Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1598 Qingyou Overlord, Double Moon Glaze

Looking around, there are densely packed treasures of heaven and earth. The power permeating the heaven and earth turns into mist and covers the entire vast space. What is even more frightening is that these powers also contain mysterious Tao Yun.

Even if it is just the incarnation of will, being in it makes Wang Feng feel refreshed, as if he is in the Taoist space, and his whole person is constantly filled with enlightenment.

The top-grade divine crystals, which are extremely rare in the outside world, have become common things that cover the earth here. The entire vast space is covered with top-grade divine crystals. Even Wang Feng cannot imagine such a huge handiwork. .

Only at this moment did Wang Feng know what truly immeasurable wealth was. The wealth controlled by his Immortal Sect was not even the tip of the iceberg like this.

I am afraid that just these top-grade divine crystals covering the earth, once they appear in the world, will be enough to cause the heavens to shake, and countless powerful forces will go crazy for them.

In addition to these top-grade divine crystals, countless Hedao-level magical medicines are piled up like mountains; rare ores gather into rivers. From a distance, they look like beautiful mountains and rivers. But when you get closer, you realize that all these mountains and rivers are... It is composed of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

In this level, the lowest level is the first step of Hedao, the supreme level. There are countless magical medicines, artifacts, rare ores, etc., which makes Wang Feng dazzled.

For the first time since taking charge of the system, Wang Feng felt like a beggar coming to town.

This is only the first floor. It’s hard to imagine what kind of terrifying wealth the subsequent floors will contain.

Is this... the work of a man who stands at the top of the heavens?

After a long time, Wang Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Looking through the tube, Wang Feng can see just how deep the water in the heavens is from the wealth left behind by the Ancestor Anming.

The hidden ancient forces with the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm or the inheritance of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm may not be as terrifying as the Anming Tianzu, but they are definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

His Immortal Sect now seems powerful and profound, but in front of these terrifying ancient forces, he is as immature as a child.

Only after controlling the wealth in the Tiandao Demon Suppression Tower did the Shenxian Sect have the foundation to compete with those ancient forces.

With this wealth, Wang Feng is enough to arm everyone in the Shenxian Sect to the teeth.

Just imagine, every disciple and even elder of his Shenxian Sect is holding Hedao-level weapons and armors. What a terrifying scene it would be?

Even if they are unable to fully exert their power, the increased combat power is enough to make the members of his Immortal Sect surpass those of the same level. Coupled with their own combat power, they are in two words...invincible!

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's face became excited, his will incarnate moved, he landed in front of a huge mountain of artifacts, and began to select.

Ignore the rest of the Shenxian Sect for now, but Wang Feng and Li Bai must arm them to take their combat power to a higher level.

Even with Wang Feng's cultivation, it took him a long time to select the Taoist level artifact suitable for Li Bai and others from this giant mountain of artifacts.

The most important thing is that almost all of these artifacts are sets, which are far more powerful than a single artifact.

Wang Feng chose the Qingyou suit for Li Bai, which included the Qingyou Divine Sword, Qingyou Divine Armor, and Qingyou Divine Boots. Zhan Yuan chose the Overlord suit, and the two sisters Leng Yue were more peculiar, the Double Moon Glaze suit!

The Double Moon Glazed Suit is composed of two suits. It requires two people with similar minds to wear it. Once two people join forces, the power of the suit will be even higher.

It is said that this double-moon glazed suit was forged by Anming Tianzu himself for his subordinates. It contains endless potential. If given the opportunity, it can be promoted to the level of heavenly artifact.

After selecting these suits, Wang Feng mentally left this vast space and returned to himself.

At this time, the Tiandao Demon Suppression Tower that originally hung above Wang Feng's head had already entered Wang Feng's mind. It was hanging around the soul of destiny in Wang Feng's mind, along with strange objects such as the Phoenix Egg and the World-Suppressing Monument. Guarding the soul of destiny.

Seeing Wang Feng wake up, Li Bai and others gathered around, looking at Wang Feng expectantly. From Wang Feng's face, they could tell that the treasure they got this time must be extraordinary.

Facing the expectant gazes of Li Bai and others, Wang Feng smiled and only said: "My Immortal Sect has completely stood up!"

Although Wang Feng did not elaborate, Li Bai and others were all excited when these words came out.

Today's Shenxian Sect is actually very powerful in terms of truth, but compared to the real top forces, it is still far behind, and it is even less comparable to those ancient forces that are hidden in the world.

Being able to make Wang Feng say these words is enough to imagine how terrifying that dark pagoda is.

"This is the magic weapon suit that I have chosen for you. You try it and see if it works for you. If not, I will choose it for you again!"

Wang Feng waved his hand, and the Qingyou suit and other magic weapon suits suddenly appeared in front of Li Bai and others.

Look, what a big deal?

This is a Taoist-level divine weapon set. It is far rarer than ordinary Taoist-level artifacts. But the sect leader, with a wave of his hand, there are four sets, and can he choose more?

What kind of terrifying wealth would it take for Wang Feng to regard these magic weapon suits as nothing?

Li Bai and others could not imagine, nor would they think about it. At this moment, their minds were focused on the magic weapon sets in front of them. They could feel that these magic weapon sets were not simple, and were even more powerful than ordinary magic weapon sets. a bit.

As soon as they got started, Li Bai and others couldn't put it down, and had no intention of changing again.


The next moment, Li Bai and others refined these magic weapon sets without hesitation, and completely controlled the magic weapon sets in their hands. As they refined, the magic weapons turned into streams of light and rushed in. Li Bai et al.

The original robes of Li Bai and others were instantly transformed into the defensive armors of these magic weapons. However, the defensive armors were transformed into ordinary robes. Without certain cultivation, they would not be able to sense that this robe was actually a Taoist-level robe. defensive armor.

After a long time, Li Bai and others adapted to the magic weapon suit, and they all bowed to Wang Feng and thanked: "Thank you, sect master, for the reward!"

With the magic weapon in hand, Li Bai and others even felt like they were invincible in the world.

If they had had this magic weapon in hand before, the battle with the Hunyuan Demonic Beast would not have been so difficult.

With these magic weapon sets that fit them well, with the four of them joining forces, Li Bai and the others were confident of killing an ancestor-level warrior.

Wang Feng was also extremely satisfied. With a wave of his hand, he lifted Li Bai and the others up. Then he looked at the body of the Hunyuan Demon Beast. With a thought, he put it into the Divine Kingdom within his body and sank into the sea of ​​power.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng waved his hand and led Li Bai and others towards the Shenmen. All the supreme prison beasts were eliminated and their strength increased several times. It was time to deal with the dark prison beast!

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