Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1642: Annihilate all the enemies and steal the secret path.

At this moment, Wenren Yexiao and other powerful men from the Luotian Divine Realm charged like crazy, and the power in their bodies continued to leak out. Many enemies that were already defeated were attacked by Wenren Yexiao and others. It won't last long at all.

The scene in which Sun Wukong crushed five Taoist masters in one battle broke the fighting spirit of many strong men from the Nether Clan and even Tiannu, and also inspired many strong men from the Luotian Divine Realm. As one went down and the other went up, enemies continued to be killed. .


The roaring sound, accompanied by the blood mist, filled the entire world. The powerful impact caused the entire barrier of the Dao-Sealing Extermination Formation to tremble, and even tiny cracks appeared.

After all, it is a battle involving hundreds of experts who are above the fifth step of Hedao. No matter how powerful this Dao-sealing extermination formation is, it cannot withstand the power bombardment of so many experts.

When the ultimate battle at Luotian Ancient Peak took the upper hand, the battle situation in the entire Luotian Divine Domain, under the leadership of the four major teams of the Shenxian Sect, gradually moved towards victory.

The top experts from the Tiandao Nether Clan and even Tiannu gathered on Luotian Ancient Peak. The ordinary Hedao realm experts scattered outside could not stop the four teams that were strong enough to compete with the seventh step of Hedao. .

Whenever they meet, they are almost wiped out, without any resistance at all.

Originally, the Tiandao Ning Clan had an army of 200,000 high-level gods, plus Tiannu and the strong men from the Luotian Divine Realm who surrendered to them, a total of 500,000 to 600,000 troops. However, with the attack of the four teams of the Shenxian Sect, these armies It was constantly being extinguished, and it dropped sharply from five to six million to four to five million. This number was changing rapidly almost every hour.

Of course, Luotian Divine Domain suffered greater losses, but most of them were weak, and they fell when they were first attacked. After Luotian Divine Domain reacted and organized strong people to resist, Luotian Divine Domain's losses have gradually decreased. Come down.


Above Luotian Ancient Peak, with a thunderous roar, the entire Dao-Sealing Extermination Formation completely collapsed. The powerful impact centered on Luotian Ancient Peak and raged in all directions.

Wenren Yexiao and others stood in the center of the storm, looking at the ruins-like battlefield, and couldn't help but feel excited.


He, Luotian Divine Realm, won!

Looking around, there is no enemy on the entire ruins. There are only many tired Luotian Divine Realm strongmen and broken limbs. The rich smell of blood spreads throughout the world, and the sky seems to be dyed with a layer of blood. The blood seemed to be mourning for these fallen powerful men in the Hedao realm.

At this moment, many of the top experts in the Luotian Divine Realm cheered in unison, even Wen Ren Ye Xiao and other Taoist masters!

Having never truly stood in the situation they were in just now, they could not understand the pressure they were under at all. If the Shenxian Sect had not suddenly arrived, in this ultimate battle, without additional reinforcements, they would have very likely failed. defeat.

After all, the enemy is a level above them in the lineup.

But now, with a weaker lineup than their opponent, they turned defeat into victory, and even completely annihilated their opponent. Such a record would be enough to be engraved in the history books of Luotian Divine Realm if it were spread!

After the excitement, Wen Ren Ye Xiao and many other powerful people from the Luotian Divine Realm all looked at Sun Wukong and others. Their eyes were full of awe and admiration. It is no exaggeration to say that after this battle, Sun Wukong will become the majority of those present. The faith of the strong.


At this moment, Wang Feng revealed his figure, causing Wenren Yexiao and others to tense up and narrow their eyes suddenly, until Sun Wukong and others all bowed to Wang Feng and called out the sect master, They had just relaxed, their eyes flashing with shock.

Except for a few people present, even Wenren Potian, the leader of the Wenren Dao Clan, had never seen Wang Feng, let alone Wenren Ye Xiao and others.

Everyone present did not expect that the leader of the Immortal Sect would be so young and only at the peak of the Emperor God?

With such age and cultivation, he can control the unfathomable Immortal Sect? For a moment, everyone present felt that they had lived like a dog for a long time.

Comparing people to others is irritating. At Wang Feng's age, I am still struggling for my future, but she is already standing on the top of all living beings, intimidating more than 90% of the people in the world.

It really corresponds to this sentence: There is a kind of person who is born to stand on the top. The only thing that accompanies him is endless loneliness. Looking back, no one can compare with him!

"Sect Master Wang is really young and promising, he puts me to shame!"

"Thanks to the benevolence and righteousness of Sect Master Wang for this battle, he led the powerful men of the Immortal Sect to resist the enemy, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

After the shock, everyone, led by Wenren Yexiao and several other Taoists, saluted Wang Feng, their words filled with compliments and gratitude.

Wang Feng smiled and said: "As a member of the Luotian Divine Realm, how can we, the Immortal Sect, ignore the Luotian Divine Realm? You don't have to do this!"

At this time, Wang Feng was filled with joy, not only because he defeated the enemy, but also because he gained a massive amount of sect value!

The enemies he annihilated at the top of the Luotian Ancient Peak alone allowed him to gain tens of trillions of sect values. Coupled with the enemies annihilated by Li Bai and others, it is expected that after this battle is over, the sect he has The value is likely to exceed the three hundred trillion mark!

Such a massive amount of sect values ​​is unprecedented.

With these sect values, he can use the lottery to draw cultivation bases to be blessed on many elders of the Immortal Sect, making his overall strength of the Immortal Sect even higher.

Sure enough, war is the best opportunity to make money!

Of course, this kind of opportunity to make a fortune only occurs when the loss is not large. If the loss is too large, it cannot be called making a fortune at all.

The destruction of the top enemies in Luotian Ancient Peak made Wenren Yexiao and many other powerful people in the Luotian Divine Realm relax. After all, with the destruction of these top experts, the outcome of this battle was obvious. There was no need to worry about anything. .

The relaxed mood and Wang Feng's appearance made them chat with Wang Feng one after another, trying to leave a good impression in Wang Feng's heart so as to close the relationship between the forces behind them and the Shenxian Sect.

Everyone knows that after this battle, the Shenxian Sect will definitely replace the Wenren Dao Clan and become the true overlord of the entire Luotian Divine Domain. Even the Wenren Dao Clan, the three overlord-level forces of Langya Mountain and Guixu Sect will have to surrender. Under the Immortal Sect.

Now that they have such an opportunity to be alone with the leader of the Immortal Sect, how could they be willing to miss it? If they miss today, the masters of the Immortal Sect will definitely become figures above the clouds. A large number of them will probably never see Wang Feng again.


Just when everyone was chatting happily, the terrifying majesty suddenly burst out from the sky, like the might of heaven, causing the whole world to shake. A huge shadow covered the entire sky, causing the world to dim instantly.

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