Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1594 Hunyuan Demonic Pole

The Guangming Sect ranks first among the ten most powerful forces in the Light God Realm and is extremely powerful. It is said that among the Guangming Sect, there is a most powerful ancestor who possesses the peak of the fifth step of Hedao.

Even Hao Ming, the leader of the Guangming Sect, has a cultivation level at the peak of the fourth step of Hedao. This cultivation level is already at the level of the ancestors of other extreme forces.

Precisely because of its powerful strength, when the Imperial Clan rarely appeared in the world, the Guangming Sect was like a bright sun, shining on the entire Light God Realm. This led to the Guangming Sect's ambitions becoming bigger and bigger.

But today, the Guangming Sect is facing its greatest crisis.


With the arrival of Emperor Huangying and others, a casual blow caused the entire Guangming Sect to flow into a river of blood. Countless disciples of the Guangming Sect screamed and howled. The entire Guangming Sect was like a millstone of flesh and blood, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

This sudden attack made the leader of the Guangming Sect, Hao Ming, and many of the ancestors of the Guangming Sect so angry that they jumped into the air and a powerful aura spurted out.

"Who is it? Dare to come to our Guangming Sect and act wild?"

The leader of the Guangming Sect, Haoming, roared. As soon as he appeared in the sky, he stared at Di Huangying and others. With just one glance, Haoming's pupils shrank.

"Emperor...Emperor Huangying?"

As the leader of the Guangming Sect, how could Haoming not know Emperor Huangying, the great elder of the Imperial Clan?

After his exclamation ended, many ancestors of the Light Sect were also trembling in shock. They never thought that the one who would attack them would be the Imperial Clan that overwhelmed them?

How... how is it possible?

Aren’t the Imperial Clan afraid of being attacked by a group? The Guangming Sect has never offended the Imperial Clan?

"Di Huangying, how dare you?"

After being frightened and looking at the many screaming disciples of the Guangming Cult, Haoming could no longer hold back and roared angrily.

"If you want to blame, blame your precious son."

"Who allowed him to offend someone he couldn't afford to offend!"

Di Huangying stood with his hands behind his hands and spoke indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, he lost interest in talking to Haoming and others, and struck out forcefully. The terrifying peak momentum of the sixth step of Hedao swept away like a tide, causing Haoming and others to tremble.

Di Huangying alone is enough to crush his entire Guangming Sect, not to mention the many elders of the Imperial Clan?

You must know that those who can be ranked among the elders of the Imperial Clan must have reached at least the fourth step of Hedao. There are six elders of the Imperial Clan who followed Emperor Huangying, and among them, one has reached the sixth step of Hedao. The second elder of the Imperial Clan, Di Xuanyu, is in the late stage!

With such a lineup, in the entire Light God Realm, except for those great hidden forces, who can resist?


As Di Huangying and others made a strong move, the entire sky above the Guangming Sect was plunged into endless wailing. The rich smell of blood swept tens of thousands of miles, and the sky was stained with blood.

Haoming and other senior leaders of the Guangming Sect were unwilling to shout, but to no avail.

Today, the Illuminati Sect is destined to perish.

While Di Huangying and others were killing as much as they wanted in the Guangming Sect, in the main hall of the Imperial Clan, the patriarch Di Shitian looked confused and stood there as stunned as a sculpture.

Aren't you talking about a casual cultivator?

Don't you say it's ordinary?

Why did he become a terrifying figure at the Sword Ancestor level in the blink of an eye?

My Emperor Shitian actually has a son-in-law at the level of Sword Ancestor?

No one could imagine how shocked Di Shitian was at this moment. Thinking that he had tried to separate his daughter and Chen Taixuan before, he couldn't help but shudder.

Fortunately, fortunately, all of this has not happened yet, otherwise, offending a strong swordsman at the ancestor level will definitely bring huge disaster to the imperial clan, and the ancestor Di Gang will not let him go.

Not long after, the entire Imperial Clan became overjoyed. Due to Chen Taixuan's special status, he was afraid of being too high-profile and attracting the Heaven Master Clan. Therefore, the wedding was not too grand and no outsiders were notified. It was only within the Imperial Clan.

Witnessed by Di Gang, the oldest ancestor of the Imperial clan, the patriarch of the Imperial clan, Di Shitian, tearfully married his daughter Di Ziyun to Chen Taixuan.

I just don't know whether his tears are of joy or reluctance.



Deep in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, deafening roars exploded one after another, and powerful waves swept out in all directions. The entire void was torn open with huge cracks due to this battle.

In the distance, two sisters, Wang Feng and Leng Yue, stood in the air, looking at the battle in the distance with serious expressions on their faces.

During these days, Wang Feng relied on Dao Yan to find the sky and successfully searched for the eight supreme prison beasts and obtained the treasures in their bodies. Among these treasures, Wang Feng not only obtained the remaining two seals of the four Nether Seals, He also received two Tiandao artifacts, two Tiandao divine pills, and two Tiandao divine formations.

Although there is no such precious heaven-defying treasure as the Principle of the Holy Spirit, all of them are at the level of the God of Heaven. For Wang Feng today, the treasures of the God of Heaven are even the lowest. It can also be called a treasure.

What's more, these treasures are not even the lowest level.

However, what makes Wang Feng a little regretful is that even if he obtained the Four Nether Seals, he could not fuse them and obtain the three hundred heavenly war puppets contained in them. Who would have thought that among these four Nether Seals, There is actually a hidden condition.

This hidden condition is that if you want to fuse the Four Seals of the Netherworld, the user must reach the level of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm before you can fuse them with your own Heavenly Dao divine power.

Wang Feng also imagined that after obtaining the Four Seals of the Netherworld, he would use the three hundred Heavenly Dao War Puppets contained in them to sweep across the heavens and crush the so-called Heaven Master clan, but now it seems that he still has to rely on himself!

In addition to these treasures, the corpses of the eight supreme prison beasts obtained also allowed Wang Feng to once again fill the sea of ​​power deep in the Divine Kingdom's Immortal Sect's residence within his body, and even reach a higher level.

Not only that, by absorbing the pure power contained in the eight supreme prison beasts, the two sisters Leng Yue successfully reached the peak of Taixu Ancient Master, the fourth step of Hedao, while Li Bai and Zhan Yuan also successfully reached the third step of Hedao. Five steps to see the peak of Ming Zun!

Even Wang Feng himself broke through from the peak of the Ancient God to the Yang God, and reached the peak of the Yang God.

The strength of the group has increased several times in this short period of time.

At this moment, what was fighting madly with Li Bai on the battlefield was the last supreme prison beast that Wang Feng had searched for, the Hunyuan Demon Beast.

This Hunyuan Demonic Beast has an extremely large body, an oval shape, a long head with double horns, short limbs, and a body covered with jet black scales. It is very similar to the legendary chaotic beast.

This Hunyuan Demon Beast is definitely the strongest one among the Supreme Hell Beasts that Wang Feng has encountered, except for the Dark Hell Beast. Its cultivation level has reached the seventh step of Hedao to become a Taoist. .

If it weren't for Li Bai and Zhan Yuan's extraordinary combat power and their cultivation reaching the peak of the fifth step of Hedao, the two of them would have been defeated by this Soul Yuan Demonic Beast long ago.

But even so, Li Bai and Li Bai still fought extremely hard. They both suffered a lot of injuries and looked very embarrassed.

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