Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1611 Sword kills 2 statues


Within the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, roars resounded continuously, and endless mysterious inscriptions tumbled inside, frightening many prisoners in the Underworld Prison.

Deep in the Daozi Prison, Wang Feng stared at the changes in the entire Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, his face solemn, and secretly asked: "System, can you detect the changes in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison?"

"Ding, this change is due to the death of the Dark Hell Beast, which triggered the entire Demon Suppressing Hell to evolve into the Dark Heaven Pattern, activating the Dark Heaven Ancestor inheritance within the Dark Hell Beast."

"This change has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that after activation, as long as the owner of the Dark Source Crystal is obtained, the owner can immediately obtain the inheritance of the Dark Heaven Ancestor; the disadvantage is that such activation will also completely attract his attention. , and have been targeted by Him ever since.”

The voice of the system sounded in his mind, making Wang Feng's face darken and his whole heart sinking.

This change would do more harm than good to Wang Feng.

After all, the inheritance of the Ancestor Dark Ming is dispensable to him. He only needs to get the Dark Source Crystal, but after activation, it is equivalent to getting the inheritance of the Ancestor Dark Ming. He will definitely catch his eye.

When he was weak in cultivation, being targeted by him was almost a disaster. This was when Wang Feng had a system. For an ordinary person, it would not be a disaster at all, and he would definitely die.

However, in the current situation, Wang Feng has no retreat and can only grit his teeth and face the difficulties.


At this moment, the inscriptions in the void suddenly vibrated, making strange sounds. These rhythms made the dark source crystals in the dark prison beast also tremble.

If someone could see through the body of the Dark Hell Beast, he would definitely be able to find that in the heart of the Dark Hell Beast, there is a pitch-black crystal stone as tall as a person, which is shining with pitch-black light and resonates with the dense inscriptions in the outside world.


Under the trembling eyes of Wang Feng and others, the dense inscriptions poured into the body of the dark hell beast like a torrent. The entire hell instantly returned to calm, and the terrible pressure disappeared without a trace. It seemed as if nothing had happened.

"Take action!"

While everyone was still stunned by the previous changes, Wang Feng was the first to come to his senses, glanced at the stunned Heaven Master Prison and Elder Lin, his eyes were cold, and he shouted to Li Bai and others.


Li Bai and others, who received Wang Feng's message, did not hesitate at all, and took action instantly. The powerful power swept across all directions like a stormy sea, and terrifying power fluctuations filled the air between their hands.

This time, Li Bai and the others did not hold back at all, and used almost all their strength to unleash a powerful blow.


The clear and loud sound of the sword chant echoed throughout the void. Accompanying the sound of the sword chant, there was also a terrifying edge. The endless sword energy lingered around Li Bai, making Li Bai look like an emperor in the sword. The emperor, every word and action makes thousands of swordsmen surrender.


As Li Bai slashed down with his sword, the dense sword energy around him spurted out in an instant, forming a huge torrent of sword energy. With the blessing of the Taoist level divine weapon, it burst out with an extremely terrifying edge.

The terrifying torrent of sword energy, like a broken bamboo, blasted towards Mr. Lin, wiping out everything in its path.

On the other side, the two Leng Yue sisters also burst out with infinite sword power. The terrifying sword light rose into the sky, as if it was going to cut off the sky, and the terrifying sword power swept across like a tide.


When the two Leng Yue sisters slashed down together, two huge sword lights rushed out in an instant, condensing into a huge sword light in the void, and struck towards the prison of the Heaven Master.

At this moment, the entire battlefield was filled with frightening sword edges. Even from a distance, you could still feel this terrifying sword edge.

"Damn it!"

The sudden attack by Li Bai and others woke up the two of them from their daze. Feeling the terrifying sword edge, both of them cursed angrily, not daring to show any slightness. They exploded with all their strength to resist. This terrifying sword force could bring them a fatal crisis.


Vast power fluctuations spread out from their bodies, condensing into power shields in front of them, like a huge turtle shell, completely covering them.

However, although they were desperate to reach the highest level and use their strongest trump cards, they were still severely injured and after the battle just now, they had very little strength left.

Facing Li Bai and others' full attack, even they themselves didn't have much confidence that they could withstand it.


A moment later, a loud roar suddenly exploded throughout the battlefield. The torrent of sword energy and the huge sword light hit the protective shields of Mr. Lin and the two men respectively. The terrifying power was released, destroying everything around them.


After blocking for several breaths, two crisp click sounds instantly sounded in the battlefield, making both Mr. and Lin's pupils shrink, and a flash of deep fear flashed across their faces.

I saw that the thick protective shield in front of them was torn open and cracked, like a broken mirror, crumbling. The terrifying sword edge even passed through the cracks to the two of them, causing their skin to tingle. , extremely uncomfortable.

If that was the case, they would not be afraid. What really frightened them was that at this moment, a strong danger of death enveloped them, as if the god of death was waving to them again, and their whole bodies could not stop shivering. .


As two loud roars came, Mr. Lin and the Heaven Master Prison used all their strength to put up defensive shields, which suddenly collapsed and turned into fragments, scattered in all directions. The torrent of sword energy and the huge sword light penetrated many The fragments stabbed directly towards the two of them.


Although the two people in charge of the sky were constantly struggling, they still could not stop the terrifying sword power. They were pierced through the chest by the torrent of sword energy and the huge sword light. The terrifying sword edge raged inside their bodies, destroying their bodies. All life and strength.


The Heaven Master stared blankly at the blood hole on his chest, roaring with unbelievable rage. The flow of vitality from his body made him feel the endless coldness, and the real shadow of death made him tremble with fear.

How could he, the majestic ruler of heaven, die in a place like this? He didn't even die in the dark war back then, how could he die in this Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison?


Two unwilling roars came out from the mouths of Heaven Master Prison and Old Lin at the same time. However, no matter how unwilling they were, they could not change their imminent demise.

That terrifying sword edge destroyed not only their vitality, but also their Taoist foundations, souls, etc. At this moment, the two of them were in a state of waiting to die.


As two roars were heard, the two men in Heaven Controller and Prison instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist, floating in the battlefield, and they could no longer die.

Until their death, they were unable to detect the identities of Wang Feng and others.

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