Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1600 The power of terrifying beasts


The next moment, an earth-shattering roar of a beast suddenly exploded in the starry sky.


Endless sound wave ripples swept in all directions, and in just a moment, dozens of weak divine sect masters exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot, and the rich smell of blood swept across the starry sky.

Such terrifying power frightened all the powerful Shenmen present, even Chen Shaoming, the leader of the Shenmen, looked horrified.

This dark prison beast has not even revealed its body shape. Just one roar has caused the loss of dozens of strong men in its divine sect. It is indeed the strongest prison beast in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison. It is really terrifying!

Hidden in the void, Heaven Master Yu and others also looked solemn.

Even though Heaven Master Prison had fought with this dark hell beast before, he still felt sad when facing it again. Even at his peak, he had to be cautious and go all out when facing this dark hell beast.

The person who created the Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison back then was a person who was kept secret even by the middle and higher-ups of the clan. It is reasonable for the hell beasts created by such people to have such terrifying strength.


When everyone was in shock, the huge figure of the Dark Hell Beast gradually appeared in front of everyone. With just one glance, everyone took a breath and was greatly shocked.

I saw a gigantic figure standing in the starry sky, completely black, with two horns on its head, like a unicorn, but every scale on its body was like a star, extremely huge.

Ordinary people can't even compare to one of its hairs in front of it.

Even if everyone is above the realm of the God of Life, they still feel intimidated by such a huge beast.

Especially the ferocious and terrifying momentum makes people feel stiff all over, making it difficult to think of being an enemy.


The dark prison beast looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound waves swept out again. Even if many powerful people from the divine sect were on guard, there were still a dozen powerful people who exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot.

The Dark Hell Beast seemed to be very angry at the many strong men from the Divine Sect disturbing its sleep, and its huge body burst out with rage like a volcano erupting.



Chen Shaoming gritted his teeth and roared loudly.

Facing this dark prison beast, any words seemed pale and powerless. At this point, they had no way out except fighting forward.


After Chen Shaoming's words fell, waves of tyrannical momentum burst out from the many strong men of the Shenmen. Each of the strong men of the Shenmen stretched out their hands and quickly pinched the seals. Mysterious inscriptions surged from between their hands. Out, link them all together!

This is the Taoist-level formation, the Blood-Destroying Eight Desolations Formation, contributed by the Blood Sea Taoist Master. It can be formed by multiple people. The stronger the person, the more powerful the formation will be!

At this moment, all the powerful members of the Shenmen, including the sect leader Chen Shaoming and many senior members of the Shenmen, were in the Eight Desolations Formation of Blood Destruction. Mysterious auras filled the air from their bodies, and wisps of blood-colored light gradually shone out.

This is the plan that Dao Zun Xuehai discussed with Chen Shaoming on behalf of many prisoners of the seventh step of Hedao.

Chen Shaoming led many powerful men from the Divine Sect to set up the Blood-Destroying Eight Desolations Formation to fight against the Dark Hell Beast. Even if it could not cause any harm to it, it could still consume its power. When it was almost time, the Blood Sea Daoist Master and others would take action again. Victory was established in one fell swoop.

During this period of time, Chen Shaoming and many powerful men were practicing the Blood Destruction Eight Desolations Formation, otherwise Shenmen would have taken action against the Dark Hell Beast!


When Chen Shaoming and other Shenmen powerhouses were setting up their formation, several figures were hiding here in the star field about hundreds of thousands of miles away, looking at the entire battlefield!

And these figures are Wang Feng and others who arrived here.

At this time, Wang Feng and others looked at the huge dark prison beast, and their pupils shrank. After experiencing so many worlds, from the beginning to this, it was the first time for Wang Feng to see such a terrifying giant beast.

Even though they were hundreds of thousands of miles apart, they could still feel the terrifying oppression coming from the dark hell beast.

"Sect Master, there are many people hidden secretly, they should be the prisoners of the seventh step of Hedao!"

After a brief shock, Li Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the place where Heaven Controller Prison and others were hiding, and spoke to Wang Feng.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with cold light and he nodded gently.

With the system blocking them and the distance being so far, it was impossible for those people to detect their existence. They just had to be the last fishermen.

If possible, Wang Feng would like to kill the Heaven Master who entered Hell.

"After the battle begins, you should pay attention to the weaknesses of the dark hell beasts. After they are both injured, you will take action!"

Wang Feng stared at the battlefield in the distance and gave instructions without looking back.



At the same time, the Blood-Destroying Eight Desolations Formation arranged by Chen Shaoming and many other divine sect masters also took shape at this moment. Bright blood burst out from their bodies, dyeing the entire dim starry sky red.

The extremely bloody and ferocious aura permeated all directions, and pillars of blood rose into the sky, as if turning the entire star field into a field of blood. The scene was extremely shocking.


As Chen Shaoming and other Shenmen strongmen shouted loudly, many Shenmen strongmen exerted their strength in unison, and majestic power flowed out of their bodies and filled the entire formation.


Blood-colored inscriptions spurted out from the formation barrier, gradually converging into a huge blood shadow. This was the formation spirit of the Blood-Destroying Eight Desolations Formation.

With the power of Chen Shaoming and others, the power of this formation spirit is extremely terrifying, even an ordinary seventh-step Hedao peak powerhouse will be frightened when he encounters it.


Seeing the appearance of the blood shadow, a fierce murderous intention flashed in the red eyes of the dark prison beast, and it directly raised its huge claws like a pillar of heaven and grabbed the blood shadow brazenly.

Before the giant claw fell, the terrifying power fluctuations had cracked the void inch by inch, and dark cracks like ravines spread throughout the star field.

Even if it is just a casual blow, its power is still enough to scare everyone.


Faced with the slap of the giant claw, the blood shadow also showed an extremely strong performance. He raised his hand and made a fist, and punched out violently. The terrifying blood-colored fist light, like a bright sun, cut through the sky and smashed down.


In full view of everyone, the giant claws and blood fists collided together. The terrifying sound of explosions mixed with the impact of power swept out in all directions. What shocked Chen Shaoming and others was that the blood fists they erupted in this giant... In front of the claws, it was like foam, breaking at the touch.

The terrifying giant claws slapped on the formation space, causing the entire formation barrier to tremble. The powerful counter-shock force shocked dozens of Shenmen experts to death on the spot, and blood mist dispersed throughout the formation space.

The power of the dark hell beast is so terrifying!

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