Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1613 Huge Harvest, Fighting Mirror Image

The four words "the whole world is the enemy" are too terrifying, so terrifying that even Wang Feng cannot bear it.

Today's Wang Feng is no longer the stupid young man before. He knows very well that the water in the entire heaven is very deep, so deep that even the powerful people in the heavenly realm cannot grasp it.

Under such circumstances, the whole world is the enemy, and almost no one can bear it.

Even if Anming Tianzu is resurrected, he cannot withstand such pressure.

If Wang Feng could reach the top of the Heavenly Realm, he might still be able to endure it, but unfortunately, once he chooses the first option, he will die tragically on the spot before he can reach the top of the Heavenly Realm.

Not to mention anything else, Wang Feng's current enemies, including the Heavenly Masters, are putting Wang Feng under a lot of pressure, not to mention that they are enemies of the entire world?


As Wang Feng finished speaking, a mysterious aura suddenly burst out from Wang Feng's body. In just a moment, this aura completely enveloped the dark source crystal in front of Wang Feng.

Facing this aura, people as strong as Li Bai and others trembled at it. Their eyes looking at Wang Feng were full of awe. Even though they had almost reached the top of the heavens at this moment, they still couldn't see through Wang Feng.

No one in this world can fathom the mystery of the sect master.

Under the awed gazes of Li Bai and others, the tall Dark Source Crystal disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, they could not see where the power of the Dark Source Crystal was going.

After a while, the tall dark source crystal was only the size of an arm, and the strange liquid flowing in it almost disappeared. As the system controller, Wang Feng could clearly feel the changes in the system.

The system in the depths of his mind became more hazy and ethereal, and vaguely, there was a terrifying fluctuation that transcended the universe.

However, with Wang Feng's current level, he simply cannot understand fluctuations of this level.


A quarter of an hour later, the dark source crystal completely disappeared, and a strange sound suddenly echoed throughout the entire Demon Suppressing Underworld Prison, as if a certain existence had broken through some kind of boundary.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the system and sect have been upgraded two levels in a row, from level 19 to level 21!"

At this moment, a clear, clear and cold voice echoed in Wang Feng's mind, making Wang Feng extremely excited.

Although he lost the opportunity to become a Taoist Master in a short period of time, it was of great benefit to Wang Feng to be able to upgrade the system and sect by two levels.

What's more, improving the system can also suppress Dao Dao's targets, giving him enough time to improve himself and the strength of the Immortal Sect. Although Dao Dao is strong, as long as there is enough time, Wang Feng is confident that he will be able to defeat it. Pull down from the high position.

After all, he is a man with a system!

"Congratulations to the host, for successfully upgrading the system to the twenty-first level, unlocking the random summoning opportunity of the ultimate god realm, which can summon powerful people from the peak of Tao God to the peak of emperor god. Twenty random summoning opportunities of the lower god realm can be merged into one ultimate god. Random summoning opportunities in the environment, 100% summoning of the strongest Emperor God!"

"In addition, due to two levels in a row, I am hereby rewarded with two summoning opportunities for the Guardian and the Guardian Beast!"

"At the same time, activate the summoning and leasing function of Rahu, the fourth generation ancestor of the Immortal Sect, and Donghuang Taiyi, the eighth generation ancestor. When the host uses the ancestor leasing function next time, the summons will be 100% permanent!"

The cold voice that sounded in his mind made Wang Feng's face flush, and he was very excited. It was indeed a pleasure to improve the system. The successive rewards made Wang Feng extremely happy.

Not to mention the ability to permanently summon the eighth-generation ancestor Donghuang Taiyi, just the unlocking of random summoning opportunities in the ultimate divine realm can make the Shenxian Sect's strength skyrocket.

Perhaps the strength of the elders is not that good, but the strength of the ancestors, guardians and guardian beasts is very terrifying.

"Congratulations to the host, for successfully raising the sect level to twenty-one. As a reward, all the disciples in the sect, except those who have experienced the extreme awakening of heaven's law and many guardians, ancestors, and sect-protecting beasts, will be promoted to a large realm without side effects; all sects will be rewarded. Elder, improve two great realms without side effects!"


When the system said these words, Wang Feng's body within the Divine Kingdom and many powerful Immortal Sects in various parts of the Divine Realm burst out with powerful momentum, and his own cultivation level instantly skyrocketed to a great level.

Such benefits naturally surprised many powerful people from the Immortal Sect, but also made the powerful people around them feel confused.

Mysterious beings such as Tai Cang Demon Dragon and the old man next to Gu Chou and others were all surprised and confused after seeing Gu Chou and others as well as Yan Shen and others ascending to a great realm for no reason. No matter how hard they thought, they could not figure it out. What happened?

Even if they use the power of deduction, they can't deduce anything. This makes them very curious about the Shenxian Sect behind Gu Chou and others, and even a little afraid.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Chou and others were under their noses. If there were any opportunities or changes, they would not know about it, but they were promoted to a big realm for no reason, and these people are all from the same sect, except Aside from the Immortal Sect behind them, they couldn't think of anyone else who could give these people such great benefits.

In addition, many ancestors of the Netherworld Undead in the mysterious space are also very surprised by the improvement in strength of Netherworld Queen Gui Yao.

But no matter how they speculated, they couldn't figure out the mystery behind it.

"Another reward is a sect fighting mirror hall!"

"The Dou Zhan Mirror Hall, a supreme sect treasure land with system characteristics, can allow many strong men in the sect to experience. After stepping into the Dou Zhan Mirror Hall, the Dou Zhan Mirror Hall will evolve many of its features based on the experience of those who enter. Enemies that have been experienced can be used for training, whether they are defeated or undefeated enemies, they will all be evolved!"

"In addition, the Fighting Mirror Hall can also evolve itself, allowing those who enter it to fight against themselves and understand their own flaws."

"The evolved enemy is close to 90% similar to the enemy in reality."

"Every time you use it, you need to consume training resources!"

Wang Feng didn't know the surprise and doubts of Tai Cang Demon Dragon and others. He only knew that he was so happy that he almost fainted.

He didn't expect that the rewards that the sect would receive after upgrading two levels in a row would be so rich.

Regardless of the level of improvement, Wang Feng was satisfied with the fighting mirror hall alone.

The most terrifying thing about this hall is that it can evolve the image of an undefeated enemy as well as the image of oneself. It is said that knowing yourself and the enemy means you will be victorious in every battle. Once you have figured out the enemy, even if your cultivation is weaker than the enemy, it is possible to turn defeat into victory.

Once you enter this hall to hone your skills, anyone who steps in will have a very clear understanding of their enemies. In this way, the next time you encounter an undefeated enemy, it will be hard to say whether you will win or lose.

Furthermore, for a cultivator, the biggest enemy is oneself, and this hall can also evolve its own mirror image, allowing itself to fight its own mirror image, understand its own flaws, and thus transform itself into a perfect state.

It can be said that if this hall is taken out, no force in the entire world can bear it and will definitely fight for it. Even the powerful ones at the level of Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm will be jealous and covet it.

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