Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1472 2 Extremes, 3 Evolutions, 4 Yus

"This...this is...?"

Master Wu's eyes widened and he was trembling. He was speechless. He was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

He looked at the dark gray light pillar soaring into the sky, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Not only him, Mei Mei who had been paying attention to this place also noticed something strange and rushed over immediately.

She appeared behind Wu, the Heaven Master, staring blankly at the dark gray beam of light soaring into the sky, her pretty face full of confusion and shock.

"Brother Wu, this...?"

Mei couldn't help but asked.

She knew, however, that there was only one demon in the Yinshi Tianchi. In other words, there was no one else but the demon who caused such a phenomenon as the Yinshi Gate.

"The devil...the devil has obtained the inheritance of Ming!"

After a long time, Master Wu just came back to his senses and said in a trembling voice, even now, his heart is still full of shock.


Mei Xiu frowned slightly, feeling a little confused. She pondered for a long time, then suddenly her beautiful eyes widened and she said in a trembling voice: "Is...who is that?"

Master Wu nodded, his face full of bitterness and envy.


After receiving the confirmation from Master Wu, Mei took a deep breath, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and her pretty face was filled with surprise.

She was already on good terms with the devil. She was saved by the devil before, and her relationship improved to a new level. Now that she saw the devil inheriting from that person, she was not only shocked but also surprised.

In fact, not only Wu Yumei, the Heaven Master, was frightened by the actions of the Xuan Cha Demon, but even some of the extremely ancient and mysterious high-level Heaven Masters were awakened by the movement of the Gate of the Incarnation and headed towards the Gate of the Incarnate World. Casting their gazes, when they saw the dark gray light pillar soaring into the sky, these beings all fell silent, as if being recalled extremely long memories, and their faces were all flashing with shock!

In the entire Heaven Palmer clan, there is a strict status hierarchy. Without a certain status, they have no access to the real secrets of the Heaven Palmer clan. A strong person like Wu is only a marginal high-level person and cannot be considered a real Heaven Palmer at all. A powerful person of the family.

If he hadn't mastered the secrets of heaven and possessed the unpredictable ability to deduce, he would not have been able to control one of the entrances to the Yinshi Tianchi.

Among the Celestial Masters, there are only nine truly powerful and high-ranking figures!

The Four Heavenly Lords, the Three Yan Dao Emperors, and the Two Extreme Yuan Emperors!

These nine people are the truly powerful figures in the Heaven Master clan except for the most mysterious clan leader.

And Ming is the Yinji Yuan Emperor, one of the two polar Yuan Emperors.

His status is supreme among the entire Heaven Palming Clan, second only to the most mysterious leader of the Heaven Palming Clan!

In addition, Ming is also the person with the highest status who has fallen among the Heaven Master clan so far. However, he was not killed by others, but sought death by himself.

In the entire Heaven Master clan, except for the clan leader and the other Yang Ji Yuan Emperor, no one knows what level of cultivation the Yin Ji Yuan Emperor Ming has achieved?

It is said that at that time, he tried hard to break the mirror but could not get it. Finally, he was tired of this boring immortality, integrated his own heavenly power, ascended to the extreme level, and challenged the great road, not only to seek a breakthrough in the adversity between life and death, but also to give Yangji Yuan Emperor and that A mysterious patriarch lights the way forward!

In the end, he naturally fell, but Ming's fall is worthy of being remembered by the entire Sky Master family. His contribution has so far been surpassed by no one.

Because with his own death, he illuminated the way forward for the clan leader, the Yangji Yuan Emperor, even the Sanyan Dao Emperor, the Four Heavenly Lords and other senior leaders of the Heavenly Master Clan, allowing them to have a glimpse of the supreme realm, even if they wanted to break through it. It was still extremely difficult to enter that supreme realm, but at least it gave them a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, since the death of Yin Ji Yuan Emperor Ming, all the senior leaders of the Heaven Master Clan, including the clan leader, have fallen into a deep state of realization. Unless the Heaven Master Clan is exterminated, or something extremely important happens, they will not wake up at all.

Even in the dark war that year, these high-level officials never woke up. They just passed down the decree and gave Wu full authority to coordinate. Although many heaven-masters died in that war, in the eyes of these high-level officials, they were nothing at all. , after all, with the Yinshi Tianchi, they can cultivate the Heaven Master again at any time.

It was not until recent years that these people were awakened several times due to the twice-enlightened people and the manifestation of heaven.

It can be said that Ming's death has nothing to do with the low-level or even middle-level Heaven Masters, but it is a great kindness to several senior members of the Heaven Master clan.

For so many years, the position of Yinji Yuan Emperor has been vacant because Ming left two words before his death.

One is that only those who receive his inheritance can become the new Yinji Yuan Emperor; the other is that the existence of those who receive his inheritance will hopefully surpass him and have a glimpse of the infinite things that he has never pried into. The realm of superiority!

It was these two sentences, coupled with Ming's contribution, that made all the top leaders of the Heaven Master clan abide by Ming's last words and wait for Ming's successor to arrive.

Over the years, countless powerful men from the Heaven Controller clan have longed to obtain Ming's inheritance and become the Yinji Yuan Emperor, completely becoming the supreme figure of the Heaven Controller clan.

But after so many years, no one has been able to obtain Ming's inheritance.

Although it is very difficult to enter the Yinshi Tianchi, after such a long time, there are still people who have been recognized and entered the Yinshi Tianchi, including Wu, Qian, Yu, Yuan and other powerful heaven masters. It is a pity that , they also failed to get Ming's approval.

This has always been the regret of Master Wu and others. Not long after they came out of Yinshi Tianchi, a dark war broke out. As a result, they have not had the chance to try to obtain the inheritance of Ming for so many years!

The benefit of obtaining the inheritance of Ming is that in addition to the inheritance of Ming, a powerful master of the sky, he can directly become the supreme being of the master of the sky, truly one person is inferior to ten thousand people. What is really scary is that because Ming has power over all The high-ranking members of the Heaven Master clan were kind, but Ming was dead, so the kindness naturally fell on Ming's successor.

The kindness of all the top leaders of the Heaven Master Clan, including the most mysterious clan leader, is a pity that no one has been able to obtain the inheritance of Ming for so many years.

But the master of the sky, Wu Hemei, never expected that the devil just went in to heal his wounds and actually got the inheritance of Ming. What a heaven-defying opportunity is this?

Even if the one who controls the sky realizes it, his face turns purple with envy and he wishes he could replace the devil.

For so many years, he has been trying his best to squeeze into the high-level circles, but he has been unable to enter. Therefore, he has tried his best to attack the heavens, just to make great contributions and squeeze into the high-level circles. Damn, But he reached the sky in one step.

The previous demons were far inferior to him, but when the demons came out of the Yinshi Tianchi, he would have to bow respectfully!

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