Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1634: Go through the process or kill directly

"It's just a small effort, fellow Taoists, don't be polite."

Facing the thanks from Fang Badao and others, Gu Chou waved his hands and said nonchalantly.

Damn it, he got it again!

Gu Gengchou, who was standing behind Gu Chou, cursed angrily to himself, this great opportunity should have belonged to his elder brother!

The plastic family boat of the Gu brothers was once again overturned by Gu Chou.

On the other side, Fang Badao and the others were even more shocked. The reason was that they felt that the unfathomable cultivation of Gu Gengchou and the others was so powerful that they were unable to even detect a trace of the Gu Gengchou and the others. Strength?

Four such young and terrifying talents suddenly appeared?

"Be careful, a powerful person from the Hedao realm is coming!"

When Fang Badao and the others were shocked, the warning voice from Yuan Wu suddenly echoed in the ears of Gu Chou and others, causing them to tremble and become nervous instantly.

Gu Gengchou, who had been secretly complaining, immediately came to Gu Gengchou's side. The power in his body surged quietly, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.


"You're just an ant, how brave are you to kill me, the one who destroyed the Nether Clan?"

Suddenly, a terrifying force accompanied by cold words swept across the entire world.

At this moment, both Gu Chou and the others, as well as Fang Badao and the others, felt a terrifying aura as deep as the ocean. In just a moment, they seemed to be suppressed by an ancient giant billions of feet high. The entire His body couldn't stop shaking.

"Behead...behead my supreme peak?"

The pupils of Fang Badao and others shrank, and they couldn't help but exclaim. Their faces were full of despair. They thought they could escape alive, but unexpectedly, they still couldn't escape after all.

No matter how powerful Gu Chou and others are, how can they deal with the strong men in the Hedao realm?


While Fang Badao and the others were trembling, three figures appeared in the sky, looking down at everyone present like a master. The supreme pressure poured down unbridled like the power of heaven.


A whole three of them killed me at the peak of my supreme power? !

Fang Badao and the others, who were already desperate, became even more desperate, unable to even put up a trace of resistance.

On the other hand, Gu Chou and the others, although their expressions were solemn, were not worried at all. Instead, they looked at the three supreme masters like they were clowns.

"Should we go through the process? Or kill him directly?"

Somehow, Gu Chou said this sentence by mistake.

Even if the four of them join forces, they can't defeat them. Yuan Wu will take action in the end, but with their strength, these three powerful people who can kill me, the Supreme Peak, can't kill them even if they want to. It's okay to have a fight.

Although Gu Chou's words were very light, the people present were all highly cultivated people, so how could they not hear it?

Fang Badao and the others mechanically turned their heads to look at Gu Chou, dumbfounded.

Facing... facing three strong men who have killed me at the peak of my supreme power, this person actually... still has the confidence to kill them? Who are these people?

Compared with the shock and horror of Fang Ba Dao and the others, the three supreme beings of the Nirvana Clan were extremely angry. How dare they, mere ants in the realm of the Emperor God, dare to say that they wanted to kill them?

Simply ridiculous!

As expected of the human race who sit in a well and look at the sky, they really don’t know how vast the sky is!

"Ant, after so many years, few people have made me so angry."

"Congratulations, you have successfully aroused my anger. It is your honor to die at my hands!"

The supreme powerhouse of the Annihilation Nether Clan in the middle spoke indifferently, with no trace of emotion on his face, looking at Gu Chou and others as if they were looking at dead people.


"I want to see how you kill them?"

Hearing this, Gu Chou's eyes widened, and he was about to curse back angrily, but before he could speak, an indifferent voice sounded throughout the world.


The sudden change caused the three Supreme Beings of the Netherworld Clan to narrow their eyes and look suddenly in the direction of the sound. Their cold snorts sounded like muffled thunder, as if they wanted to use their voices to make the other party realize their difficulties. retreat.

Gu Chou and others were stunned at first, and then suddenly became excited. The voice seemed indifferent, but to them, it was extremely familiar.

Just because the owner of this voice is none other than Li Bai, the first guardian of his Immortal Sect!

"Gu Chou..., see Lord Guardian!"

For a moment, Gu Chou and others all bowed to the sky and shouted loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the three supreme beings of the Annihilation Nether Clan and Fang Badao were stunned, with looks of surprise on their faces.


Not long after, Li Bai's tall figure appeared in the void. He did not look at the three supreme beings of the Nirvana Clan, but looked at Gu Chou and the others. With just one glance, he saw through the Gu Chou and the others. With his cultivation level, a look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but I didn't expect you guys to have grown up a lot, not bad!"

Originally, Li Bai, together with Master Taiqing and others, were constantly clearing out the strong men of the Nether Clan and many heavenly slaves who were raging in the Luotian Divine Domain. Due to the message from Wenren Changfeng and others, many strong men in the alliance knew about it. The four-way team of the Shenxian Sect.

As a result, during the elimination process of Li Bai and others, more and more strong men joined the team of Li Bai and others, many of whom were saved by Li Bai and others, and even the strong men of many powerful forces , are willing to obey the orders of Li Bai and others.

Coincidentally, not long ago, Li Bai and others had just rescued a strong man from Langya Mountain. He begged Li Bai and others to go to the Taiqing Mountains to rescue Fang Badao and others in distress. In order not to slow down the progress, Li Bai asked others He continued to eliminate many enemies, while he rushed to the Taiqing Mountains alone to rescue Fang Ba Dao and others.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Li Bai would not come to rescue Fang Badao and the others, but the strong man from Langya Mountain gave him a little too much.

However, Li Bai did not expect to meet Gu Chou and others.

After receiving Li Bai's praise, Gu Chou and others were very excited, their faces flushed with excitement, and they all held their chests out proudly, like soldiers waiting for the leader to review.

For many disciples of the Immortal Sect, thousands of compliments from others are not as good as a single compliment from the senior leaders of the sect or even the sect leader.

"This so-called Immortal Sect seems to have a lot of foundation."

Yuan Wu, who was hiding in the dark, looked at Li Bai with squinted eyes and murmured secretly.

With his cultivation, he could clearly sense that although Li Bai's superficial cultivation was only the sixth step of Hedao, the power contained in his body was not much weaker than the seventh step of Hedao.

In the realm of Hedao, it is extremely rare to have the combat power to fight across borders, even with Yuanwu's experience.

A glimpse of the leopard through the tube is enough to show how mysterious this Immortal Sect is.

Not only did he have talented disciples like Gu Chou and others, but there were also high-level officials with extraordinary combat power like Li Bai. Even though he had never seen the entirety of the Shenxian Sect, Yuanwu could vaguely guess the terrifying potential of the Shenxian Sect!

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