Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1609 The God of Heaven descends upon you

Daoist Master of the Blood Sea, Heaven Master Prison and the most powerful Mr. Lin are all must-kill people for Wang Feng and others. Before Li Bai and others took action, Wang Feng had already ordered that the others could ignore it. Kaidou-san and others must die.


Heaven Master Prison and Mr. Lin never expected that with so many people present, this group of mysterious people would target themselves. The terrifying power fluctuations made them angry and trembled, but they had to use all their strength to resist.

"Damn it!"

For them, it only takes a few steps for them to step into the turbulent flow of the void and escape from this place, but these few steps are like a cleft in the sky, making it difficult for them to cross.


The offensives of both sides collided violently, and deafening roars exploded in the starry sky. The terrifying fluctuations made the others tremble. The next moment, they did not care to see the result, and decisively stepped into the void chaos. flow.

As the void trembled, except for the Heaven Master Prison and Elder Lin, everyone else disappeared into the empty starry sky.


Two astonishing roars exploded, and then, two figures flew backwards from the battlefield filled with violent force, like a parabola, and were thrown into the distance, spitting blood from their mouths, tearing through the void like blood arrows.

These two figures are none other than the Master of Heaven, Prison and Elder Lin.

At this moment, the two of them were in extremely miserable condition, with scars all over their bodies, and the hideous wounds filled with blood appeared one after another, which was unbearable to look at.

If it hadn't been for the extraordinary Taoist masters both of them had, they would have died tragically on the spot under the blow just delivered by Li Bai and others. The terrifying power impact made the two of them still have lingering fears even if they recalled it at this moment.

If they were in their heyday, they would not take it seriously. Unfortunately, at this moment, they are like candles in the wind. Let alone Li Bai and others, even a strong Taoist master can make them Extremely embarrassed.

The tiger falls on the plain and is bullied by the dog!

At this moment, the two people in the Heaven Controller Prison felt both frustrated and unwilling, as well as frightened and trembling.

If this continues, they may end up like Dao Zun Xuehai. The death crisis has shrouded Heaven Controller Prison and Mr. Lin in fear. They have not felt such a strong death crisis in an unknown amount of time.

The two people in Heaven Controller Prison looked at each other, and both saw the determination in each other's eyes. At their level, as long as they have not truly fallen, they will not give up their struggle. What's more, both of them are extraordinary people, so they have their own abilities. Super strong trump card.

It's just that even they can't bear the price of this trump card, so they don't dare to use it easily.

But now, the huge death crisis forced them to use their trump cards.

Again, it’s all about living!

If even living is a luxury, then what's the use of having a strong trump card?

"Brilliant Heavenly Power, please come to me, worship you as a god, and command all directions to help me defeat the enemy!"

"Heaven's way to the gods!"

The next moment, the Heaven Master's face was full of determination, and he violently pinched the seal with both hands. The dense mysterious inscriptions instantly filled the air, spinning around him, like an elf, and his loud and thunderous words echoed throughout the broken starry sky. .

The God of Heaven is the most powerful magical power of the Heaven Master clan. It is said that it was evolved by the leader of the Heaven Master clan who understood the Heaven. Once it is used, the caster can consume all of himself and use part of the power of Heaven.

The more you consume, the stronger the heavenly power you gain.

At this time, in order to get rid of this death crisis, the master of heaven even killed Li Bai and others, and almost gave up everything. Except for his life, he sacrificed everything and consumed it in exchange for the powerful power of heaven. able.


In an instant, the thunder in the sky made up for it, and the terrifying power of heaven swept across the entire battlefield, like a stormy sea. At the same time, a huge light pillar fell from the sky, covering the prison of the sky master.

Under the blessing of this vast power of heaven, Heaven Controller Jing felt that everything in his body seemed to have completely recovered, and he felt like he had been reborn. His whole body was filled with explosive power, making him feel unprecedented comfort. It was refreshing, and my whole confidence was restored again.

"Taiyi Xuanming, come!"

At the same time, Mr. Lin's face was solemn, and he kept pinching the seals with his hands. The remaining power in his body spurted out, and a mysterious aura surged around him.

Taiyi Xuanming is a fragment of the magical power obtained by Mr. Lin from an ancient ruins. It is the most powerful magical power left over from the heavenly realm. Once used, it can instantly restore oneself to its peak, and even make it a little stronger. Disadvantages There is only one hour, and after that, your own cultivation will fall to three major realms.

This was the first time that Elder Lin had used this magical power since he had practiced it. The price was too great for Elder Lin to bear. If he had not been on the verge of death, he would not have been able to display such magical power.


At this moment, the Heaven Master Prison and Mr. Lin were both like unparalleled god kings, as powerful as Prison and as powerful as the sky, with vast power fluctuations surging around them.

This scene made Li Bai and the others freeze their eyes and become wary, but they were not afraid, instead they were filled with fighting spirit.

Whether it is the two sisters Li Bai or Leng Yue, although they can explode with strength that far exceeds their cultivation level, their cultivation level has not yet reached this level, and they can have a hearty battle with a strong person of this level. , it will be of great benefit to them.

"Suffer death!"

When the blood of Li Bai and others was boiling, the powerful power made the two of them full of confidence. They roared fiercely and attacked brazenly.


As they waved their hands, terrifying power fluctuations swept out like a tidal wave, converging into spears and blasting out like a violent storm.

In just an instant, the battlefield was covered with dense spears, and the sharp aura swept across all directions, making people shudder.


Facing these spears, Li Bai and others did not retreat at all, and bravely faced them.

As Li Bai's sleeves and robes swung, sword aura spurted out, and the extreme sharpness split the void into long, dark cracks. On the other side, the two sisters Leng Yue also erupted with sword aura.


In an instant, the sword energy and the spear collided together, bursting out with an astonishing roar, and the scattered sharp edges tore the entire battlefield into pieces. The terrifying violent force raged throughout the entire battlefield, and the scene was extremely impactful.

Such a scene made Wang Feng, who was hiding in the dark, frightened.

This is the terror of an extremely powerful person, every move is enough to destroy the world.


Li Bai and the others were not idle during the violent impact. Instead, they ignored the violent power and started fighting crazily. A series of roars resounded out, shaking the entire star field.

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