Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1606: Divine Power as Hell, Supreme Lord


Above the dim starry sky, a huge green lotus stands alone, its bright dark blue light shining in all directions.

The endless divine power pours down like the water of the Milky Way, crushing the already broken battlefield into pieces, and the endless void turbulence spreads across the entire starry sky like a spider web.

The terror of this divine power was like a huge ancient mountain, suppressing everyone present.

The sudden change shocked Heaven Controller Prison and others.

What shocked them was that the terror of the green lotus in the sky made them all feel the fatal crisis; what made them angry was that someone was watching in secret, but they had never discovered it?

No need to think about it, the master of heaven and others all know that the person who comes here is not good and wants to be like an oriole.

With the terrifying power shown by the other party, it is really possible for them to take it for granted. After all, at this moment, both they and the dark prison beast are at the end of their strength. How can they deal with the secret enemy at their peak?

Frustration and endless anger filled their hearts, but that was all they could do.


When Heaven Controller Yu and others were feeling aggrieved, Li Bai, who was dressed in white and looked like an unparalleled god-king, suddenly descended and stood on the green lotus, looking down at Heaven Controller Yu and others, as if he were a lord, with infinite divine power.

At this moment, he was bursting with endless power, and mysterious inscriptions appeared behind him.

These inscriptions are exactly the formation patterns of Shenxiao's Sky-shattering Formation.

The moment he took action, Li Bai and Zhan Yuan set up a large formation, and concentrated all the power of the formation on Li Bai. It was precisely because of this that Li Bai could have such terrifying power.

"who are you?"

"Isn't it ridiculous that a dignified Taoist-level powerful man actually does such a sneaky thing?"

Seeing Li Bai appear, the Heaven Master couldn't help but roar.

Because Li Bai's power was so terrifying that the Heaven Master and others regarded him as a Taoist-level powerhouse.

When the Heaven Master's words fell, Elder Lin and others also looked at Li Bai with gloomy expressions.


However, Li Bai didn't pay attention to them at all. His eyes were sharp and he suddenly raised his hand and waved it out.

In an instant, endless majestic power spurted out, blessing Li Bai's heavenly power to eliminate sorrow forever.


The next moment, a mysterious aura suddenly spread out from Li Bai's body, covering the entire battlefield like ripples.

Obviously Heaven Controller Prison and others could clearly feel this ripple, but no matter how much power they unleashed, they could not block this aura. In just a moment, they were enveloped by this aura.

However, what they didn't expect was that even if they were enveloped by this aura, they would not be damaged at all, as if this aura was nothing more than a paper tiger.


"This...this is...the way of time?!"

The next moment, Mr. Lin, who had the strongest cultivation level, seemed to sense something. His pupils shrank suddenly, and the sound of gasping and exclamation sounded at the same time. His face was horrified, and he looked at Li Bai in disbelief.

Hearing this, Heaven Master Prison and others also looked horrified, and their entire bodies were trembling with extreme fear.

They never expected that the mysterious man who suddenly appeared would be in charge of such a terrifying way of time?

This is the way of time. All the heavens and worlds, branches of the supreme avenue of time, contain the power of the avenue of time. Looking at the entire heavens, even the existence of Hell, who controls the sky, has never been heard of. Who is in charge? Following the path of time?

Is it any wonder they don't feel any threat?

Those who have reached the Taoist level have an almost endless lifespan. In a short period of time, it is difficult to detect the erosion of the Tao of Time. But over time, they will eventually be completely eroded by the Tao of Time.

Their lifespan is indeed endless, but if their lifespan is consumed too much, it will also damage their foundation. After the foundation is destroyed, their cultivation will inevitably decline. If this cycle repeats, who can stop it?

Even the true ancestor-level experts must tremble and fear when facing the way of time.

"Damn it!"

"What is the origin of this person?"

The Master of Heaven and others cursed angrily, and unknowingly, they had a huge fear of Li Bai.

The Way of Time is extremely mysterious. If someone can master the Way of Time and reaches the level of Taoist Master, even if there is only one person, it will not be difficult to deal with a group of weaklings like them.

"Everyone, I am afraid that I will not be able to escape today. I can only fight to the death. As for life or death, it can only depend on fate!"

Mr. Lin glanced at everyone and roared loudly.


After the words fell, Mr. Lin gritted his teeth and exploded, burning the Tao Foundation again in exchange for powerful power. He did not choose to resist the erosion of the Tao of Time. Even if he was stronger, it was impossible to resist the erosion of the Tao of Time, unless it was Control the existence of the same level of Taoism.


Powerful power fluctuations spurted out from Mr. Lin's body, and his whole body rushed out like a sharp arrow. Under the impact of its powerful power, Li Bai's vast divine power could not restrain him!


Seeing this, Heaven Controller Prison and others also followed suit and charged towards Li Bai.

In fact, if the Heaven Master Prison and others break out, it will be easy to escape. After all, there are void turbulence in all directions. They only need to break free from Li Bai's divine power to suppress them and escape from the void turbulence.

But they really weren't willing to just run away like this.

They spent such a huge price to severely injure the Dark Hell Beast. They were about to enjoy the fruits of victory, but in the end they were intercepted. No one would be angry.

Li Bai is indeed very powerful and terrifying, but after all, he is only one person. With so many of them, when the Burning Daoji explodes, don't you believe that Li Bai can still stop it?

Again, as long as they get the Dark Hell Beast, everything they lose will eventually come back.


Facing the powerful offensive from Elder Lin and others, Li Bai remained calm and calm. He was like a supreme master, standing on the green lotus, looking down at Elder Lin and others.

The next moment, Li Bai raised his hand, and the power in his body spurted out and poured into the green lotus at his feet.


The dazzling ink-green light burst out again, and the green lotus rose slowly, charging towards the prison master and the others.

Heaven Master Prison and others only felt the terror of the Way of Time, but they did not know that the green lotus under Li Bai's feet was equally terrifying.

The magical power that Li Bai exploded just now is not only the Heavenly Dao magical power that will eliminate sorrow forever, but also his natal magical power, Heavenly Dao Qinglian!


Under Li Bai's urging, the Tiandao Qinglian rolled towards the Heaven Controller Prison and the others. It seemed ordinary, but when it came into contact with the offensive of the Heaven Controller Prison and the others, this Heavenly Dao Qinglian was... Explode supreme power!


The deafening roar exploded like thunder, and the terrifying power impact swept away in all directions. The Heaven Master Prison and others flew backwards as fast as they impacted.

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