Of course, this secret technique still has some use, that is, it allows Wang Feng himself to show off.

As long as Wang Feng's heart is big enough, with the current reserves of the Sea of ​​Power, after all the sacrifices are made, in exchange for the power of the Tai Cang Demon Dragon Tiandao God level, isn't it too much?

He was only at the peak of the Emperor God, but he exploded with the strength of the Heavenly Dao God level. How could he shock the world for ten thousand years?

However, it is undoubtedly extremely stupid to waste all the sect's foundation in order to show off. It would be easier to let Tai Cang Demon Dragon take action directly.

While Wang Feng was pondering, the Tai Cang Demon Dragon beside him was hesitant to speak, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Wang Feng, who happened to come back to his senses, was stunned when he saw Tai Cang Demon Dragon's posture, and asked: "Senior, do you have something to say?"

Although Tai Cang Demon Dragon is now considered his subordinate, Wang Feng still maintains enough respect for him. After all, this person is an extremely high-ranking person in the Tiandao Divine Realm. Even if he is no longer at his peak, his strength is still in the Tiandao Divine Realm. Among them, it is also one of the best.

"Sect Master, if it is not an emergency, it is not convenient for me to take action."

When Tai Cang Demon Dragon finished speaking, Wang Feng suddenly looked surprised and asked quickly: "Why is this?"

"First, my enemies are very strong, and they are the clan of those who control the sky."

"Although I got help from the sect master and successfully escaped from the trap and blocked my aura, once I appear and use my power, my enemy will definitely be able to sense it based on his strength, and he will definitely take action at that time."

"He has not yet recovered to his peak. I am no match for him. And after so many years, he may still make a breakthrough. Even if he recovers to his peak, I am not sure."

Tai Cang Demon Dragon said with a bitter look on his face.

If he had not joined the Immortal Sect, he would have definitely found a secret place to hide out after he escaped from trouble, and then plan revenge after he returned to his peak.

After being suppressed for so many years, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon's once arrogance has long been restrained, and he has completely seen himself. Even though that guy was the one who made a sneak attack at the beginning, in terms of true strength, he may not be able to defeat him.

What's more, after so many years, with that guy's talent, it is impossible to break through the legendary Dao Divine Realm, but the increase in strength is a certainty. With one thing going one way, oneself will not be his opponent anymore. .

Whether it was for himself or the safety of the Immortal Sect, he could not take action easily.

When Tai Cang Demon Dragon finished speaking, Wang Feng suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He did not expect that Tai Cang Demon Dragon's enemies were actually the Heaven Master Clan. From this point of view, he had underestimated the heritage of the Heaven Master Clan before.

The Tai Cang Demonic Dragon was once an extremely powerful man at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Realm. Even such a powerful man could suppress the seal, which is enough to show how terrifying the Heaven Controller clan really is.

The next moment, Wang Feng chuckled softly: "Senior, it is true that I have a fate with my Shenxian Sect. My Shenxian Sect also has enmity with the Heaven Controller Clan. To be precise, if the Heaven Controller Clan knows what I have done, I am afraid that they will hate it. Kill my Immortal Sect quickly."

"So far, our Shenxian Sect has indirectly or directly killed four or five Heaven Masters, but most of them have just recovered. Therefore, the Heaven Master family still does not know what our Shenxian Sect has done."


Tai Cang Demonic Dragon was surprised and laughed happily. Wang Feng was right, he was really destined to the Immortal Sect.

He knows how important the real Heaven Master is to the Heaven Master clan. The entire Heaven Master clan may seem to have a large number of people, but most of them are Heavenly Slaves. Real Heaven Masters are extremely rare, and every one of them They are all the elites among the elites. Although the loss of a few figures will not break the bones of the Sky Master clan, it is enough to cause pain to their flesh.

For a time, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon's recognition of Shenxian Sect was once again a little higher.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something and asked again: "Senior cannot take action easily. In addition to this reason, are there other reasons?"

Hearing this, Tai Cang Demonic Dragon's entire face suddenly became solemn. He glanced around, then waved his hand, reinforced a layer of shielding again, and asked aloud: "Sect Master, does he know why the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm is not revealed now?"

Wang Feng's heart moved, he stared at Tai Cang Demonic Dragon, and shook his head in confusion.

It has been unknown how many years have passed since the powerful men of the Heavenly Dao Realm have not shown up. This was already the case before the dark war that swept across the heavens.

Over the years, the powerful Hedao realm has not shown up. The reason, Wang Feng knows, is that the dark war spread far and wide, resulting in countless deaths and injuries of the powerful Hedao realm in the sky, and those who survived basically fell into deep sleep. among.

Only those strong men who have newly entered the realm of Hedao after the Dark War will be slightly more active.

"The sky is about to fall, the storm is coming, the stronger the cultivation level, the less afraid to take the lead."

Tai Cang Demonic Dragon said these words mysteriously. As he spoke, majestic power surged out from his burly body again, shrouding several people in it. It can be said that he was extremely cautious. , for fear of being heard by someone.


Hearing this, Wang Feng and others all trembled and shook. For some reason, when they heard this sentence, they all felt an inexplicable panic in their hearts, as if what this sentence contained was something terrible. .

"What...what does this mean?"

Wang Feng asked with a solemn expression.

To be on the safe side, he once again asked the system to apply a layer of barrier to completely cover them. For a strong man like Tai Cang Demon Dragon to be so cautious, the things contained in these words must be earth-shattering, and Wang Feng did not dare to neglect them.

"Senior, you can rest assured that I have blocked this place with the Dao artifact!"

Wang Feng was afraid that the Tai Cang Demonic Dragon would not dare to speak, so he spoke out again and changed the power of the system to the power of the Dao artifact. This would also make the Tai Cang Demon Dragon feel at ease!

Tai Cang Demon Dragon breathed a sigh of relief. With the shield of the Great Dao artifact, he could indeed rest assured.

"This heaven is not the so-called heaven, but Him - the Great Dao!"

"The Great Dao seems to be superior to all the beings in the world, but it is still within the rules of the heavens. The so-called Great Dao is just the spokesperson of the natural rules of the heavens. Just like the emperor of a mortal dynasty, he seems to be aloof, but he also escapes. Don’t open birth, old age, sickness and death!”

"The great avenues in the heavens all have their term. Once the term expires, unless it breaks free from the constraints of the rules of the heavens, it will fall, and then a new great avenue will be born in the heavens."

"Every time a new avenue is born, it is a new transformation for the heavens. Therefore, this avenue's tenure rule is almost the strongest rule of the heavens. Even the avenue cannot be changed."

"It is said that the term of the Great Dao is twelve eras, and each era is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine trillion years! The first era is known as the New Era, with endless creation, which is a gift from the new Great Dao, and the last era, It’s the Dark Age.”

"Because it is on the verge of disintegration, at the end of the Dark Age, Dao Dao will go completely crazy, and no one can know what it will do!"

"What we are living in now is the end of the Dark Era of this great road!"

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