
An invisible light shield enveloped the entire Luotian Ancient Peak, which was the Dao-Sealing Extermination Formation.


Within the light shield, deafening roars continued to sound, and terrifying fluctuations swept across all directions. The entire Luotian Ancient Peak was destroyed by this terrifying battle, turning into huge rocks and filling the entire ground. It looked like a huge Gravel arena.

This ancient peak, which symbolized the entire Luotian Divine Domain, collapsed like this. From now on, there will be no more Luotian Ancient Peak in the Luotian Divine Domain. There will only be a terrifying battlefield ruins that will be remembered for eternity!

Above the sky, Sun Wukong was fighting against the Five Great Dao Masters alone. Even if there was only one person, he could still overwhelm the opponent and be so powerful that it was a mess. On the other side, ten strong men from the Nether Clan and Tiannu who were at the peak of the sixth step of Hedao, Join forces to fight Wenren Yexiao and other three powerful Taoists.

The other strong men were fighting crazily underneath.

Wang Feng hid outside the formation, looking at the entire battlefield situation, with a look of satisfaction on his face. Judging from the overall situation, the enemy had almost no power to fight back, and the defeat was certain!

Unless...the other party has a back-up plan!

But no matter what the opponent's back-up plan is, Wang Feng has enough confidence to use every move to keep the opponent here completely and let Luotian Ancient Peak become the opponent's tomb.

On the battlefield, the five Taoist masters fought with fear and fear on their faces. They thought that Sun Wukong was just a stronger seventh-step Hedao master. Unexpectedly, His strength has actually reached the ancestral level?

If they were in their heyday, they might still have the confidence to fight against Sun Wukong if they join forces, but under Sun Wukong's attack just now, they have already suffered a lot of injuries, and now they are too weak to fight against a master like Sun Wukong.

"Your Excellency...who are you?"

"Have you thought clearly about the consequences of interfering in the affairs of our Nether Clan and Tiannu?"

A Taoist from the Nether Clan couldn't help but trembled, trying to use his background to scare Sun Wukong away.

Who would have thought that the five dignified Taoists, placed anywhere, could be a lineup capable of sweeping everything, but now they need to use words to intimidate their enemies?

If it weren't for the Dao-Sealing and Extermination Formation that blocked the world, they would have escaped long ago after realizing Sun Wukong's true strength!

Faced with the question from the Taoist Lord of the Underworld, Sun Wukong sneered and ignored it. He carried the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and swept it out directly. The terrifying power of the stick was as terrifying as the pillar of heaven!

Under such a powerful and terrifying move, these five Taoists could only resist hastily, not daring to be distracted.

In addition to the battlefield of Sun Wukong and others, the situation on the battlefield of the others is also very good. If it weren't for the sneak attack by Sun Wukong and others before, most of the enemies were eliminated. Even if the Immortal Sect joined and wanted to end this war, there would be no way. so easy.

But now, everyone can clearly see that the balance of victory has continued to tip towards the Luotian Divine Realm.


At the same time, several behemoths were flying in the starry sky at extremely fast speeds. In an instant, they had flown to an extremely far place. The stars with faint fluorescent lights around them were like beads in front of these behemoths. , unremarkable.

These behemoths look like spaceships, with dense dragon patterns engraved on their hulls. The dragon patterns on both sides of the hull form the word "Dao"!

If any ancient existence saw it, they would definitely be shocked.

Because these behemoths are the Shenwu Daozhou, the exclusive spacecraft of the Peeping Dao clan that once oppressed the world. Each of them is a Taoist-level treasure, which can be attacked and defended, with infinite power and unscrupulous power!

When driven with all its strength, the offensive and defensive capabilities of this Shenwu Daozhou are no less than those of a true Taoist master.

At this moment, these three Shenwu Dao boats are all filled with strong men from the Peeping Dao clan, tens of thousands of them. The aura on each one of them is extremely powerful. The lowest ones are all at the level of Emperor God. , the realm of harmony is no longer rare.

In the main hall of the Shenwu Daozhou in the center, the commander-in-chief Yao Xuandao was sitting on the main seat, with five deputy commanders sitting underneath. The terrifying and powerful aura filled the entire hall, making the atmosphere in the hall become oppressive. Thick.

"Brother, how could the Heaven Master clan be so kind this time and hand over the Luotian Divine Domain to us?"

First deputy commander Yao Fangming had a flash of surprise on his face and asked.

After saying this, the other deputy commanders also looked at Yao Xuandao.

"Two purposes, one is to make good friends with our Peeping Clan; the other is that from the beginning, their goal may not be the Luotian Divine Domain at all!"

Yao Xuandao's eyes flashed with a gleam of wisdom, and he explained in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the doubts on the faces of Yao Fangming and others became more intense, and they couldn't help but ask again: "They don't even care about Luotian Divine Domain? Is there anything else that can compare to Luotian Divine Domain?"

"Moreover, the one who really took action this time was the Tiandao Ning Clan. Is it possible that the Tiandao Ning Clan has really been completely controlled by the Heaven Master Clan?"

Hearing this, Yao Xuandao immediately shook his head and laughed, and said loudly: "How is it possible? The Tiandao Ning Clan is also one of the most powerful clans in the world. Its background is unfathomable. How can it be easily controlled by the Heaven Master Clan?"

"In my opinion, the Sky Master family may want to take this opportunity to draw out the remnants of the previous dark war and completely solve them. Once these remnants are solved, the resistance of the entire God Realm will be reduced by at least half. By then, the gods will Isn’t the world conquered at will?”

"The great age is approaching, and every race is making final preparations, and the Heaven Master clan is no exception."

When Yao Xuandao's words fell, Yao Fangming and others were shocked. Previously, he had seen that although the Dao clan was a clan, it did not mean that they did not know about the dark battle that year. That battle could be said to be under the realm of heaven and god. The most horrific and largest war.

Throughout the ages, such wars have rarely been seen.

"I'm afraid the Heavenly Underworld Clan didn't expect that they are just pawns of the Celestial Master Clan."

Immediately afterwards, Yao Fangming smiled and said slightly sarcastically.

"The Heavenly Underworld Clan has finally declined. Now I am afraid that not much of its heritage is left. In the future, it is destined to be our clan, the Celestial Master Clan, and the Human Clan competing for hegemony, and the rest will be like ants!"

Yao Xuandao narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke passionately.

Hearing this, Yao Fangming and others nodded, their faces full of approval.

"Brother, the human race is terrifyingly powerful and has been at the supreme level for a long time. I don't know what the higher-ups in the clan are planning. Will they join forces with the Sky Master clan to deal with the human race?"

Hearing Yao Fangming's words, Yao Xuandao shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Such a major matter must be decided by high-level officials. Now our only goal is to win the Luotian Divine Realm!"

Yao Fangming smiled and said confidently: "This time, our clan dispatched a total of 50,000 strong men, including hundreds of Hedao realms, who are above the fifth step of Hedao. There are hundreds of them!”

"With such a lineup, how can the Luotian Divine Realm, which has been destroyed, be able to stop it?"

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