waiting, with a cold and cold light in their eyes.

In the past few days, Xuanhuang Sect has been very secretive in mobilizing its disciples, but how could it be hidden from Luofeng Pavilion?

It happened that Luofeng Pavilion was already preparing, so there was no need to make any other preparations to deal with the mysterious strong man. Lin Xuan guessed that the Xuanhuang Sect would launch an attack because of Chen Xuanwu's death, but he did not expect that the Xuanhuang Sect would mobilize in full force.

Fortunately, although Lin Xuan led several Luofeng Pavilion ancestors to follow Wang Feng and others to the place agreed with the mysterious powerhouse, he still left several top experts from Luofeng Pavilion to guard it.

As long as they wait until they come back, Xuanhuang Sect will not dare to invade again.

However, Lin Xuan did not expect that Xuanhuang Sect had already colluded with the mysterious strong man.

At this moment, on a mountain peak tens of thousands of miles away from Luoxuan City, Lin Xuan, the master of Luofeng Pavilion, looked at the Xuanhuang Sect leader Chen Xuanhuang and several Xuanhuang Sect ancestors who appeared here in shock.

This place was the place he agreed with the mysterious strong man. How could the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect know?

On the other hand, Wang Feng, who was beside him, had a gleam in his eyes. He immediately guessed that the master of the Xuanhuang Sect had colluded with the mysterious strong man. Unfortunately, Lin Xuan was still kept in the dark and wanted to have a relationship with him. Marriage, so that we can join forces to fight against that mysterious strong man.

If he hadn't appeared and interrupted the marriage between the two families, Luofeng Pavilion would have been tricked by the Xuanhuang Sect into nothing.

"Brother Chen, you...why are you here?"

When Lin Xuan asked this question in astonishment, Chen Xuanhuang immediately laughed, with a ferocious expression on his face, and said bitterly: "You Lin Xuan, I have good intentions to marry you, how dare you kill my only son?"

Chen Xuanhuang didn't look at Wang Feng and others at all. He only had Lin Xuan in his eyes, and there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes. In his opinion, without the consent of Lin Xuan, the pavilion master, who could easily fall into the trap? Kill his son in Feng Pavilion?

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

"I originally wanted you to live longer in Luofeng Pavilion, but I never thought that you would dare to kill my only son?"

"Then use your entire Luofeng Pavilion to bury my son with him!"

Before Lin Xuan could speak, Chen Xuanhuang's eyes were red and he shouted in a deep voice. The words full of murderous intent resounded on the top of the mountain.


Lin Xuan's pupils shrank and he stared at Chen Xuanhuang. If he still couldn't react at this time, then he was not worthy of becoming the master of Luofeng Pavilion. He never expected that he would be tricked by Chen Xuanhuang.

But why was he able to hook up with that mysterious strong man?

"Please take action, sir!"

Facing Lin Xuan's anger, Chen Xuanhuang looked proud. Then, his face became solemn, and he bowed and shouted. His whole attitude was extremely respectful. Several Xuanhuang Sect ancestors beside him also bowed their heads respectfully.

When the mysterious strong man came, several of them had resisted at the same time. Therefore, they knew very well that the terror of the mysterious strong man was not something they could resist.

They support Chen Xuanhuang's hooking up with this mysterious strong man. Although they have to provide blood food, how can he find a strong backer without paying a price?

Seeing such a scene, Lin Xuan and others instantly became nervous. Although they also found mysterious beings such as Wang Feng and others, they had personally experienced the strength of that mysterious strong man and they still vividly remember it.

And Wang Feng and others just killed a Xuanhuang Sect elder in an instant. They were not sure whether they could stop this mysterious powerhouse!


In front of everyone's eyes, the void on the top of the mountain suddenly trembled, and a narrow black crack suddenly tore open, and then, two burly figures wearing black robes were revealed in front of everyone!

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